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2023-2025免版面费,欢迎投稿:Brain-X (交叉脑科学)!

解说科研项目  · 公众号  ·  · 2023-05-30 21:19



Brain-X (ISSN: 2835-3153,交叉脑科学)由 WILEY 出版集团负责出版, 致力于报道以 学科交叉 为内容的 脑科学/神经科学/神经病学 领域创新成果 (交叉融合1+X模式) ,与 脑科学/神经科学 交叉的学科,包括但不限于:数学、物理、化学、信息、工程与材料、心理、管理等
Brain-X的 初期 目标: 发展成为一本交叉科学领域有较 高影响 IF在10~15之间 )的国际化 期刊

2023~2025年, Brain-X 不收取费用; 投稿阶段,采用自由投稿(Free Format submission),待接受后,再统一调整格式

期刊官网首页,主要包括:HOME、ABOUT、CONTRIBUTE、BROWSE等四大部分。其中,CONTRIBUTE栏目下有 Author Guidelines(投稿指南) 等内容,供大家参考。

Brain-X 目前可接受的文章类型有:Research article、Data article、Methods Article(Protocol类)、Review、Perspective、Research Letter、Commentary、Editorial等。

  • Research article
    is the full-length report of current research within any area covered in the journal’s scope, and aims to address novel findings and make significant contribution to the scientific knowledge in brain, neuroscience and neurology areas. Typically, the research should provide insight into an as yet unknown mechanism or poorly understood process, constitute a highly significant contribution to our understanding of brain, neuroscience and neurology. Research article should typically be 6000 words in length, with up to 8 figures and tables in total, and no limitation on the number of references.
  • Data article
    is the full-length report of datasets under its primary article type. Data article should typically be 5000 words in length, with up to 8 figures and tables in total, and no limitation on the number of references.
  • Methods article
    is a report describing a novel method or tool. Articles should provide full technical descriptions of the new method or tool and include strong validation data to demonstrate performance, reproducibility, and general applicability. Methods article should typically be 5000 words in length, with up to 8 figures and tables in total, and no limitation on the number of references.
  • Review
    is systematic review typically written by leading experts in the field within the journal’s scope. Reviews papers help specialists to keep up with the current state of knowledge in a specific research area and provide informative message for non-specialists. Reviews aim to be a critical and concise overview of the most recent advances in a specific research field. Reviews should typically be no limitation on words in length, with up to 8 figures and tables in total, and no limitation on the number of references.
  • Perspective
    discuss published findings and ideas from a personal viewpoint. They are not mini-reviews. Perspectives can be submitted either by the invitations from the Editors or by the authors themselves. Both types will undergo the peer-review process prior to acceptance.  Perspectives are typically 3500 words in length, with up to 4 figures and tables in total and no more than 70 references.
  • Research letter
    provides the rapid and concise report of a novel discovery that is brief in nature and should be of general interest to the field of biomedicine. Research letters should typically be 800 words in length excluding, references, figures and tables, with up to 1 figure or table in total, and no more than 5 references.
  • Commentary
    aims to point the Brain-X readership to the latest novel findings published in other high-impact journals. Commentary should contain no more than 800 words in length excluding, references, figures and tables, up to 5 references. and 1 display item.
  • Correspondence
    is a letter, or response to a letter, sent to the journal to raise a point of interest, discuss a difference of opinion or encourage participation. Correspondence being considered for publication ordinarily will be sent to the authors of the original article, who will be given the opportunity to reply. Correspondence should not exceed 400 words of text and 5 references, one of which should be to the recent article.  Correspondence may have no more than 3 authors.




Brain-X 投稿 系统为ScholarOne Manuscripts(简称S1M),自2023年2月份开始已经正常投稿!

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