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【经济学人】人脑PK计算机 | 2017.01.07 | 总第775期

考研英语时事阅读  · 公众号  · 考研  · 2017-01-25 06:00




Where humans still beat computers


Brain scan: Terry Winograd


The Winograd Schema tests computers’ “understanding” of the real world


Jan 7th 2017


THE Turing Test was conceived as a way to judge whether true artificial intelligence has been achieved. If a computer can fool humans into thinking it is human, there is no reason, say its fans, to say the machine is not truly intelligent.


  • THE Turing Test:图灵测试

注:图灵测试是测试人在与被测试者(一个人和一台机器)隔开的情况下,通过一些装置(如键盘)向被测试者随意提问。问过一些问题后,如果被测试者超过30%的答复不能使测试人确认出哪个是人、哪个是机器的回答,那么这台机器就通过了测试,并被认为具有人类智能。图灵测试 2014 的举办方英国雷丁大学发布新闻稿,宣称俄罗斯人弗拉基米尔·维西罗夫(Vladimir Veselov)创立的人工智能软件尤金·古斯特曼(Eugene Goostman)通过了图灵测试。如果这一结论获得确认,那么这将是人工智能乃至于计算机史上的一个里程碑事件。

Few giants in computing stand with Turing in fame, but one has given his name to a similar challenge: Terry Winograd, a computer scientist at Stanford. In his doctoral dissertation MrWinograd posed a riddle for computers: “The city councilmen refused the demonstrators a permit because they feared violence. Who feared violence?”

在计算机大神中,很少有人能与图灵的名声比肩媲美的,但是斯坦福大学的计算机科学家Terry Winograd发起了一个以自己名字命名的类似挑战。他在博士论文中,给计算机提出了一个谜语:“城市议员拒绝给示威者许可,因为他们害怕暴力。那么问题来了,到底是谁害怕暴力呢?”

  • doctoral dissertation:博士论文

  • riddle:谜语

  • councilmen:议员

  • demonstrators:游行示威者

THE Turing Test图灵测试

It is a perfect illustration of a well-recognised point: many things that are easy for humans are crushingly difficult for computers. MrWinograd went into AI research in the 1960s and 1970s and developed an early natural-language program called SHRDLU that could take commands and answer questions about a group of shapes it could manipulate: “Find a block which is taller than the one you are holding and put it into the box.” This work brought a jolt of optimism to the AI crowd, but MrWinograd later fell out with them, devoting himself not to making machines intelligent but to making them better at helping human beings. (These camps are sharply divided by philosophy and academic pride.) He taught Larry Page at Stanford, and after Mr Page went on to co-found Google, MrWinograd became a guest researcher at the company, helping to build Gmail.

这是对一个众所周知的观点的完美解释:那就是许多事情对人们来说很容易,对机器来说却十分困难。 Winograd在20世纪60年代和70年代一直在进行了人工智能的研究,并开发了一个名为SHRDLU的早期自然语言程序,它可以接受命令和回答关于一组它可以熟练使用的形状的问题:比如“找到一个比你手中拿着的更高的方块放入盒子。”(期待您的翻译,明天会有针对这句话的长难句解析呦~)他是Larry Page在斯坦福大学的老师,Page同人合作创建Google后,Winograd成为公司的客座研究员,帮助构建谷歌邮箱。

  • Illustration:解释

  • Crushingly:极其

  • AI:人工智能(Artificial Intelligence)

  • Jolt:摇晃

  • Philosophy:哲学

注:SHRDLU 系统是维诺格拉德(T.Winograd)于1972年在美国麻省理工学院建立的一个用自然语言指挥机器人动作的系统。

In 2011 Hector Levesque of the University  of Toronto became annoyed by systems that “passed” the Turing Test by joking and avoiding direct answers. He later asked to borrow MrWinograd’s name and the format of his dissertation’s puzzle to pose a more genuine test of machine “understanding”: the Winograd Schema. The answers to its battery of questions were obvious to humans but would require computers to have some reasoning ability and some knowledge of the real world. The first official Winograd Schema Challenge was held this year, with a $25,000 prize offered by Nuance, the language-software company, for a program that could answer more than 90% of the questions correctly. The best of them got just 58% right.

2011年多伦多大学Hector Levesque对那些靠开玩笑和不直接回答问题”通过“图灵测试的系统感到恼火。随后他借用Winograd先生的名字和他论文中的谜题格式制作了一个更加真实的机器“理解能力”测试:Winograd模式。其整组问题的答案对人类来说都是显而易见的,但却需要计算机有一定的推理能力和对现实世界了解。今年举行了第一次官方Winograd模式挑战,Nuance语言软件公司为能够答对90%以上问题的计算机程序提供25000美元的奖励。但表现最好的正确率也只有58%。


Though officially retired, MrWinograd continues writing and researching. One of his students is working on an application for Google Glass, a computer with a display mounted on eyeglasses. The app would help people with autism by reading the facial expressions of conversation partners and giving the wearer information about their emotional state. It would allow him to integrate linguistic and non-linguistic information in a way that people with autism find difficult, as do computers.


  • autism:n.孤独症

  • integrate:v使…完整

Asked to trick some of the latest digital assistants, like Siri and Alexa, he asks them things like “Where can I find a nightclub my Methodist uncle would like?”, which requires knowledge about both nightclubs (which such systems have) and Methodist uncles (which they don’t). When he tried “Where did I leave my glasses?”, one of them came up with a link to a book of that name. None offered the obvious answer: “How would I know?”


  • Methodist:n卫理公会派教徒

注:卫理公会(The Methodist Church),是基督教新教卫斯理宗的美以美会、坚理会和美普会合并而成的基督教教会。现传布於英国、美国、中国,和世界各地。

翻译 ▍栏目二第五组

审核 ▍椰子

编辑 ▍澜意

Try to translate 

This work brought a jolt of optimism to the AI crowd, but MrWinograd later fell out with them, devoting himself not to making machines intelligent but to making them better at helping human beings. (These camps are sharply divided by philosophy and academic pride.)

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