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GTDAsia搞定  · 公众号  ·  · 2019-07-26 12:29


坚持有策略地讲小事完成会有蝴蝶效应。 比起单靠一次重大转型,常规的在跌倒之后重新振奋起来会有更多的力量和意义。

Small things done consistently in strategic places have major impact. The regular discipline of "getting it together" after having somewhat fallen apart will likely have more power and meaning than any one single enlightening or transformational event.

通过慢慢养成生活习惯直到成为达人来完善自己。 从生活中的小事做起。 从要掌握它的初衷去做。 你会很有满足感。 让你的生活有宁静。 习惯成自然就不会被某种习惯干扰自己的生活,你会爱上你所做的一切。 于是你会拓展自己的活动,更自然地向他人敞开心扉。 你便能与他人处于当下,爱朋友。 以平凡的方式生活,可以为你的同胞提供最大的服务。
"Perfect your beingness by going slowly through the routine of your life until you have it mastered. Do the ordinary things that make up your life.Learn to do those things to the point of mastery. You'll find great satisfaction in them. Conduct your life from a place of quiet, calm loving. Get it perfected so that the routine of your life does not distract you or disturb you and so you can maintain a state of loving in everything you do. Then you can expand the scope of your activity, moving your loving heart out to others in a natural, ordinary way. Then you are just present with people, loving them.Living your life in an ordinary way can be the most tremendous service to your fellow man."

– John-Roger

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