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Kallanish国际钢铁资讯  · 公众号  ·  · 2020-03-03 09:15


根据土耳其钢铁生产商协会 (TCUD) 的数据,自 2019 4 月增长 2.6% 以来,今年 1 月土耳其钢铁产量首次同比增长 17.3% 。该协会继续将伊朗不断增长的钢铁产量视为对供需平衡的威胁。

Turkish steel production in January grewyear-on-year by 17.3% for the first time since the 2.6% increase in April 2019,according to Turkish Steel Producers’ Association (TCUD). The associationcontinues to see Iran's growing steel output as a threat to the supply-demandbalance.

“尽管这一增长令人欣慰,但由于 2019 1 月产量下降了 19.4% [ …… 2020 ]1 月的钢铁产量仍低于 2018 1 月的 320 万吨,” TCUD 秘书长维塞尔·亚延( VeyselYayan )说。

“Although this increase is welcomed, due tothe drop of -19.4% in January 2019, steel production in January [… 2020] wasstill below 3.2 million tonnes in January 2018.” Says TCUD general secretaryVeysel Yayan.

他提醒说, 2019 年最后几个月满足快速增长的钢铁消费是依靠进口,而不是靠国内供应,这种趋势在 1 月份仍在继续。“ 12 月进口增长了 100.6% 1 月增长了 48.6% ,令人十分不安……”他表示。

He reminds that the tendency to meet therapid increase in steel consumption in the final months of 2019 by import, notby domestic supply, continued in January. “Imports, which increased by 100.6%in December, increased by 48.6% in January, causing serious discomfort...” hesays.

他还表示, 1 月份中国的钢铁产量增长了 7.2% ,而世界钢铁产量仅增长了 2.1% 。“…与预期相反,中国没有受到新冠肺炎疫情的不利影响,”他继续说。

He also recalls that Chinese steelproduction grew by 7.2% in January while world steel production increased onlyby 2.1%. ”... contrary to expectations, China has not been adversely affectedby the coronavirus outbreak,” he continues.

亚延还提到了伊朗的钢铁生产。“虽然主要的钢铁生产国产量下降,但 1 月份伊朗的产量增加了 47% ,成为第 8 大钢铁生产国。这可以被视为一个迹象,表明伊朗将在未来一段时间内构成重大威胁,”他补充说。

Yayan also draws attention to Iran's steelproduction. “While major steel-producing countries experienced productionlosses, Iran's production increased by 47% in January and Iran ranked as the8th largest steel producer. This can be considered as an indication that Iranwill pose an important threat for the coming period,” he adds.

土耳其国内钢铁消费在 2019 年最后几个月开始复苏,在 1 月份继续加速。土耳其成品钢材消费量同比增长 58.2% ,达到 270 万吨,产量同比增长 17.3% 300 万吨。

The recovery that began in Turkish domesticsteel consumption in the final months of 2019 continued to accelerate inJanuary. Turkish finished steel consumption increased considerably by 58.2%on-year to 2.7 million tonnes, while production increased by 17.3% to 3mt.

1 月份钢铁出口量为 190 万吨,同比增长 0.6% ,但出口额下降了 5.5% 13 亿美元。同期,进口量增长 48.6% 140 万吨,进口额增长 17.7% 9.5 亿美元。由于进口的急剧增长,出口与进口的比例从去年的 172:100 下降到 1 月份的 138:100

Steel exports in January amounted to 1.9mt,up 0.6% on-year, although in value terms they fell by -5.5% to $1.3 billion. Inthe same period, imports rose by 48.6% to 1.4mt and by 17.7% to $950 million.Due to the sharp increase in imports, the ratio of exports to importsdecreased, from 172:100 last year, to 138:100 in January.

另一方面, 1 月份全球粗钢产量达到 1.54 亿吨,同比增长 2.1% Kallanish (开阑商务信息咨询)注意到,土耳其以 300 万吨的产量排名第七,同比增长 17.3%

On the other hand, global crude steelproduction reached 154 million tonnes in January, with an increase of 2.1%on-year. Turkey was ranked seventh-largest producer with 3mt, up 17.3% on-year, Kallanish notes.



Asia Steel Markets 2020(已延期)

22 Apr 2020, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
