专栏名称: 品牌几何
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51好读  ›  专栏  ›  品牌几何

北京 | 【人人网】Senior Operations Manager

品牌几何  · 公众号  · 营销  · 2017-08-09 14:49



  1. Responsible for the operation of overseas commercial platform, and scheme marketing activities to promote the brand awareness;

  2. In charge of the whole operation process, including scheming, integrating, executing and following feedback.

  3. Fulfill the operation target and enhance customer stickiness;

  4. Provide optimization program by analyzing operation data and industry data.

  5. Follow the dynamics of competitors and analyze the trend and highlight.

  1. 负责公司海外商业化平台的用户运营,主动发起或策划营销活动,提升平台品牌知名度和影响力;

  2. 负责运营活动策划、整合,执行活动实施过程,及时跟踪活动推广效果;

  3. 提升平台价值和粘性,提高用户下单量和活跃度,建立用户成长体系,负责运营质量、访问人数、下单量等运营指标;

  4. 通过运营数据、行业数据及移动端效果数据等,挖掘产品及运营优化改进的方案;

  5. 负责对比分析行业内竞争对手的内容产品特色及变化,实时关注业界动态信息。


  1. Bachelor degree or above or equivalent working experience; 5 years’ experience in Internet industry, and 2 years’ experience management at least;

  2. English as working language

  3. Super sensitivity of data;

  4. Good personal time management and willing to pool ideas and information

  1. 本科以上学历,五年以上互联网运营经验,两年以上管理经验,具有海外平台运营经验者优先;

  2. 英语娴熟,可作为办公语言;

  3. 对运营数据、用户行为数据敏感,利用工具进行数据分析和挖掘,提升内容运营质量,改善用户运营策略,提出产品改进需求;

  4. 善于处理和应对大量并行工作,具有极高的自我管理和时间管理能力,具有奉献精神和知识共享意识,愿意与团队共同成长。


