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51好读  ›  专栏  ›  创业咖


创业咖  · 公众号  · 科技创业  · 2017-05-31 20:38


创业咖 ID:ChuangYeJia8




It is not death most people are afraid of.It is getting to the end of life, only to realize that you never truly lived.


There was a study done, a hospital study on 100 elderly people facing death close to their last breath. They were asked to reflect about their life’s biggest regret.Nearly all of them said they regretted not the things they did but the things they didn’t do.The risks they never took the dreams they didn’t pursue.


I ask you would your last words be; if only I had – hey, you wake up. Why do you exist? Life is not meant to simply work, wait for the weekend and pay rent. No, no I don’t know much. But I know this every person on this earth has a gift.

我问你,你的临终遗言会是什么 是「假如当初我……」——嘿,打住。你为什么而存于世?人生的目的不仅仅局限在工作,然后期盼休假以及缴付房租。不止这些,虽然我懂得不多,但是我知道,每个人都有一份生命所给予的礼物。

And I apologized to the black community but I can no longer pretend Martin Luther King.That man never had a dream, that dream had him.See people don’t choose dreams, dreams choose them. So the question I’m getting to is, do you have the courage to grab the dream that picked you?That befit you and grips you; or will you let it get away and slip through?

我要向黑人兄弟们道歉,无意冒犯,但我可不能假装是马丁·路德·金了(美国民权运动领袖)。马丁·路德·金, 他未曾拥有一个梦想,是梦想拥有了他 。「人们从未选择梦想,是梦想选择了他们」。所以我想要问的问题是: 你是否有勇气和决断,去抓住那个找到你的梦想?是抓住那个契合本心、由衷向往的梦想?还是任由它们消散四处再也无力挽回?

You know I learned a fact about airplanes the other day. This was – this was so surprising to see, I was talking to a pilot and he told me that many of his passengers think planes are dangerous to fly in. But he said actually, it is a lot more dangerous for a plane to stay on the ground. I say what? Like how does that sound what he said, he said because on the ground, The plane starts to rust.

讲一件我最近了解到的关于飞机的事实吧——实在出乎我意料。在我与一位飞行员聊天时他告诉我说,很多乘客都认为飞机的状态在天上比地上危险, 而事 实上,待在地上的飞机更危险。 我说:什么,我没听错吧?他解释道飞机在地上会更快的生锈。

Malfunction and wear, much faster than it ever would if it was in the air. As I walked away I thought, yeah, makes total sense because planes were built to live in the skies. And every person was built to live out the dream they have inside. So it is perhaps the saddest loss to live a life on the ground without ever taking off.

在地上飞机磨损、机能故障的速度远远大于在天上飞的时候。后来我又想了想,对呀,很有道理,因为飞机是为翱翔天空而生,就像 是为活出本我探 寻内心的梦而生。所以或许人生最应悲怜的应是,在地上奋斗一辈子,却未曾起飞。

See most of us are afraid of the thief, they comes in the night to steal all of our things. But there is a thief in your mind who is after your dreams. His name is doubt.If you see him call the cops and keep him away from the kids because he is wanted for murder. So he has killed more dreams than failure ever did. He wears many disguises and like a virus will leave you blinded, divided and turn you into a kinda.

许多人都害怕遭贼,他们会在夜里悄悄偷走家里一切值钱的东西。但是 在你心里就住着一个贼,时刻惦记着你的梦想,他的名字叫怀疑。 一旦看见他赶紧通知警察,一定让他们远离孩子,因为他是被通缉的谋杀犯。他杀过的梦想,比失败还多。他戴着各种假面四处穿梭,像个病毒侵蚀你、分裂你,渐渐的,你凡事都带着「有点」的影子。

See kinda is lethal. You know what kinda is? There is a lot of kinda people, you kinda want a career change, you kinda want to get straight A’s, you kinda want to get in shape. Simple math, no numbers to crunch. If you kinda want something, then you will kinda get the results you want.

「有点」是致命的。你了解「有点」吗?世界上有很多凡事都带着「有点」的人,你只是「有点」想改变职业,你只是「有点」想变优秀,你只是「有点」想健身塑形。这是道很简单的数学题,连数字都不用。 如果你只是「有点」想做到某事,那你想要的结果对你来说,也只是「有点」的程度。

What is your dream? What ignites that spark. You can’t kinda want that, you got to want it with every part of your whole heart. Will you struggle? Yeah, yeah… you will struggle, no way around it. You will fall many times, but who’s counting? Just remember, there’s no such thing as a smooth mountain.


If you want to make it to the top then, there are sharp ridges that have to be stepped over. There will be times you get stressed and things you get depressed over. But let me tell you something. Steven Spielberg was rejected from film school three times, three times but he kept going.


The television execs fired Oprah said she was unfit for TV but she kept going. Critics told Beyoncé that she couldn’t sing she went through depression. But she kept going.


Struggle and criticisms are prerequisites for greatness. That is the law of this universe and no one escapes it. Because pain is life but you can choose what type? Either the pain on the road to success or the pain of being haunted with regret.


You want my advice. Don’t think twice.


We have been given a gift that we call life.So don’t blow it. You’re not defined by your past instead you were born anew in each moment. So own it now.

我们生而有一份珍贵的礼物,它叫人生。所以别糟蹋它。过去已成但它无法定义现在, 你永远活在现在,每一刻都是新生。 所以,把握当下,活在当下。就现在。

Sometimes you’ve got to leap. And grow your wings on the way down. You better get the shot off before the clock runs out because there is ain’t no over time in life, no do over. And I know what sound like I’m preaching on speaking with force but if you don’t use your gift then you sell not only yourself, but the whole world.

有时你得先学会跳跃,才能在下落时顺利舒展你渐丰的羽翼。 你最好在时钟走完前能掷出手中的球,因为人生没有加时赛,结束就结束了。我知道我听起来就像一直在唠唠叨叨的说教。但是你若不善用你的礼物,那么你不仅看轻了自己,也看低了这个世界。

So what invention that you have buried in your mind? What idea? What cure? What skill did you have inside to bring out to this universe?
