Huang lab at the University of Pennsylvania invites applications for
Postdoctoral Researcher positions, with a focus in AI for medicine and
digital pathology, broadly defined. The successful candidates will focus
on developing and applying cutting-edge vision and/or language models
for medicine and healthcare, and preferably experienced in pathology and
spatial omics. Candidates with computational background are highly
encouraged to apply.
The starting date is flexible and can be as early as July 2024. The salary will be funded by the PI’s start-up grant.
Zhi Huang is an incoming tenure-track assistant professor at the
University of Pennsylvania, Perelman School of Medicine. He will be
affiliated with the Department of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine
and the Department of Biostatistics, Epidemiology & Informatics. Zhi
Huang lab at Penn aims to develop and leverage large vision and
language model with multi-modal data to advance clinical workflow,
precision medicine, and healthcare efficacy.
Huang has broad experiences in scientific research, software
development, start-up, and industrial relationships. Trained as a
computer scientist, Dr. Huang’s vision and strategic aims in medical AI
has resulted in high-impact publications and commercial products. His
first-authored publications include vision-language foundation model for
pathology (Nature Medicine 2023, cover article), human-AI collaboration
(Nature Biomedical Engineering, 2024), and neurodegenerative diseases
(Nature Communications, 2023), etc. His work has drawn wide public
attention, including the New York Times, Stanford Magazine, and Stanford
Scope. In 2022, Dr. Huang co-founded nuclei.io — a human-in-the-loop AI
platform for digital pathology, which was selected as one of only nine
innovations in the 2023 Stanford Catalyst cohort.
Huang is passionate about working with students and postdocs and is
committed to improving diversity in the lab. Domestic and international
applicants are both highly encouraged to apply. The Zhi Huang lab at the
University of Pennsylvania has highly competitive computational
resources and medical data. The Department of Pathology is one of two
hospital-based departments in the Perelman School of Medicine at the
University of Pennsylvania with a primary focus on clinical diagnostics,
performing 10 million diagnostic tests annually. In Dr. Huang’s lab,
there are multiple GPU servers available for conducting research,
including NVIDIA A100, H100, etc.
For more information about PI, please visit the homepage
Interested candidates should email the following materials to
[email protected]
with the subject line “[
Postdoc application at Penn
] –
Firstname Lastname
(replace “Firstname Lastname” with candidate’s name) and following materials:
A cover letter explaining their interest in the position and relevant
experience, preferably including future research interests.
• A curriculum vitae including a list of publications.
• A GitHub link is encouraged to provide.
• Contact information for at least two references.