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北京大学光华管理学院  · 公众号  ·  · 2017-10-27 20:48


Global Leaders

2016 年,沙特推出“愿景2030”,这是一个强大的经济发展框架,旨在实现沙特经济多元化、使其成为阿拉伯与伊斯兰世界心脏、全球性投资强国和亚欧非枢纽。当前,中国正大力推动“一带一路”战略。沙特是“一带一路“沿线重要国家,两国战略极为契合,存在多重协同效应,两国务实合作不断深化,经济融合度日益加强。

Saudi Arabia's Vision 2030, launched in 2016, is a robust economic development framework to diversify the Saudi economy and make it the Arab and Islamic world heart, global investment power and the hub among Asia, Europe and Africa. At present, China is actively promoting Belt & Road Initiative, which is extremely compatible with Saudi Arabia Vision 2030. Many synergies exist between the two that if acted upon will bring China and Saudi Arabia into a closer, symbiotic relationship.

11 月3日,阿美石油亚洲总裁兼首席执行官纳比尔∙努艾姆先生将结合“沙特愿景2030”和我国“一带一路”,介绍阿美石油公司在亚太地区的发展现状,解读中沙两国关系,探讨沙特的投资机会。

On November 3, Mr. Nabil Nuaim, President & CEO of Aramco Asia, will talk about the synergies between Saudi Vision 2030 and Belt and Road, introduce the current situation and development of Saudi Ar a mco in Asia Pacific Region, interpret the relations between two countries, and discuss the investment opportunities in Saudi Arabia.

时间:2017年11月3日 18:00-19:30

Time: 18:00-19:30, November 3, 2017


Location: Alibaba Conference Hall, Bldg. 2,Guanghua School of Management, Peking University

活动日程 Schedule

17:45-18:00 签到

18:00-18:05 主持人开场

18:05-18:45 主题演讲

18:45-19:05 对话

19:05-19:30 问答环节

17:45-18:00 Registration

18:00-18:05 Opening Remarks

18:05-18:45 Keynote Speech

18:45-19:05 Dialogue

19:05-19:30 Q&A

分享嘉宾 Speaker


Nabil A. Al Nuaim


Nabil A. Al Nuaim has 25 years experience in the oil & gas, renewable energy, power industries and investments both in Saudi Arabia and abroad. In July 2015, he was appointed as the President & CEO of Aramco Asia, entrustes with managing and overseeing Saudi Aramco's business in Asia Pacific Region.


Mr. Al Nuaimholds a Bachelor's Degree of Science in Electrical Engineering and a Master Degree of Sceince in Electrical Engineering from Texas A&M. He also obtains MBA Degree from MIT Sloan Business School.


Prior to becoming the President & CEO of Aramco Asia, Nabil undertook duties as Director of Kingdom Economic & Energy Analysis Organization, Director of Kingdom Energy Strategy Organiztion and Chief of Energy Research of King Abdullah Petroleum Studies and Research Center (KAPSARC) respetivley where he advised and led the implementation of a series of critical programs on the economic develpment and tranformation agenda for both Saudi Aramco and the Kingdom.


In his role in Aramco Asia, he worked with several Chinese entities to sign Memorandum of Understandings and framework agreements during President Xi Jinping visit to Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) in January 2016 to strengthen economic cooperation between China and KSA leveraging China Belt & Road and Kingdom's Vision 2030.

对话教授 Professor
