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Kallanish国际钢铁资讯  · 公众号  ·  · 2020-03-31 10:01


西班牙政府已经暂停该国的钢铁和金属生产,称其为“……非必要的”经济活动。这项措施于 3 30 日生效,为期至少 15 天。行业代表告诉 Kallanish (开阑商务信息咨询),为阻止新冠疫情在西班牙蔓延而采取的新的极端措施给钢铁行业带来相当大的不确定性。

The Spanish Government has temporarilysuspended steelmaking and metal manufacturing in the country as a “…non-essential” economic activity. The measure came into force on 30 March forat least a 15-day period. The new extreme measures to prevent the spread ofCovid-19 in Spain are creating considerable uncertainty in the steel sector,representatives from the industry tell Kallanish .

西班牙钢铁协会 Unesid 会长 Andrés Barceló 表示, Unesid 已要求西班牙工商部澄清这一皇家法令,因为这给该行业带来了不确定性。

Spanish steelmakers’ association Unesid hasasked the Ministry of Industry and Commerce for clarification of the royaldecree because it creates uncertainty in the sector, the president of UnesidAndrés Barceló says.

Barceló 表示:“有些关键的工厂无法停止,也不包括在法令中。而且这些工厂也无法按照法令规定的时间停产,因为需要执行具体的安全计划。”他还说,该法令也未能阐明一旦这些设施停止运行后该如何操作,因为这些设施需要最低限度的维护和安全服务,而所有工作人员都被禁止上班。他补充称:“我们还要求政府建立一个紧急系统,对已生产的材料进行供应和装载,并保证在未来几天抵达西班牙港口的(……海外)钢材顺利到货。

“There are critical plants that cannot bestopped and are not included in the decree. Nor can [… these] comply with thetime stipulated by law to make such stops, since specific security plans arerequired to do so,” Barceló says. The decree also fails to clarify how toproceed once the facilities are halted, as these require minimal maintenanceand security services, while the presence of all the workforce is banned, hecontinues. "We have also asked the government for an urgent system tocarry out the supply and loading of material already produced and to guaranteesteel arrivals [… from overseas] which are arriving at Spanish ports in thecoming days," the Unesid president adds.

据了解,所有西班牙大型钢铁企业都证实,它们准备将熔炉置于“热闲置”状态,直到恢复生产。 ArcelorMittal 一位发言人表示:“我们正在评估这对我们的经营活动造成的影响。

All of the monitored large Spanishsteelmakers confirm that they are preparing to put their furnaces in 'hot idle'mode until the resumption of operations. “We are evaluating the expected impacton our activities,” an ArcelorMittal spokesperson says.

“我们的经营活动并不包括在皇家法令规定的必要活动中,所以 Gallardo Balboa 正采取所有必要的措施来遵守法令。停产需要时间,我们有 24 小时的时间来采取这些措施,” GallardoBalboa 钢铁集团证实。

“Our activity is not included as essentialin the royal decree, so Gallardo Balboa is taking all the indicated measures tocomply with the law. A halt in the production chain takes time to do diligentlyand we have 24 hours to adopt such measures,” the GallardoBalboa steelmaking group confirms.

Kallanish 获悉 Celsa Megasa Tubacex Acerinox 等其他钢铁 企业 正在等待最后一刻可能出现的 豁免 ,或者对该法令进行新的法律解释,以支持钢铁行业。

Other steelmakers such as Celsa, Megasa,Tubacex and Acerinox, are awaiting a possible last-minute exception or a newlegal interpretation of the decree in support of the steel industry, Kallanishunderstands.



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