专栏名称: Kallanish国际钢铁资讯
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Kallanish国际钢铁资讯  · 公众号  ·  · 2020-11-27 10:19


Kallanish (开阑商务信息咨询)报道,过去一周,东亚盘条进口市场继续飙升。在中国国内需求强劲带来中国出口供应紧张的情况下,盘条的表现似乎优于螺纹钢。

The EastAsian import market for wire rod continued to surge over the past week, Kallanish notes.Wire rod appears to be outperforming rebar amid tight Chinese export supplybrought about by strong domestic demand in China.

东南亚 SAE 1008 盘条主流报价在 555-560 美元 / cfr 马尼拉,比前一周高出 10 美元 / 吨。来自中国的报价在 580-585 美元 / cfr ,比前一周高出 20-25 美元 / 吨。

Offers forSAE 1008 wire rod from Southeast Asia are prevailing at $555-560/tonne cfrManila. These are $10/t higher from the week before. Offers from China are at$580-585/t cfr, which is $20-25/t higher week-on-week.

一位马尼拉贸易商报告说,本周初达成一宗印尼原产盘条交易, 12 月船期,价格约为 540 美元 / cfr 。虽然周四他听到的最高报价在 565 美元 / cfr ,但一些贸易商仍在 555-558 美元 / cfr 的价位上收集还盘。越南感应炉盘条最近的成交价为 545 美元 / cfr 马尼拉, 1 /2 月船期。

A Manila trader reports a deal for Indonesian-origin wire rod for December shipment ataround $540/t cfr early this week. While he heard the highest offer at $565/tcfr on Thursday, some traders are still inviting bids at $555-558/t cfr bids.Wire rod made by induction furnace in Vietnam was recently ordered at $545/tcfr Manila. It was for January/February shipment.

中国盘条供应紧张,一些中国钢厂表示,他们的 2 月船期货物已经售罄。一位贸易商称,钢厂可能已经售罄,但贸易商仍有库存。他补充说,目前正在就一份 1 月船期订单进行谈判。

Supply of Chinese wire rod is tight with certain Chinese mills indicating that they arealready sold out for February shipments. Mills are possibly sold out buttraders are holding positions, a trader says. Negotiations for an order forJanuary shipment are currently taking place, he adds.

一位中国贸易商表示,他公司对 6.5mm SAE 1006 盘条的报价为 600 美元 / fob 1 /2 月船期,但“北方一些钢厂可能接受 580 美元 / 吨的价格”。一位地区贸易商表示,中国国内预应力钢绞线市场强劲,对盘条需求构成支撑。中国和菲律宾之间的运费估计在 25 美元 / 吨。

A Chinesetrader says his company is offering 6.5mm SAE 1006 wire rod forJanuary/February shipment at $600/t fob but "probably some of the northernmills can do at  $580/t." The strong Chinese domestic PC wire marketis supporting wire rod demand, a regional trader says. Freight between Chinaand the Philippines is estimated at $25/t.

周四, Kallanish SAE 1008 6.5mm 直径盘条的估价为 550-555 美元 / cfr 马尼拉,比前一周高出 10 美元 / 吨,较
