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《Axure官方文档译读》之0102:Installing on macOS(在macOS上安装)

AT阿宝哥  · 简书  ·  · 2020-01-16 11:44


Axure RP

Installing on macOS

在macOS上安装Axure RP

This guide will walk you through installing Axure RP on macOS systems. If you run into any trouble attempting to install or launch the application, please see the troubleshooting guide below or email us at [email protected] .

这个向导会在macOS系统上安装Axure RP。如果你遇到任何试图安装或启动应用程序的麻烦,请参阅下面的故障排除指南或在 [email protected] 上给我们发邮件。


If you need to install Axure RP on a Windows computer, please refer to our Windows installation guide.

如果您需要在Windows电脑上安装Axure RP,请参阅我们的Windows安装指南。

1、System Requirements

  • macOS 10.9+
    苹果公司macOS 10.9及更高版本

  • 2 GB memory (RAM) minimum, 4 GB recommended

  • Mac computer with 64-bit Intel processor

  • 5 GB disk space

  • For prototype HTML: Safari, Firefox, or Chrome
    原型HTML支持:Safari, Firefox, or Chrome

  • For Word specifications: Microsoft Office Word 2004 (with compatibility pack), 2008, 2011, or 2016, or any other application capable of opening .docx files
    Word说明书支持:Microsoft Office Word 2004(带兼容包)、2008年、2011年或2016年,或任何其他能够打开 .docx 文件的应用程序。

2、General Installation


Most customers will be able to install Axure RP with the general installer, which is available for download at www.axure.com/download . After downloading the installer, launch it and drag the Axure RP 9 icon into your Applications folder.

大多数客户将能够安装Axure RP与一般安装程序,这是可在 www.axure.com/download 下载。下载安装程序后,启动它并将Axure RP 9图标拖到您的应用程序文件夹中。

3、Silent Installation


If you need to deploy Axure RP to one or more workstations silently, download the installer and follow the steps below.
如果需要无声地将Axure RP部署到一个或多个工作站,请下载安装程序并执行以下步骤。

  1. Install Axure RP on your workstation and launch it so that macOS can verify it.
    在工作站上安装Axure RP并启动它,以便macOS可以验证它。

  2. Create a new plain text file and name it lic.key with no other extensions.
    创建一个新的纯文本文件,并命名为 lic.key ,且没有其他扩展键。

  3. On a single line in the file, enter your licensee name and license key separated by a tilde character ( ~ ). For example:
    在文件的一行中,输入您的被许可方名称和由波浪字符(' ~ ')分隔的许可密钥。例如:

    Jane Smith~AjQcO8w5PE+o1fqQ1234aUHoILBDnRRO/abcdefg2eFCa1KSMiw2Bmo0UOXb0TZ

  4. In a Finder window, open your Applications folder and locate the Axure RP 9 item. Right-click it and choose Show Package Contents from the context menu.
    Finder 窗口中,打开 Applications 文件夹,找到 Axure RP 9 项。右键单击它,然后从上下文菜单中选择 Show Package Contents

  5. Navigate to the sub folder /Contents/Resources and place the lic.key file from Step 2 into this folder.

After completing these steps, you’ll be able to distribute the Axure RP 9 .app by any means you’d like. The lic.key file will ensure that the application installs pre-activated.
完成这些步骤后,您将能够按照你期望的方式分发Axure RP 9 .app lic.key 密钥文件将确保应用程序安装预先激活。

4、Troubleshooting Installation and Launch

Installing Axure RP on your Mac is almost always a smooth process, and problems are rare. Problems during installation are usually related to system requirements or version/OS compatibility.

在Mac上安装Axure RP几乎总是一个平稳的过程,很少出现问题。安装过程中的问题通常与系统需求或版本/操作系统兼容性有关。

Problems launching RP on macOS are slightly more common, though still highly unusual. When a crash is seen immediately upon launch or when trying to create a new project, the user account’s permissions settings are usually at issue. (A telltale sign of a crash immediately after launch is when the icon bounces in the Dock a few times but nothing else appears to happen.)


The troubleshooting ideas in this guide are in order of complexity and risk. We strongly recommend trying these items in order instead of skipping around. If an item doesn’t seem relevant to your situation, move on to the next item.


If you’d rather work directly with an Axure employee to find a solution, please feel free to email us at [email protected] .
如果您更愿意直接与Axure的员工一起寻找解决方案,请随时发送电子邮件至 [email protected]


If you’re having trouble installing or running Axure RP on a on a Windows computer, please see the Windows troubleshooting guide.
如果您在Windows电脑上安装或运行Axure RP时遇到困难,请参阅Windows故障排除指南。

4.1、Check Whether Axure RP Is Already Running

检查Axure RP是否已经运行

In macOS, sometimes the only clues that an application is running are that the menu bar at the very top of the screen shows the application’s name, and there’s a little dot adjacent to the application’s icon in the Dock.


To check whether Axure RP is running, click its icon in the Dock (to give the app focus) and then try the File → New menu command to open a new project for editing.

查看Axure RP是否运行,点击Dock中的图标(给予app焦点),然后尝试 File→New menu命令,打开一个新项目进行编辑。

Axure RP typically has a welcome screen that pops up when you launch the application without opening an RP file. If the application is launching without this window, it may be turned off. To see it each time you start Axure RP, go to Help → Welcome Screen… to display the dialog, and un-check "Don’t show this at startup" at the bottom-left.

Axure RP通常会在启动应用程序时弹出一个欢迎屏幕,而无需打开RP文件。如果应用程序在没有此窗口的情况下启动,它可能会被关闭。每次启动Axure RP时,要查看它,请转到**帮助→欢迎屏幕……

4.2、Latest Build After an OS Update


It’s always good to be on the latest build of Axure RP, but it’s particularly important after an OS update. Major updates of macOS (e.g. from 10.10 to 10.11) are notorious for breaking third-party applications. You can always compare your current build number, found in the Help → About Axure RP menu, against the current build, available at www.axure.com/update . You can also go to Help → Check for Updates in Axure RP. (Click "Check for updates when Axure RP starts" in the dialog to get notifications when there’s a new update.)

在Axure RP的最新版本上运行总是好的,但是在操作系统更新之后,这一点尤为重要。macOS的主要更新(例如从10.10到10.11)因破坏第三方应用而臭名昭著。您可以在 Help→About Axure RP 菜单中找到当前的构建版本号,您可以在 www.axure.com/update 中找到当前的构建版本号。你也可以去 帮助→检查Axure RP中的更新 。(点击对话框中的“检查Axure RP启动时的更新”,当有新的更新时得到通知。)

We recommend against installing a developer preview or beta version of macOS on your Axure RP production computer. We can’t guarantee we’ll be able to provide a build of RP that works on a macOS beta. We’ll be working on updating Axure RP’s compatibility during the developer preview and beta periods.

我们建议不要在您的Axure RP生产计算机上安装开发人员预览版或测试版macOS。我们不能保证我们将能够提供一个RP的建设,工作在macOS测试版。我们将在开发人员预览和测试期间更新Axure RP的兼容性。

4.3、Folder Permissions


If you’ve recently restored your system using Time Machine, had repair work done on your computer, or made any other major system change, your user account’s folder permissions settings may be misconfigured. Below are some steps for self-diagnosing a permissions problem on your Mac. Remember that you can also reach us at [email protected] and we’ll be glad to help.

如果你最近使用时光机恢复了你的系统,在你的电脑上做了修复工作,或者做了任何其他主要的系统更改,你的用户帐户的文件夹权限设置可能是错误的。下面是一些自我诊断Mac权限问题的步骤。记住,你也可以通过 [email protected] 联系我们,我们很乐意提供帮助。

4.3.1、Check Your "Get Info" Dialog

检查您的 "Get Info" 对话框

Your user account’s "Info" dialog can tell you a couple of important things. To get to this dialog, follow these steps:

  1. Open up a Finder window

  2. In the left-hand "Favorites" column, locate your Home folder (house icon)

  3. If you don’t see your Home folder in the Favorites list, use the Go → Go to Folder menu command to go to the folder "/Users"
    如果你没有在收藏夹列表中看到你的主文件夹,使用 Go→转到文件夹 菜单命令转到文件夹“/Users”

  4. Right-click your Home folder and choose the "Get Info" context menu command Once you’ve got the Info dialog open, look for the following things:

  5. In the "General" section, make sure the "Locked" checkbox is cleared.

  6. Your user account needs "Read & Write" privileges for this folder. You can verify this in the "Sharing & Permissions" section at the bottom of the dialog.

The line that says "(Me)" needs to be showing the words "Read & Write". If it shows some other level, click directly on the words showing the level (e.g. "Read only") and choose "Read & Write" from the resulting list.

写着“(我)”的那一行需要显示“读和写”。如果显示其他级别,直接点击显示该级别的单词(例如:从结果列表中选择“Read & Write”。

If you don’t see a line that says "(Me)", you’ll need to make one. Click the small lock icon at the lower right of the dialog to allow changes, click the "plus" icon to add a new entry, click on your user account name in the resulting dialog, and then click the "Select" button to add your user account to the "Sharing & Permissions" list. (Your account will need to be an admin to do this. If it’s not, please contact your IT team for assistance with this step.)


4.3.2、Permissions Diagnostic


Using your Mac’s Terminal, you can run a series of commands to collect permissions data for every folder Axure RP might need to access when it launches. Pulling this info together in one place might help you to diagnose a permissions conflict—if you know what to look for.

使用Mac的终端,你可以运行一系列命令,收集Axure RP启动时可能需要访问的每个文件夹的权限数据。如果您知道要查找什么,将这些信息放在一起可能有助于诊断权限冲突。

These commands will collect information and put it into a text file on your desktop, but otherwise they won’t make any permanent changes to your system.


To try this method, open Terminal ( Applications → Utilities → Terminal ), paste in the following commands, and hit the return key.
