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《清华西方哲学研究》征稿启事 | Call for Submissions

清华西方哲学研究  · 公众号  · 哲学  · 2020-11-12 00:00





本刊每期包含三个栏目,分别是“理论哲学”(重点刊登认识论、形而上学、行动哲学、心灵哲学、语言哲学、科学哲学、数学哲学以及逻辑哲学等领域的稿件),“实践哲学”(刊登伦理学和政治哲学等领域的稿件,尤其鼓励1. 对康德和德国古典哲学的实践领域的研究,2. 系统性的研究、关于当代实践哲学的研究)以及“哲学、文化与科学”(重点刊登跨学科研究的稿件)。特别需要强调的是,系统性和历史性研究文章都在本刊考虑范围之内。学术论文的目的是用清楚的论证说服读者相信一个清楚的观点。有鉴于此,本刊要求来稿全文框架层次明确,论点具体,论证严谨清晰且有深度,语句简短。




投稿邮箱:[email protected]

投稿稿件必须使用Word 格式,不接受其他格式的文件。






1 本刊接收中文和英文投稿。

2 最终发表的文章结构一般为题名、作者姓名、单位、摘要、关键词、正文和参考文献等(注:中文投稿需要提供题名、作者姓名、单位、摘要和关键词的英文翻译;英文投稿则不需要以上各项信息的中文翻译)。为了盲审需求,所有涉及作者身份的信息请用另一个文件(请以“作者信息”命名该文件)提交,其它不涉及作者身份的信息可与正文同一个文件提交。

3 请在“作者信息”这一文件中提供作者简介和基金项目(如果作者受到某个基金的支持)。作者简介包括姓名、职称、单位、电子邮箱、准确邮寄地址(邮寄样刊需要)和主要研究方向(中文投稿需要提供以上信息的英文翻译;英文投稿不需要以上信息的中文翻译)。

4 摘要和关键词



5 注释



【英文】:一般采用“姓(年代:页码)”格式,如Descartes (1964: 100)。

【中文】:“全名(年代:页码)”格式,如牟宗三 (1995:100)。

某些经典文献可以按照学界惯例进行缩写,可采用随文注释,不将文献信息放入注释之中。比如正文中凡是引用笛卡尔的文献都用“AT 5: 45”,表示《笛卡尔全集》(即AT)第5卷第45页。

6 参考文献



文章 :刘鑫,2015:“亚里斯多德的类比学说,”《清华西方哲学研究》,卷1第1期(2015年夏),200-240页。


Ackrill, J. L., 1981: Aristotle the Philosopher. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Liu, X., 2015: “The Doctrine of Aristotle’s Analogy,” Tsinghua Studies in Western Philosophy, Vol. 1, No.1 (Summer 2015), 200-240.

Call for Submissions

Tsinghua Studies in Western Philosophy , a biannual journal run by the Department of Philosophy at Tsinghua University, hereby issues a standing call for submissions (for possible publication beginning with the Summer Issue of 2020). This call is directed at scholars in western philosophy (including master-level and doctoral students) who are based in institutions of higher education both in China and overseas.

The Journal has three topical areas:

Theoretical Philosophy,

including but not limited to metaphysics, epistemology, philosophy of language, philosophy of mind, philosophy of action, philosophy of science, philosophy of logic, and philosophy of mathematics.

Practical Philosophy,

including but not limited to ethics and political philosophy, especially welcoming (1) historical studies in the traditions of Kant and Classical German Philosophy and (2) systematic studies in contemporary practical philosophy.

Philosophy, Culture and Science,

with an emphasis on interdisciplinary work.

It bears emphasis that both historical and systematic studies fall within the scope of the Journal. The Journal welcomes papers that are clear instructure, rigorous in argument, concrete in thesis, and concise in diction.

The Journal is trying to establish a double-blind peer review system. But even before it succeeds in this, the Journal is committed to a high standard of academic ethics and will follow the best international practices in treating the quality of the submissions as the chief standard of acceptance. The Journal has zero-tolerance towards submissions that violate the norms of academic integrity.

The Journal accepts submissions in Chinese and in English. Papers in Chinese must be within 16000 characters, including footnotes and references but excluding the abstract. Papers in English must be within 8000 words, again including footnotes and references but excluding the abstract. Papers exceeding these limits will not be considered. In order to encourage Chinese scholars to actively participate in the international philosophical community, the Journal will, when papers are equal in quality, favor those in English.

The Journal charges no publication fee.

Ideally, submitted papers will be vetted by the editorial team within two weeks and, if rejected, given prompt notification. Papers passing this initial round of editorial review will be sent on to reviewer(s) for blind review and can expect a response in three months.

All submissions should be sent to

[email protected]

The subject-line of the submitting email should use the following format: author name, title of submission, intended topical area, and word-count. For example: “Asher Jiang, Quine’s Ontology, Theoretical Philosophy, 9808 characters (7994 words)”.

All submissions must be in WORD format. No other format will be accepted.

All submissions must be properly prepared for blind review (removing all identifying information), otherwise no submission will be considered.

All submissions should conform to the appended Submission Requirements.

The Editorial Team
