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美国马里兰大学全球领导力EMBA 课程将于2017年6月10日开放半日,诚邀您体验。您将体验世界顶级教授带来的模拟案例分析;与现任EMBA高管学员一起午餐交流;EMBA校友也将分享他们毕业后职场攀升的经验。
美国马里兰大学是公认的美国最佳公立研究型大学之一,在《普林斯顿评论》和《企业家》杂志的综合排名中,马里兰大学名列第10名。马里兰大学史密斯商学院更是众多商业领袖和创业者的摇篮。金融时报排名位列全美第7名的全球领导力Executive MBA项目为中国未来商业领袖创造无畏引领商界的知识及资源储备,提供与世界顶级教授无缝交流的机会。此项目在中国已历经13年,积累了丰富优质的校友资源。
The Smith Business School offers you the opportunity to lead fearlessly! Join the Smith Business School's EMBA for a day on June 10, 2017 and participate in a class simulation where you will learn about our unique executive coaching tailored to every student, and network with our high caliber executives and alumni to hear different perspectives and stories of their career transformation.
体验日议题 - 全球化兵法之
Topic – Go Global --- or NOT?
Anil Gupta教授将在此次EMBA体验日引导学员做全球化战略思考,分享美国著名数据分析公司DataClear的案例 - 在面临国内激烈竞争的生存危机时,铺开全球业务是否是谋求发展、转危为安的正确战略部署?以及如何实现全球资源有效配置?
World’s most influential living management thinker, Dr. Anil K. Gupta, chair and professor of Strategy, Globalization & Entrepreneurship will share with you a real-life case study to demonstrate what triggers a domestic company to go global and how to make a life and death decision in expanding internationally.
For two years, DataClear has had the data analysis market to itself. But now a British upstart is nipping at its heels. Should DataClear continue to focus on its strong domestic prospects or expand overseas to head off the nascent international threat?
Dr. Anil K. Gupta
博士,哈佛大学 (DBA, Harvard University)
主席、教授(Michael D. Dingman Chair & Professor of Strategy, )
战略,全球化及创业部门(Globalization & Entrepreneurship)
史密斯商学院(Robert H. Smith School of Business)
Anil Gupta教授,系国际公认的全球化战略专家,被“Thinkers50”评为全球最具影响力的管理学者之一。Anil Gupta教授毕业于哈佛大学并取得博士学位,现任美国马里兰大学史密斯商学院战略,全球化及创业部门主席&教授。他亦是多家著名大学包括斯坦福大学、英士国际商学院、清华大学的客座教授。
Dr. Anil K. Gupta is widely recognized as one of the world’s leading experts on strategy, globalization and emerging markets. Thinkers50 named him as the “world’s most influential living management thinker.” He is one of only 3 professors in the world to have been elected by his academic peers as a Lifetime Fellow of all three of the most prestigious bodies in the field – Academy of Management, Strategic Management Society, and Academy of International Business, with a combined membership of over 25,000 scholars worldwide.
About the Smith EMBA Alumni Panelists
赵迪(Edith Zhao )
首席财务官,IBM中国(CFO, IBM China )
Edith Zhao graduated from the Smith Global Executive MBA Program in 2015. She has been working for IBM since 2002. During her study at the Smith School of Business EMBA program, she was promoted to CFO.
王嵋(Eliza Wang)
副总裁,无忧英语(Vice President, 51Talk)
Eliza Wang graduated from the Smith Global Executive MBA Program in 2015. She has been working in the HR field since 1999. Now she is serving 51Talk as the Vice President.
Kjell Nelson
博士, 生物工程(PhD, Bioengineering)
Kjell Nelson 是生物工程学博士,并在过去的十多年时间中,一直从事科学研究工作。他在2015年加入了史密斯全球领导力EMBA项目,现为精密医学独立顾问。
Kjell Nelson obtained his Ph.D. in Bioengineering and worked as a scientist and technology developer for more than 10 years. He joined the Smith EMBA to solidify his skills, and now is an independent consultant in Precision Medicine.
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