专栏名称: 考研英语时事阅读
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考研英语时事阅读  · 公众号  · 考研  · 2016-11-25 05:13



但其实, 美国值得吃 的可多了!

今天,Jenny、Diana就要分享 最有特色、最经典、最治愈 的美国美食>>

节目音乐:American Pie by Madonna

C omfort food: 治愈系美食

Comfort food : 能温暖你、治愈你的美食

美国人的 comfort food 具备以下特点:

  • Carby (carbohydrates): 高碳水化合物

  • Sugary: 高糖份

  • High calories: 高卡路里

  • Reminds you of your childhood: 让你想起童年

  • Just like mom used to make it: 有妈妈的味道

Comfort foods are not the healthiest, but they are very healing and comforting : 虽然不健康,但是非常治愈

Breakfast: 从早餐说起

Peanut butter & jelly sandwich:


Peanut butter & jelly sandwich : 花生酱、果酱三明治

Jelly is like jam, but less real fruit: jelly也算是果酱,但是水果含量更少

Spread peanut butter first, then jelly: 先抹花生酱、再抹果酱

A classic breakfast and packed lunch food for kids: 很多小朋友早餐、带去学校的午餐都会吃这个

Americans just call it PB & J : 美国人日常口语就管它叫PB & J


Bagel: 贝果

Originally a Jewish food: 起源是犹太食物

It has a lot of texture , very chewy : 质地很丰厚、很有嚼劲

U nleavened bread: 死面

Bagel with cream cheese : 贝果一定要抹奶油芝士

Fried chicken & waffles: 炸鸡华夫

Fried chicken & waffles : 炸鸡华夫

It's sweet and savory : 又甜又咸

Great for people who are waffling between the two flavors: 最适合选择障碍、甜咸都要的人

Syrup : 糖浆

Whipped cream : 罐子奶油

Cobb salad:考博沙拉

Caesar salad : 凯撒沙拉

Cobb salad : 考博沙拉

A Cobb salad has many different ingredients , including tomato, lettuce, bacon, hard boild eggs and chicken: 考博沙拉有很多原料,番茄、生菜、培根、白煮蛋、鸡肉

Diced : 都是切丁的

Very filling : 吃了很饱

Coleslaw (slaw): 白菜丝沙拉

The KFC coleslaw: 肯德基coleslaw沙拉

Coleslaw has a ton of mayonnaise (mayo): coleslaw有很多美乃滋酱

Ranch dressing : 农场沙拉酱

Tangy : 酸酸的

Clam chower: 蛤蜊周打汤

Clam chower : 蛤蜊周打汤

A rich and creamy soup with clam and other types of seafood: 很浓郁、重奶油的一款汤,里面有蛤蜊肉、各类海鲜等等


Clam chower in a sourdough bowl : 装在酸面包碗里的 蛤蜊周打汤

If you go to San Francisco, you have to go to Fisherman's Wharf and grab a bowl of clam chowder: 如果去旧金山,一定要到渔人码头买一碗喝

美国东岸的 周打汤

New England clam chower: 美国东部有新英格兰风味的 蛤蜊周打汤

It's a very hearty soup: 是一款非常温暖人心、吃得饱的汤

Barbecue ribs:烤肋排

Barbecue ribs: 烧烤肋排

*注意:不读BBQ, 要读 Barbecue

  • Say b arbecue, not BBQ: 口语里要说barbecue, 不是BBQ

  • BBQ works for writing: 书写的时候可以简写成BBQ

