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新加坡眼  · 公众号  · 新加坡  · 2025-03-13 20:01


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2025年2月18日,新加坡人力部长 陈诗龙 在国会书面答复蔡厝港集选区 议员周凯年 关于公积金提名人的统计数据问题。


周凯年 (蔡厝港集选区议员) 询问人力部长:



陈诗龙 人力部长兼贸工部第二部长) :公积金提名可确保会员身故后存款按意愿快速分配予受益人。

在 2024 年去世的会员中,约80%已做提名。在健在的会员中,可以理解的是,年龄较大的会员更有可能做出提名。在65岁及以上的会员中,约有 86% 已作出公积金提名,而在16至64岁的会员中,这一比例仅为36%。在 16 至 64 岁而没有作出提名的会员当中,大部分是44岁或以下的人士。与年龄不同,我们没有观察到不同种族的提名率有明显差异。

中央公积金局 (CPFB) 通过持续的外展工作,积极鼓励会员早做公积金提名,以吸引不同人口组别的人士,包括长者和青少年。这些努力包括与伙伴机构一起在邻里开展宣传活动和巡回展览,以提高人们的认识,并鼓励他们采用遗产规划工具,如中央公积金提名、 持久授权书 (LPA) 与预先护理计划 (ACP) 。中央公积金局还发送个性化通知,提醒成员进行或审查其中央公积金提名,尤其是在结婚等重大里程碑事件之后。

中央公积金局 (C PFB 通过安全的在线提名服务,让会员更方便地进行提名。对数字技术不太了解的会员可前往公积金服务中心或 ServiceSG 中心寻求协助,以进行提名。在公积金局的宣传努力下,越来越多的公积金会员进行了提名。


Mr Zhulkarnain Abdul Rahim asked the Minister for Manpower (a) what is the current percentage of CPF members who have made nominations for their CPF accounts with a breakdown by (i) age group and (ii) race; and (b) what are the efforts made to promote the making of CPF nominations especially among the elderly and young adult groups.

Dr Tan See Leng : Making a Central Provident Fund (CPF) nomination allows members’ monies to be distributed more promptly and to beneficiaries in accordance with members’ wishes upon their demise.

Around 80% of members who passed away in 2024 had a nomination. Among members who are alive, older members are understandably more likely to have made a nomination. About 86% of members aged 65 and above have made a CPF nomination compared to 36% among those aged from 16 to 64. Of the members aged from 16 to 64 who have not made a nomination, the majority of them are aged 44 years old and below. Unlike for age, we do not observe sharp differentiations in nomination rates among the different races.

The CPF Board actively encourages members to make their CPF nominations through sustained outreach efforts to engage various demographics, including the elderly and young adult groups. These efforts include publicity campaigns and roadshows in the heartlands conducted together with partner agencies to raise awareness and encourage adoption of legacy planning tools such as CPF nominations, Lasting Powers of Attorney and Advance Care Plans. The CPF Board also sends personalised notifications to remind members to make or review their CPF nominations, especially after major milestones, such as marriage.

The CPF Board has made it more convenient for members to make their nomination through a secure online nomination service. Members who are less digitally savvy can visit our CPF service centres or ServiceSG centres for assistance to make their nomination. With CPF Board’s publicity efforts, more CPF members are making nominations.


Alex丨 编审





