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【QT灵修 民数记】6.4 主日:《人有极限 但耶和华的膀臂不会缩短》(音频版)

基督徒今日QT灵修  · 公众号  · 基督教  · 2017-06-04 16:37










唯有在祢的里面,我才能得享平安,今天,求你打开我的灵眼,看见你的旨意,带领我学习明白祢的话语,让我今天一天都靠着祢的话语得胜,此刻,求主帮助我安静在祢的面前,卸下一切重担、自我的想法、个人的意念,全心敬拜仰望祢。求主带领接下来 QT 的时间,圣灵掌管,领受从神而来的旨意和恩典,让自己一天信心满满!奉主耶稣基督的名祈求,阿们!


今日经文 民数记11:10~23节

10 摩西听见百姓各在各家的帐棚门口哭号。耶和华的怒气便大发作,摩西就不喜悦。

Moses heard the people of every family wailing, each at the entrance to his tent. The Lord became exceedingly angry, and Moses was troubled.

11 摩西对耶和华说,你为何苦待仆人,我为何不在你眼前蒙恩,竟把这管理百姓的重任加在我身上呢?
He asked the Lord , 'Why have you brought this trouble on your servant? What have I done to displease you that you put the burden of all these people on me?

12 这百姓岂是我怀的胎,岂是我生下来的呢?你竟对我说,把他们抱在怀里,如养育之父抱吃奶的孩子,直抱到你起誓应许给他们祖宗的地去。
Did I conceive all these people? Did I give them birth? Why do you tell me to carry them in my arms, as a nurse carries an infant, to the land you promised on oath to their forefathers?

13 我从哪里得肉给这百姓吃呢?他们都向我哭号说,你给我们肉吃吧。
Where can I get meat for all these people? They keep wailing to me, 'Give us meat to eat!'

14 管理这百姓的责任太重了,我独自担当不起。
I cannot carry all these people by myself; the burden is too heavy for me.

15 你这样待我,我若在你眼前蒙恩,求你立时将我杀了,不叫我见自己的苦情。
If this is how you are going to treat me, put me to death right now-if I have found favor in your eyes-and do not let me face my own ruin.'

16 耶和华对摩西说,你从以色列的长老中招聚七十个人,就是你所知道作百姓的长老和官长的,到我这里来,领他们到会幕前,使他们和你一同站立。
The Lord said to Moses: 'Bring me seventy of Israel's elders who are known to you as leaders and officials among the people. Have them come to the Tent of Meeting, that they may stand there with you.

17 我要在那里降临,与你说话,也要把降于你身上的灵分赐他们,他们就和你同当这管百姓的重任,免得你独自担当。
I will come down and speak with you there, and I will take of the Spirit that is on you and put the Spirit on them. They will help you carry the burden of the people so that you will not have to carry it alone.

18 又要对百姓说,你们应当自洁,预备明天吃肉,因为你们哭号说,谁给我们肉吃。我们在埃及很好。这声音达到了耶和华的耳中,所以他必给你们肉吃。
'Tell the people: 'Consecrate yourselves in preparation for tomorrow, when you will eat meat. The Lord heard you when you wailed, 'If only we had meat to eat! We were better off in Egypt!' Now the Lord will give you meat, and you will eat it.

19 你们不止吃一天,两天,五天,十天,二十天,
You will not eat it for just one day, or two days, or five, ten or twenty days,

20 要吃一个整月,甚至肉从你们鼻孔里喷出来,使你们厌恶了,因为你们厌弃住在你们中间的耶和华,在他面前哭号说,我们为何出了埃及呢?
but for a whole month-until it comes out of your nostrils and you loathe it-because you have rejected the Lord , who is among you, and have wailed before him, saying, 'Why did we ever leave Egypt?' ' '

21 摩西对耶和华说,这与我同住的百姓,步行的男人有六十万,你还说,我要把肉给他们,使他们可以吃一个整月。
But Moses said, 'Here I am among six hundred thousand men on foot, and you say, 'I will give them meat to eat for a whole month!'

22 难道给他们宰了羊群牛群,或是把海中所有的鱼都聚了来,就够他们吃吗?
Would they have enough if flocks and herds were slaughtered for them? Would they have enough if all the fish in the sea were caught for them?'

23 耶和华对摩西说,耶和华的膀臂岂是缩短了吗?现在要看我的话向你应验不应验。
The Lord answered Moses, 'Is the Lord 's arm too short? You will now see whether or not what I say will come true for you.'


2. 名词注解

3. 今日经文摘要


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