DevCo 为 Medix Biochemica 完成 6.16 亿欧元长期单项资产投资安排
● DevCo 为其对 Medix Biochemica 的长期投资完成了一次战略性资本募集。
DevCo has completed a strategic capital raise for its long-term investment in Medix Biochemica.
● 基于本次募资,DevCo 的 Medix Biochemica 专项单项资产投资平台获得了总计 6.16 亿欧元(按照9月4日汇率,折合人民币48.4亿)长期投资承诺。
Following the capital raise, DevCo’s single-asset investment vehicle for Medix Biochemica has total longterm
commitments of 616 MEUR.
● 此次募资由 Council Ring Capital 领投,Council Ring Capital 是总部位于芝加哥的单一家族事务公司,主要投资于医疗保健、技术和消费领域的成长型企业。此次募资的主要投资者还包括 Security Trading (Antti Herlin家族投资公司)、基石投资者 Coller Capital,以及其他投资者。
The capital raise was led by Council Ring Capital, a Chicago-based, single-family office investing in
growing businesses across the healthcare, technology, and consumer sectors. Other major investors in the capital raise included, among others, Security Trading (the investment company of Antti Herlin’s family) and cornerstone investor Coller Capital.
● Medix Biochemica 是体外诊断行业全球领先的关键生物原料独立供应商,在 DevCo 成为控股股东之后的六年中发展迅速。
Medix Biochemica, a leading independent provider of critical biological raw material products for the in
vitro diagnostics industry, has developed rapidly during the first six years of DevCo’s ownership.
● 本次募集的资金将使 Medix Biochemica 得以按照公司既定的增长战略、在积极推进有机增长的同时、进一步推动非运营性增长计划、诸如并购。
The raised capital enables Medix Biochemica to continue execution of inorganic growth initiatives
alongside active organic development in accordance with the company’s growth strategy.
2024 年 9 月 3 日,芬兰赫尔辛基
—— DevCo 合伙有限公司 ("DevCo") 很高兴地宣布,其为 Medix Biochemica 专项长期单项资产投资平台组织的募资已获得总计 6.16 亿欧元的承诺。作为本次交易的一部分,约 3 亿欧元的新投资已经被注入到该投资平台中,这为
DevCo 提供了大量额外资本,以继续支持 Medix Biochemica 的长期增长战略。新资本由一批强大的投资者提供,其中包括领投投资者 Council Ring Capital、Antti Herlin (在此次募资之前,他一直是该投资平台的主要投资者)、以及基石投资者 Coller Capital、养老基金 Keva、VER 和 Elo。现有的长期投资者,如 Minerva 基金会、C. Ehrnrooth 家族、Rettig 和 Ilmarinen 等,在此次募资后将继续作为该投资平台的关键投资者。
3 September 2024, Helsinki, Finland
– DevCo Partners Ltd (“DevCo”) is pleased to announce a capital
raise resulting in 616 MEUR of total commitments for its long-term single asset investment vehicle for Medix Biochemica. The transaction, as part of which ca. 300 MEUR of new investments were raised to the investment vehicle, provides DevCo with significant additional capital for continued support of the long-term
growth strategy of Medix Biochemica. The new capital was provided by a strong group of investors including,
among others, lead investor Council Ring Capital and Antti Herlin (who has been a major anchor investor in the vehicle before the capital raise) as well as cornerstone investors Coller Capital and pension funds Keva, VER and Elo. Existing longstanding investors, such as the Minerva Foundation, the C. Ehrnrooth family, Rettig and Ilmarinen will also continue as key investors in the vehicle following the capital raise.