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南大论剑 | 我们共同的未来?国内外知名城市学者圆桌会

全球知识雷锋  · 公众号  ·  · 2021-04-20 20:13











>>>走进南京大学 建筑与城市规划学院课堂





本期主题 / Topic


Constructing Coexistence and Futures of Environment-making:Roundtable Discussion Ⅱ

时间地点 / Time&Place

4月21日周三 晚上9点-10点

UTC+8 21:00-20:00 , April 21

Bilibili直播间 全球知识雷小锋

Bilibili Broadcast Room 全球知识雷小锋



嘉宾 / Guest






Rainer Hehl



Felix Heisel

康奈尔大学助理教授,Circular Construction Lab主任


Antonio Pietro Latini

江苏大学金山特聘教授,马里兰大学Paul and Grace Kea建筑特聘教授


Andong Lu


Charlotte Malterre-Barthes

Charlotte Malterre-Barthes是哈佛大学设计研究生院的助理教授,也是柏林大学建筑系的客座教授。2014-2019年,她在苏黎世理工学院(ETH Zurich)指导并教授城市设计高级研究硕士研究生课程。其教学和研究兴趣涉及到挣扎中的社区如何获得更多的资源、主流经济、更好的治理和生态/社会正义。而她的教学方法是以一种基于研究的设计方法为前提,以确定当代城市化的紧迫方面。同时,她也是OMNIBUS(一个城市设计实验室)的联合创始人,致力于跨学科探索各种大都市环境中的社区建设因素。她最近的著作包括《开罗沙漠城市》(2017);《开罗住房—非正式回应》(2016);以及《移民马赛:社会隔离和城市包容性的建筑》(2020)。

Charlotte Malterre-Barthes is Assistant Professor at the Graduate School of Design at Harvard University. She was also Guest Professor in the Architecture Department of TU Berlin. She directed and taught the post-graduate Master of Advanced Studies in Urban Design at ETH Zurich from 2014-2019. Charlotte’s teaching and research interests pertain to to how struggling communities can gain greater access to resources, the mainstream economy, better governance, and ecological/social justice. Her pedagogy is premised on a research-based design approach to identifying urgent aspects of contemporary urbanization.  She is co-founder of OMNIBUS, an urban design laboratory focused on interdisciplinary exploration of communitybuilding factors in various metropolitan contexts.Her most recent publications include Cairo Desert Cities, 2017; Housing Cairo – The Informal Response, 2016; as well as Migrant Marseille: Architecture of Social Segregation and Urban Inclusivity, 2020.

Rainer Hehl

Rainer Hehl ,建筑师/ 城市研究员,现任柏林 工业学建筑与建筑设计客座教授,同时指导国际硕士项目M-ARCH T,重点研究类型学。2016-2018年任横滨国立大学建筑研究生院客座教授。2010-2013年,在联邦理工学院(ETH Zürich) 指导了城市设计高级研究硕士学位,并在新兴地区进行城市发展的研究和设计项目,重点关注巴西。2006年,在苏黎世联邦理工学院任教之前,他曾在Diller 、Scofidio + Renfro工作室和OMA建筑事务所担任项目建筑师。

Rainer Hehl is an architect/urban researcher and is currently guest professor for construction and architecture design at the TU Berlin, where he also directs the international Master program M-ARCH T, with a focus on typology. He was visiting professor at Yokohama National University, Graduate School of Architecture from 2016-2018. Between 2010 and 2013 he directed the Master of Advanced Studies in Urban Design at the ETH Zürich, conducting research and design projects on urban developments in emerging territories with a focus on Brazil. Before he began teaching at the ETH Zurich in 2006, he worked as a project architect at Diller, Scofidio + Renfro’s studio and at the Office for Metropolitan Architecture OMA in New York.

Felix Heisel

Felix Heisel是一名建筑师和教育者,毕业后曾在Berlage学院(埃塞俄比亚建筑、建造和城市发展研究所)、苏黎世联邦理工学院与哈佛大学的设计研究生院任教。他的工作涉及建成环境的系统性再设计,使之成为无尽使用与重构的材料库。他是康奈尔大学(Cornell University)建筑学助理教授兼循环建造实验室(Circular Construction Lab)主任,康奈尔大学阿特金森可持续发展中心(Cornell Atkinson Center for Sustainability)的教员,也是“系统工程”(Systems Engineering)项目的现场成员。Heisel还是德国2hs建筑师和工程师事务所的合伙人。他的工作受到国际上的认可,出版的著作包括《Urban Mining und kreislaufgerechtes Bauen》(2021)、《Cultivated Building Materials》(2017)和《Building from Waste》(2014)。

Felix Heisel’s work as an architect and educator pertains to the systematic redesign of the built environment as a material depot of endless use and reconfiguration. At Cornell University, he is Assistant Professor in Architecture as well as the Director of the Circular Construction Lab. He is a faculty fellow at the Cornell Atkinson Center for Sustainability, and a field member of the Systems Engineering program. Heisel is also a partner at 2hs architects and engineers in Germany, an office specialized in the development of circular proto-typologies. His work is internationally recognized, with publications on the topic including Urban Mining und kreislaufgerechtes Bauen, 2021; and Cultivated Building Materials, 2017, and Building from Waste, 2014. Heisel graduated has taught at the Berlage Institute; the Ethiopian Institute of Architecture, Building Construction, and City Development; ETH Zürich; and at the Graduate School of Design at Harvard University.

Antonio Pietro Latini

Antonio Pietro Latini,现任江苏大学金山特聘教授,马里兰大学Paul and Grace Kea建筑特聘教授。他是Fulbright学者和研究员,曾在西皮恩扎(Sapienza),哥伦比亚(Columbia),欧洲工商管理学院(INSEAD),学习建筑、城市规划、修复、城市设计和商业管理。自1985年以来,他在Columbia、IUAV、Puerto Rico、Sapienza、Roma Tre、Gorizia、Trieste、Notre Dame、Oregon等地教授城市设计、规划和建筑。1983年至今,在美国和欧洲从事区域政策、城市和景观规划设计,并担任公共机构经理、主管和顾问。他是一名注册建筑师、规划师、景观建筑师,也是罗马教廷的修复者,并且还是意大利城市规划学会的正式成员(研究员)。《意大利学术刊物纪事报》列出了他关于城市设计、设计理论和公共政策的约80部著作,其中包括《Battery Park City, New York》和与Paolo Colarossi联合编辑的《La progettazione urbana》。他曾与Steve Hurtt和Jim Tice共同担任Rowe Rome都市设计国际会议的联席主任。其关于Colin Rowe城市设计遗产的研究也即将出版。

Antonio Pietro Latini is currently Jinshan Distinguished Professor at Jiangsu University and was Paul and Grace Kea Distinguished Professor in Architecture at the University of Maryland. Fulbright Fellow and Fulbright Scholar, he has studied architecture, urban planning, restoration, urban design, and business management at Sapienza, Columbia, INSEAD, Oregon and, since 1985, has taught urban design, planning and architecture at Columbia, IUAV, Puerto Rico, Sapienza, Roma Tre, Gorizia, Trieste, Notre Dame, Oregon. Since 1983, he has practiced regional policies, urban and landscape planning and design in America and in Europe, as manager, director, and advisor for public institutions. He is a Registered Architect, Planner, Landscape Architect and Restorator of the Order of Rome, where he holds his office, and Full Member (Fellow) of the Italian Istituto Nazionale di Urbanistica. The Italian register of academic publications lists about 80 of his texts on urban design, design theory, and public policy among which Battery Park City, New York and the trilogy La progettazione urbana (co-edited with Paolo Colarossi). He has been co-director with Steve Hurtt and Jim Tice of the Rowe Rome cycle of international conferences on urban design. A study on The Urban Design Legacy of Colin Rowe is of imminent publication.

Andong Lu

鲁安东,南京大学建筑系教授、系主任。在剑桥大学Darwin学院获得博士学位,是Wolfson学院的研究员。他是中国建筑学会城市设计专业委员会委员,也是国际建筑师联盟公共空间专业委员会委员。在学术期刊上发表了大量文章,并在《建筑设计》(John Wiley)和《建筑学报》(中国建筑学会)担任了9期特刊的特约编辑。他也是中国电影建筑领域的领军学者和教育家。与François Penz合著了《城市电影艺术》(2011年)、与丁沃沃、Arie Graafland合著了《转型中的城市》(2015)。同时,他也是2018年伦敦设计双年展中国馆的建筑师,南京UNESCO(联合国教科文组织)文学之都的总规划师。

Andong Lu is Professor in Architecture and Head of Department of Architecture, Nanjing University. He completed PhD at Darwin College, University of Cambridge, and was a Fellow of Wolfson College. He is a board member of the Committee of Urban Design of the Architectural Society of China and the Committee of Public Space of the International Union of Architects (UIA). He has published widely in academic journals and acted as guest-editor for nine special issues for Architectural Design (John Wiley) and the Architectural Journal (Architectural Society of China). He is the leading scholar and educator of cinematic architecture in China, and co-edited with François Penz the Urban Cinematics (University of Chicago Press, 2011) and with Wowo Ding and Arie Graafland the Cities in Transition (NAi010 Press, 2015). He is the architect of the China Pavilion at the 2018 London Design Biennale and master planner of the Nanjing UNESCO City of Literature.

主持人 / Moderator
