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口语真题虐炼 | No.9 双十一过去了,来看看购物话题怎么考

TFT小组  · 公众号  · 留学  · 2019-11-20 19:30


托福独立口语中activity话题覆盖了生活的方方面面。除了我们上期提到的 travel,shopping 类的话题也时常出现在近几年的考场上。下面这道真题似乎就让不少同学犯难呢。



来自9月【语料虐炼】Day4 Task:Freestyle真题演练:

Some people like to buy different types of products in special shops like buying food in the food specialty shops and buying clothes in clothes store. Other people choose to buy all the stuff together in the supermarket. Which method do you prefer? Why? (2019年8月25日)



这样细节的生活问题,我们可以联想一下自己的日常经验。 通常,我们购物的时候会考虑几个因素:brand, price, quality, convenience, service and environment. 我们可以从这几个方面着手去思考啦。

具体到这个题目中,如果选择buy products in special shops,我们聚焦于 high quality, better service and more comfortable environment。 专卖店的产品通常更为精细,有专门的售货员提供服务,购物环境也不会那么吵闹。

如果选择buy all the stuff together in the supermarket,我们则着眼于 lower price and more convenience . 超市里的产品相对便宜一些,一站式购物也更为方便。


Opinion: I prefer buying all the stuff in the supermarket.


R1: It is a very convenient way of shopping. I can choose the product I want form a large range.


R2: Shopping in supermarkets can save my money. The price of a lot of products is very low. 超市里的衣服和吃的一般比较便宜,可以省钱。





具体怎么去举例解释我们的理由呢,来学习一下 9月【语料虐炼】 学员的回答吧:

@学员  Y*:


⬆️ 「语料虐练」Coach点评

@学员  乔*


Opinion:I prefer buying all the stuff together in the supermarket.

R1: It’s more convenient and practical. The special shops can be distributed in different districts of the city and hard for me to reach. Through buying all the things I need in one place, I can limit the time taken commuting among different locations.

R2: Besides, wondering in the supermarket can expose me to various of products at the same time. I tend to have a list of the stuff I need before going shopping. The supermarket full of different types of merchandise may remind me of something I need that is not included in the list. While, shopping in the special shops doesn`t work in this way.


Is it better to use your extra money to buy some objects like clothes or electronic products, or is it better to use the extra money to increase your experience like going for a vacation or a concert? Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.(2017年10月21日)

你如果你有闲钱,你会买衣服和电子产品等物质类的,还是倾向于演唱会或者旅行等体验类消费呢?如果选择buy some objects like clothes or electronic products,我们可以 从quality的角度 说,物质类消费更划算,比如衣服可以穿好久,但是体验类消费是一次性的; 从convenience的角度 说,体验类消费更费时间精力。

当然你也可以选择体验类消费,可以see different landscapes, experience different customs and meet different people. 可以参考上期我们说旅行话题作答哦~
