专栏名称: 绘画艺术坏蛋店
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Werner Büttner 作品

绘画艺术坏蛋店  · 公众号  ·  · 2019-06-07 23:19


Werner Büttner  1954 —  Born Jena, Germany

Herodotus and Thucydides (Herodot und Thukydides, Geschichtenerzähler), Storytellers, 2018,

oil on canvas,

74 3/4 x 59 in., 190 x 150 cm

omething Very Blond Comes to Town (Etwas sehr Blondes betritt die Stadt), 2018,

oil on canvas,

74 3/4 x 59 in., 190 x 150 cm

Last Call of the Wilderness (Part 2) (Letzter Ruf der Wildnis Teil 2), 2018,

oil on canvas,

59 x 47 1-4 in., 150 x 120 cm.

The Choir of Yea-Sayers (Chor der Jasager), 2018,

oil on canvas,

74 3-4 x 59 in., 190 x 150 cm.

Why not die out? (Warum nicht aussterben?), 2018,

oil on canvas,

94 3/8 x 74 3/4 in., 240 x 190 cm

Scalp in the Shape of a Question Mark (Skalp in Fragezeichenform), 2018,

oil on canvas,

59 x 47 1/8 in., 150 x 120 cm

Verdampfung (Gone up in Smoke) 2017

oil on canvas

150 x 120 cm

Das Statement der Carnivoren (The Statement of the Carnivores) 2017

oil on canvas

150 x 120 cm

Diat – Geißel der Postmoderne (Diets – Scourge of Postmodernity) 2017

oil on canvas

150 × 120 cm

Allegory of any Old Indifferent Nature (Allegorie irgendeiner indifferenten Natur), 2017,

oil on canvas,

59 x 47 1-4 in., 150 x 120 cm.

Käfigszene (Cage Scene), 2017

Oil on canvas

59 1/10 × 47 1/5 in

150 × 120 cm

Viel Raum für allerlei Glück (Plenty of Room for all Sorts of Happiness) , 2017

Oil on canvas

94 1/2 × 74 4/5 in

240 × 190 cm

But on the seventh day a bit of peace and quiet..., 2016,

oil on canvas,

74 3⁄4 x 74 3⁄4 in.

Poor Souls, 2016,

oil on canvas,

94 1⁄2 x 74 3⁄4 in.

Ein geschundener Gaul (A Flogged Horse) 2016

oil on canvas

190 x 150 cm

The short earthly hop (Der kurze irdische Hopser) , 2016,

oil on canvas,

74 ¾ x 59 in.

Diesmal, Made in Germany (‘Made in Germany’ this Time), 2016

Oil on canvas

59 1/10 × 74 4/5 in

150 × 190 cm

Die Tränen des Xerxes, (The tears of Xerxes), 2016,

oil on canvas,

150 x 120 cm

Maria Magadalene, voll der Reue (Mary Magdalene, Full of Regrets), 2016

Oil on canvas

59 1/10 × 47 1/5 in

150 × 120 cm

Eine Lehre vom Menschen Kann Nicht Wissenschaftlich Sein..., A Theory of Humanity cannot be Scientific..., 2016,


16 1⁄8 x 13 in.

Ekelhafte Symbolik, Nauseating Symbolism, 2016,


16 x 13 in.

Goethe, Seine Rezeption Beschmunzelnd…, Goethe Smirking About his Reception…, 2015,


16 1⁄8 x 13 in.

Joie de Vivre (Lebensfreude), 2015,

oil on canvas,

74 ¾ x 59 in.

Everyone cracks fleas his own way ... (Jeder knackt die Flöhe auf seine Art ...), 2015,

oil on canvas,

74 ¾ x 59 in.

After the brawl with table legs, over her...(Nach der Saalschlacht mit Stuhlbeinen, ihretwegen...), 2015,

oil on canvas,

59 x 47 ¼ in.

Super Rigid Composition (Megastrenge Komposition), 2015,

oil on canvas,

59 x 74 ¾ in.

Warrior Groupies (Kriegergroupies), 2012,

oil on canvas,

74 ¾ x 59 in.

Tod im Blutenmeer (Death in Sea of Blossoms), 2012,

Oil on canvas,

150 x 120 cm

Die Tage rennen davon... (The Days are Running Away...), 2011,

Oil on canvas,

190 x 240 cm

Entrüktheit für Fortgeschrittene, 2011

150 x 120 cm

System says Welcome 1990

Wood, cobblestones, plastic plate, nails, paint

14.17 inch x 10.63 inch x 17.32 inch

Gelobt sei das Flutlicht und die Massen und die Nacht, 1990,

Oil on canvas,

59 x 59 in, 150 x 150 cm,

Pfütze (Puddle) 1989

oil on canvas

150 x 150 cm

Self with Seven Heads, 1988,

oil on canvas,

75 x 75 in.

Damenbad KPX (Hannelore), 1988,

Wood, tiles;

Sculpture: 16 7/8 x 6 1/4 x 7 7/8 in (43 x 16 x 20 cm)

Damenbad KPX (Annette), 1988

Wood, tiles;

Sculpture: 5 7/8 x 5 7/8 x 61 3/8 in (15 x 15 x 156 cm)

Smoking Brain (Sort of Self-Portrait) (Rauchendes Hirn [Eine Art Selbstportrait]), 1983,

wood, brass, paper, wire,

21 1/4 x 13 3/8 x 13 1/2 in., 54 x 34 x 34.5 cm

So ist es aber: Kleiner Hängebusen voller Fingerabdrücke und verschneiter VW, 1982,

Oil on canvas 3 parts,

each: 42 x 21 1/2 in framed, 106.5 x 54.5 cm

Sozialstaatimpressionen (Welfare State Impression) 1982

oil on canvas

150 x 120 cm

我使用词汇和两个世界的图像。更准确地说,我尽量不去回避任何一个不同的世界。看门人、流氓、教授,他们都能言善辩地描述自己的套路。——Werner Büttner



Künstler und Professor Werner Büttner (Mitte) eröffnete mit vielen Gästen, darunter seine ehemaligen Schüler und heutigen Taktgeber der Szene, Daniel Richter (links) und Jonathan Meese, sein neues Atelier in Geesthacht.

© Werner Büttner


