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徐 鑫|民间工尺抄本《庆余堂》谱研究

中国音乐ChineseMusic  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-08-19 10:00



徐 鑫


摘     要 : 本文以上海阳刚民间音乐馆收藏的一本工尺抄本为研究对象。该乐谱封面残缺,残页右下角留有“庆余堂”三字,底页写有人名“杨漱洁”,封底有用黑色水笔写的“道光辛丑年”。作为一本丢失传承信息的民间工尺抄谱“孤本”,该谱的成谱年代、来源及乐种归属存疑。为回答上述问题,本文先从谱本互证、互释的角度,考释该谱本记录的70首曲牌,以探究谱本的历史源流、乐种归属及曲牌演变问题;根据前期谱本分析所呈现的相关乐种信息,辅以田野考察,对乐谱记载的状声谱字、文字提示、曲体结构等进行解译,并对该谱的乐种归属和文化讯息做进一步考证与阐释。
关键词 : 《庆余堂》;工尺谱;考证;曲牌;吹打乐
中图分类号 : J613.4 文献标识码 : A
文章编号 : 1002-9923(2024)04-0118-11
DOI: 10.13812/j.cnki.cn11-1379/j.2024.04.013
作者简介: 徐 鑫(1998—  ), 女,汉族,上海师范大学音乐学院硕士研究生。
基金项目: 本文为2019年度国家社会科学基金艺术学青年项目“晚清至民国丝竹工尺谱本整理与研究”(项目编号:19CD175)的阶段成果。

Study of the Folk Gongche Manuscript Qingyu Hall

○Xu Xin

Abstract: This paper focuses on a Gongche manuscript preserved in the Shanghai Yanggang Folk Music Museum. The cover of this manuscript is damaged, with the words "Qingyu Hall" remaining in the lower right corner of a fragmentary page, and the name "Yang Shujie" written at the bottom of another page. Additionally, the back cover contains the inscription "Daoguang Xinchou Year" in black pen. As a unique folk Gongche manuscript with missing heritage information, its compilation date, origin, and musical genre affiliation are uncertain. To address these questions, this paper first examines the historical origins, genre affiliations, and evolution of the 70 qupai (melodic patterns) recorded in the manuscript through mutual verification and interpretation of the scores. Based on the genre information presented in the preliminary score analysis and supplemented by fieldwork, the study interprets the manuscript's notation, textual prompts, and structural features, further verifying and elucidating its genre affiliation and cultural information.
Keywords: Qingyu Hall ; Gongche Notation; Textual Verification; Qupai; Wind and Percussion Music


《中国音乐》2024年 第4期




