吉他 Guitar: 邱斯宁 SINING QIU
钢琴 Piano: 罗璟田 JINGTIAN LUO
贝斯 Bass: 梁伟堂 TOMMY LIANG
鼓 Drum: 柴华良 WILSON CHAI
吉他启蒙师从吉他指弹演奏家周小清。本科就读于上海乐学院,是该院校招收的第一个爵士吉他专业的学生,并担任上海音乐学院爵士大乐队吉他手,师从廖季文副教授。毕业以后前往美国深造,在纽约大学爵士演奏与作曲专业攻读硕士,吉他师从John Scofield, Randy Johnston, Wayne Krantz, Brad Shepi, 创作与编曲师从 Alan Ferber & Gil Goldstein(5次格莱美最佳编曲获得者)。
留学期间,曾担任纽约大学吉他讲师并与Michael Rodriguez,Martin Wind,Ari Hoenig, John Hadfield, Ron McClure, Tony Moreno, Adriano Santos,等人演奏和学习爵士音乐。也曾在多个乐队担任吉他手并参与演出与专辑录音工作,如:Karachacha Afro Peruvian,NYU Brazilian Ensemble, NYU Latin Ensemble,Sining Nonet(领队&创编)等。由其在纽约录制的原创爵士九重奏专辑即将发布面世。
Born raised in Guangdong, China.,Sining Qiu is aguitarist and composer whose work has been heard throughout the United Statesand China. He earned his bachelor’s degree in music performance from Shanghai Conservatory of Music,where he received scholarship every year. During this period, he was a guitarist of the Shanghai Conservatory BigBand. As an active musician, he has been being a part on different projects andplaying at different venues in Shanghai, such as Shanghai Grand Theater, HeLuting Concert Hall, and so on.
In addition, Sining earned a master’s degree in JazzPerformance and Composition at New York University. During his time at NYU, hewas fortunate enough to have studied and played with great musicians such asGil Goldstein, Wayne Krantz, Alan Ferber, John Scofield, , and MichaelRodriguez, Martin Wind, Ari Hoenig, to name a few. As an educator, he is anadjunct faculty member at NYU. As a bandleader, he is arranging and composingfor his nonet music project, and his nonet project album will be recorded andreleased soon.
自幼学习钢琴,2007年考入星海音乐学院现代音乐系,攻读影视音乐作曲专业,师从星海音乐学院现代音乐系老师,法国作曲家和爵士钢琴家Benoit Stasiaczyk 学习作曲理论,并跟随钢琴系钢琴演奏家杜闽山博士学习钢琴演奏。2011年以优异成绩毕业,参加创作小组,创作出毕业音乐剧《伍岳的五月》获得成功及好评。
Jingtian started to learn piano in his young age, he became a student of Xinghai Conservatory of Music in 2007 with the major of film and television music, with the sucessful guidance of their head master and French composer Benoit Stasiaczyk who is the jazz pianist also to study music theory, and follow the famous pianist Du Minshan. Graduated in 2011 with outstanding achievements and also created his graduation music show "Wu Yue's May" which won the success and praise.
2007年 以优异的成绩考入星海音乐学院现代音乐系爵士表演专业,跟随星海音乐学院现代音乐系副教授、原法国梅兹国立音乐学院爵士系系主任,爵士钢琴、打击乐、颤音琴教授彭小波(Benoit STASIACZYK);广州交响乐团前定音鼓首席、美国青年打击乐演奏家、教育家安东尼(Anthony Gonzalez)学习打击乐以及爵士乐的演奏。曾受到法国著名爵士鼓手ALTMAYERMichel;台湾著名鼓手“小白”的指导。
现担任广东省歌舞剧院“紫罗兰乐团”鼓手,维度爵士大乐团鼓手,BossaChina乐队鼓手,“蒋明与空山乐队”鼓手,Tempi Strani乐队鼓手,Take Easy爵士三重奏鼓手,SYNC QUARTET乐队鼓手,OLD IDEAR’S乐队鼓手。
时间:2017年11月11日 21:00-22:40
场地:JZClub 广州
Date:2017.11.11 21:00-22:40
Add:JZClub Guangzhou
Sponsor:The Bucket,Zhu Jiang Beer Museum,Yue Jiang Xi Road,HaiZhu,Guangzhou
Price:Free Entry
RSVP: 020-34469831、18217681516