伟大的作家托尔斯泰说:再伟大的作家也不过是书写个人的片面。在多番关照“跨文化交流”这个话题后,更让人意识到,人脱离不了片面性,而人的片面性只有通过包容和开放才能克服。聚焦到国际争议解决这个专业话题上,更会发现,和平解决争议、降级冲突的根基在于敬畏专业、顺畅交流和创造性地提出方案。也更能体会到,国际仲裁需要对每一个案件的程序进行个性化调整和塑造,正如ICC仲裁院主席Claudia Salomon女士所说,“我们需要对灵活有新的感知。我们需要适应性强的仲裁员,需要他们积极主动地行使案件管理权,谨慎地基于个案需求调整程序”
“In terms of culture, please allow me to briefly touch upon a concept rooted in Japanese culture, called “reading the air”, (kuuki o yomu). Under the culture, maintaining harmony and avoiding confrontation are essential. While the emphasis on harmony is admirable, it inevitably poses unique challenges in the context of dispute resolution.
At the ICC, we recognize that diversity is the backbone of creativity and innovation, and acknowledge that more work needs to be done to harness inclusive leadership. Bridging cultural nuances, such us understanding the subtleties of Japanese communication, remains integral to our commitment to inclusivity within this region. We hope the day will coming very soon when the arbitration community outside of Japan start to keep in mind that sorry in Japan does not necessarily mean mistake, and Huh does not always mean yes.”
Nelson Mandela once said, ‘If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head. If you talk to him in his language, that goes to his heart’.
Here in Singapore, everyone can feel their heart being heard. This is the culture; this is the essence here - a unique inclusivity that makes Singapore truly special.