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【Advances in Applied Energy】锌镍单流电池的实验研究和多物理模型进展

AEii国际应用能源  · 公众号  ·  · 2023-11-16 18:30



Experimental research and multi-physical modeling progress of Zinc-Nickelsingle flow battery: A critical review




  • The research status of Zinc–Nickel single flow battery (ZNB) is reviewed by visual analysis .

  • The effects of hydrogen evolution reaction and polarization loss on ZNB are discussed.

  • The experimental performance and multi-scale simulation of ZNB are summarized.

  • The future research direction and prospect of ZNB are prospected.


电化学储能技术对可再生能源的发展具有重要意义。在这一特定领域,液流电池已成为重要的组成部分,其中锌镍单液流电池因其成本效益、安全性、稳定性和高能量密度而备受关注。本综述旨在全面评估与此类电池相关的主要问题和障碍,包括极化损失、氢进化反应和枝晶生长等。此外,本研究还重点介绍了为解决这些问题而正在进行的研究工作,如优化电池操作条件和开发新型电极。此外,还探讨了锌-镍单流电池实验过程和多尺度数值模拟的最新进展,可视化文献分析软件 VOSviewer 为这些进展提供了便利。本综述的主要目的是全面了解锌镍单液流电池的电化学反应和内部传质机理,同时展望未来的研究方向和前景。。

更多关于 "Zinc–Nickel single flow battery " 的研究请见


Abstr act

Electrochemical energy storage technologies hold great significance in the progression of renewable energy. Within this specific field, flow batteries have emerged as a crucial component, with Zinc–Nickel single flow batteries attracting attention due to their cost-effectiveness, safety, stability, and high energy density. This comprehensive review aims to thoroughly evaluate the key concerns and obstacles associated with this type of battery, including polarization loss, hydrogen evolution reaction, and dendrite growth, among others. Additionally, the study highlights ongoing research endeavors focused on addressing these concerns, such as optimizing battery operating conditions and developing new electrodes. Furthermore, recent advancements in experimental processes and multi-scale numerical simulations of Zinc–Nickel single flow batteries, facilitated by the visual literature analysis software VOSviewer, are also explored. The primary objective of this review is to acquire a comprehensive understanding of the electrochemical reaction and internal mass transfer mechanism of Zinc–Nickel single flow batteries, while also anticipating future research directions and prospects.


Zinc–Nickel single flow battery

Experimental optimization

Numerical analysis

Loss of polarization

Side effects

