作为一个独立的人,我们需要仔细考虑 “需要有一个人在身边” 是一时兴趣还是强烈需求。并不是每个人必须要有个伴侣,也不是每个人必须要保持单身。
当人们问佛陀,“我应该有一个伴侣吗?” 佛陀说:“与愚人同步,不如独自前行。”
对于伴侣,我们有什么期翼?它不应该是:“如果我迷失了,让另一个人陪我一起迷失吧。” 伴侣关系或者婚姻并不会解决关于“存在”的问题,它只解决一些需求。如果有强烈的身体、情感和心理需求,那么就应该寻找一个伴侣,但不应该仅仅为了社会和经济原因而结婚。
One of the questions that I am asked frequently is how to choose the right person for companionship and marriage. Trying to find the perfect partner is expecting the impossible. One reason why marriage can be tumultuous is because you have toshare so many things in this relationship. The issue is neither marriage, noris it about a man and a woman, husband and wife. In any situation where you areforced to share a lot with other people, you will face similar problems.
In a marriage or cohabitation, you usually have to share the same space, the same everything.Consequently, every day, you are treading on each other’s toes in one way or the other. In other relationships, if someone is overstepping the boundaries,you can create a distance. Here, you do not have a choice. The greater theoverlap, the greater the possibility of friction.
There are many coupleswho are living beautifully together, who are profoundly in love, and who arefantastic companions to each other. At the same time, this relationship canassume the ugliest forms. One contributing factor is that generally, no onegets to know the ugly things that are happening behind closed doors. If someoneon the street steps on your feet, you will react in a different way, becauseeveryone is watching. But in this relationship, no one is watching, so anythingcan happen.What is needed to make a marriage successful is not the perfectperson – there is no perfect person on the planet. What you need is absoluteintegrity. Whether someone is watching or not, you should act in the same way.Who you are should not change depending upon where and with whom you are. Onceyou have established your way of being, interacting with another person can bea joy. Another aspect is that if you try to extract something out of eachother, and you or the other person does not get what he or she wants, therewill be constant conflict.
You as an individualhave to evaluate if this is just a passing interest, or if there is a strongneed to have someone by your side. Not everyone has to get hitched, nor doeseveryone have to live alone. This is something that individuals have to look atfor themselves. You should only get married if there is such a strong need inyou that without a companion, you cannot live, and you believe marriage will bea stepping stone for your wellbeing. There is nothing wrong with gettingmarried. But if you get married without you having the need to do so, then it isa crime, because you will cause misery to yourself and at least one otherperson. We would advise everyone to get married if the human race was in dangerof disappearing, but the human population is exploding. If you do notreproduce, you do humanity a great service. Leaving that aside, the importantthing is this – not everyone needs to get married.
When someone askedGautama the Buddha, “Should I have a companion?” he said, “It’s better to walkalone than to walk with a fool.” I am not that cruel. I am saying: if you finda similar fool, then something can be worked out. But based on your need – notbecause of what society is saying, not because others are getting married, notbecause you worry about being alone.
What is your intentionfor your companion? It should not be something like, “If I’m getting lost, letme have another person who gets lost with me.” Companionship or marriage doesnot solve existential problems. It just takes care of some of your needs. Ifyou have strong physical, emotional, or psychological needs, then you shouldlook for a companion. You should not get married for social and financialreasons alone.
Another point to rememberis that you get married because you need support. This support may be physical,emotional, psychological, social, or financial – whatever it may be, you do notget married out of charity for the other person. You get married because youneed certain things. If the other person is willing to provide them to you, andyou live in gratitude, then there will not be too much friction.
Do not look for theideal man or the ideal woman – there is none. If you understand that it is your needs that make you seek a companion, find someone who is reasonably compatiblewith you. If you accept, respect, love, include, care for, and take responsibility for each other, it can be a beautiful relationship.