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可可英语  · 公众号  · 英语  · 2023-05-05 08:00




China to bring Elon Musk's dream of Hyperloop into reality by 2035


Hyperloop : a high-speed transportation system that utilizes magnetic levitation technology in vacuum tubes to achieve ultra-fast train travel. This technology can increase train speeds up to 760 miles (1,220 kilometers) per hour, significantly reducing travel time. Hyperloop是一种高速交通系统,它利用真空管道中的磁悬浮技术来实现超高速的列车运行。这种技术能够将列车速度提高到每小时760英里(1,220公里),大大缩短旅行时间。

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Humanity has always been obsessed with faster transport options and the magnetic levitation trains are operational in many parts of the world. In 2012, Musk took the concept a step further by operating them in vacuum tunnels that could increase train speeds to 760 miles (1,220 km) an hour and dubbed it Hyperloop.


magnetic levitation /mæɡˈnɛtɪk ˌlɛvɪˈteɪʃən/ 磁悬浮;指一种利用磁力使列车悬浮于轨道上的技术,常用于高速列车系统
👉 A technology that uses magnetic force to suspend an object, such as a train, above a surface without any physical contact.
The high-speed train in Shanghai utilizes magnetic levitation technology.( 上海的高速列车使用了磁悬浮技术。

vacuum /ˈvækjum/ 真空;指空气或其他气体不存在的空间,通常由于气体被抽出或被排放在容器外。

👉 An empty space that has no air or other gas molecules, created by removing air or other gas molecules from a container.

The Hyperloop operates in a vacuum to reduce air resistance.( Hyperloop在真空中运行以减少空气阻力。

dub /dʌb/ 给人或事物起一个名称或称号。

👉 to give a name or title to someone or something, often in a playful or informal way.

Musk dubbed his high-speed train system "Hyperloop".( 马斯克将他的高速列车系统命名为“Hyperloop”。

Although Musk and his companies never really ventured into building such a system, they did organize a competition where others could test their prototypes for such a rapid transit system. The annual competition is no longer held, but the Chinese Academy of Engineering authorities are now keen to make it a reality.


venture into /ˈvɛn.tʃər ˈɪn.tu/ 尝试进入新的领域或做出新的事情

👉 to try or attempt to do something new or different, often involving some level of risk or uncertainty.

Musk's company, SpaceX, ventured into the space industry to revolutionize space travel.( 马斯克的SpaceX公司尝试进入太空产业以彻底改变太空旅行。

prototype /ˈproʊ.t̬ə.taɪp/ 指新产品或设计的原始模型或样本,通常用于测试和评估

👉 An original or preliminary model of a product or design, often used for testing and evaluation before the final product is produced.
