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新加坡眼  · 公众号  · 新加坡  · 2025-02-19 19:14


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2025年1月8日,新加坡教育部长陈振声在国会书面答复官委议员徐锦莉有关本地 毕业生从事与专业相关工作的统计数据。


徐锦莉 (官委议员) 女士 询问教育部长陈振声:

(a) 过去 10 年间,本地高等教育机构(IHLs)的大专文凭持有者及大学毕业生在与其专业相关的岗位上工作的比例是多少?

(b) 哪些专业的毕业生从事相关工作的比例较高,哪些专业的比例较低?

(c) 政府已采取或计划采取哪些措施,以提高毕业生进入相关岗位的比例?

(d) 教育部是否设定了任何具体目标,以促进这一趋势的发展?

陈振声 (教育部长) 的回应: 过去 10 年间,理工学院和自治大学 (AU) 毕业生 在与其专业相关的岗位上工作的比例有所上升。根据教育部的毕业生就业调查 (Graduate Employment Survey), 理工学院毕业生 在从事相关全职永久性工作的比例从 2014 年的 71% 增加至 2023 年的 79%。而自治大学毕业生 的比例在同期从 82% 上升至 86%。

专业性较强的学科毕业生更有可能进入相关领域的工作。例如,过去 10 年间,超过95%的理工学院和自治大学医疗健康专业毕业生表示,他们从事的工作与所学专业相关。相比之下,较为广泛的学科的毕业生从事非相关工作的比例较高。例如,过去10年间,平均 69% 的人文与社会科学类AU毕业生 进入了相关领域的工作。




Ms See Jinli Jean asked the Minister for Education (a) in the last 10 years, what is the percentage of diploma holders and university graduates from local institutes of higher learning who work in jobs related to their fields of study; (b) which fields of study have recorded more alumni having such jobs and which have recorded the least, respectively; (c) what measures have been or will be introduced to increase the inflow of alumni into such jobs; and (d) what is the target, if any, that the Ministry is working towards.

Mr Chan Chun Sing: The proportion of polytechnic and autonomous universities (AU) graduates working in jobs related to their fields of study has increased in the last 10 years. Based on the Ministry of Education's Graduate Employment Survey, polytechnic graduates working in a related full-time permanent job increased from 71% to 79% from 2014 to 2023. For AU graduates, the proportion increased from 82% to 86% in the same period.

Graduates from specialised disciplines are more likely to enter related jobs. For example, more than 95% of polytechnic and AU graduates from the health sciences reported entering related jobs in the last 10 years. In comparison, a greater proportion of graduates from broader disciplines report working in unrelated jobs. For example, an average of 69% of humanities and social sciences AU graduates entered related jobs in the last ten years.

Given that students have diverse interests that may change over time, it is not meaningful for Institutes of Higher Learning (IHLs) to set hard targets to ensure that graduates work in jobs related to their field of study. That said, our schools and IHLs provide education and career counselling to help students identify their strengths and interests and encourage them to choose courses accordingly, rather than simply choosing the most popular courses. IHLs also work with sector agencies and employers to encourage the inflow of graduates into jobs related to their training. This includes, enhancing students' internship experience and raising awareness of available job opportunities in the sector. More broadly, IHLs seek to ensure that students are equipped with skills, such as problem-solving and critical thinking, that are valued across different job roles and industries.

CF丨 编辑

Alex丨 编审









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