专栏名称: 绿色倡议
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“无需餐具”挑战获奖者揭晓!Winners of the Cut the Cutleries Announced!

绿色倡议  · 公众号  ·  · 2017-11-23 18:00


在过去的四周内,"无需餐具"挑战在绿色倡议微信号、微信群以及 Impact Hub、Beyond the Bund、Doo+ 和 Zero Waste 上海&北京等合作伙伴的微信群内都收到了积极的讨论。

In the past four weeks, Green Initiatives official WeChat, various community groups as well as our partners' groups such as Impact Hub, Beyond the Bund, Doo+ and Zero Waste Shanghai & Beijing have all received positive feedback on the campaign.

由于开展这项挑战的技术难度,我们意识到挑战成果可能无法正确量化。但令人欣慰的是,就我们所知,许多餐厅和单位都已经意识到一次性餐具的问题,像 Wagas 和联合办公空间 Naked Hub 都已经采取行动。更让人欣喜的是,最近沪媒有报道称, 全市 2800 家外卖商户开始试点"以纸代塑",环保餐盒标准也即将推出。

Due to the technical difficulty of implementing the functionality, we have realized that it is hard to quantify exactly how many cutleries we have saved. Fortunately, quite a few restaurants and venues in Shanghai have acknowledged the issue, supported our campaign and already taken an action, including Wagas and Naked Hub, a popular co-working space in Shanghai. News also came out a few days ago that over 2,800 takeout vendors are replacing plastic containers with paper ones, and the environmental standards for these containers will roll out soon.


In the past few weeks we have learned:

  1. 多数的餐厅因为系统或人为因素,往往忽略订餐者无需餐具的注释

  2. 假如无法反复使用,因外卖而生产大量的可降解一次性餐具也并非长久之计

  1. Majority of the restaurants are facing challenges to actually implement this action due to the ordering system and human factors;

  2. If the cutleries are not being reused anyway, manufacturing millions of biodegradable cutleries to satisfy the increasing demand for takeaway may not be an effective long-term solution either;


Below are some of the insights and experiences our followers shared with us:

另外,恭喜这 8 位读者赢得 To-Go Ware 环保餐具套装一份!

Thank you everyone for your comments. We are happy to announce the winners of the To-Go Ware reusable cutlery set!

小满、Sharmili、黄格非、Aurora 震旦、Swannie🍍 斯王尼、Summer、鹁鸪、Ivory

请将你们的姓名、电子邮箱和电话号码发送给我们,我们的编辑会在后台回复你我们的办公室地址。你可以选择来我们的办公室领取,或在我们 11 月 30 日的 《塑料王国》 放映上领取(我们将赠送你免费的入场门票!),或者选择快递。

Please send us a private message including your name, email address and phone number. You may collect the cutlery sets from our office (near Jiangsu lu) or at our Plastic China film screening on 30 November. We are happy to extend a complimentary invitation to our winners! If neither of these options works for you, please send us your kuaidi address!


Lastly, we would like to thank you all again for participating in this challenge and sharing the word in your networks. Thanks to Ele.me for supporting us in this campaign.


Please remember to check the "no cutlery" option with your next order, and many "waimai" orders afterwards!

A non-profit organization that promotes awareness, facilitates actions, implements projects, and stimulates change toward sustainable models of growth and consumption.


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