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宝马客  · 公众号  · 汽车  · 2017-03-22 20:30



「  你有心灵鸡汤,暖心 ;我有车迷毒药,激情! 

《Longer》--Dan Fogelberg

Longer than there've been fishes in the ocean

Higer than any bird ever flew

Longer than there've been stars up in the heavens

I've been in love with you

Stronger than any mountain cathedral

Truer than any tree ever grew

Deeper than any forest primeval

I am in love with you

I'll bring fore in the winters

You'll sent showers in the springs and summers

We'll fly through the falls

With love upon my wings

Through the years

As the fore starts to mellow

Burnign lines in the book of our lives

Though the binding cracks

And the pages start to yellow

I'll be in love with you

I'll be in love with you

Longer than there've been fishes in the ocean

Higer than any bird ever flew

Longer than there've been stars up in the heavens

I've been in love with you

I've been in love with you







▼ 点击阅读原文立刻报名“宝马女神”