作者:Joe Pompeo
译者:文诗韵 & 张嫣
Vanity Fair
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Late in the evening on November 8, 2016, The New York Times newsroom was being
. Donald Trump, to the utter shock and horror of the coastal establishment, was winning. Reporters and editors
were in overdrive
, tearing up one historic front page for another. The story that America’s paper of record had been gearing up to tell in the coming days—months, years—was being obliterated in real time. From a journalistic perspective, that wasn’t exactly a bad thing. The new story, after all, was more fascinating, more chaotic—utterly unprecedented. And Trump’s election was the kind of Earth-shattering event that only comes around once or twice in a newsperson’s career. So for someone like Dean Baquet, the Times’s then 60-year-old executive editor, the dominant emotion was exhilaration about this new national epic. But it didn’t go unnoticed that, for some in the newsroom, the journalistic mission was not exactly front of mind. “I just remember younger people with sad faces,” a person who was there told me, describing those employees as generally being in roles that are adjacent to reporting and editing. Baquet remarked to colleagues in the coming days about how surprised he was by that. “He’s thinking, We’ve got a great story on our hands,” my source said. “That was the first indication that a unified newsroom in the age of Trump was going to be a very difficult thing to achieve or maintain.”
['wɪpsɔː] to saw with a whipsaw 用粗木锯锯
be in overdrive
['əʊvədraɪv] to start being very active or working very hard加倍努力,拼命工作
For most of its history, the Times has been an
, with a church-like
for its values and traditions. Rebellion, as against executive editor Howell Raines in 2003, has often been to restore the old order rather than to overthrow it. But, as at many newsrooms and media offices, and in the culture at large, this is a moment of generational conflict not seen since the 1960s. “I’ve been feeling a lot lately like the newsroom is split into roughly the old-guard category, and the young and ‘woke’ category, and it’s easy to feel that the former group doesn’t take into account how much the future of the paper is predicated on the talent contained in the latter one,” a Times employee in that latter group told me a couple months ago. “I know a lot of others at the paper with similar positions to mine, especially women and people of color, who feel that senior staff isn’t
to their concerns.”
[ɔː'tɒkrəsɪ] a system of government in which one person or group has unlimited power
['rev ə rəns] great respect and admiration for someone or something 尊敬,崇敬
[rɪ'septɪv] willing to consider new ideas or listen to someone else’s opinions 〔对新思想或他人意见〕乐于接受的,愿意倾听的
There have been various flash points with this conflict. When Vox revealed in November, for instance, that star political reporter Glenn Thrush had acted inappropriately with several female journalists who were more than a few years his junior, there was a
of predominantly younger, next-gen Times employees who felt strongly that the Times could not credibly continue to employ Thrush while also leading the charge in covering the cultural reckoning that had
him; furthermore, when the Times, after an exhaustive investigation, determined that Thrush should be suspended and effectively demoted, but not fired, many within this group were disappointed by what they described as a lack of transparency around the decision. (A series of internal town halls addressing the matter helped to temper that sentiment.)
这场代际冲突中爆发点甚多。例如,在2017年11月,当新媒体《Vox》爆出纽约时报的著名白宫记者Glenn Thrush对过去几年作为其下属的女记者有不当行为时,纽约时报的下一代新生力量-年轻职员们
[kən'tɪndʒ(ə)nt] depending on something that may happen in the future 依情况而变的,视条件而定的
[in'tæŋgld] If something is entangled in something such as a rope, wire, or net, it is caught in it very firmly. 紧紧缠住的
Within the newsroom, it can be difficult for members of this cohort to
, say, abiding by restrictions on what they can and cannot say on Twitter and Facebook (platforms that younger millennials were essentially born into), as mandated by an expanded social-media policy issued in October; or being told that participation in last year’s Women’s March was a no-no (which brings to mind Linda Greenhouse getting into trouble for attending a pro-choice march in 1989); or feeling comfortable with Baquet making an appearance at the same Financial Times conference as Steve Bannon last month. “The woke set was
grossed out
,” an insider told me. (Addressing the matter in an e-mail to the Web site Splinter, Baquet said, quite reasonably, “It sort of feels sort of ‘unjournalistic,’ if that is a word, to refuse to participate in a forum because Bannon or someone else will be in the same event.”)
的,毕竟千禧一代就是在社交媒体浪潮中成长起来的。令人无法忍受的, 还有被禁止参加去年的女权大游行,这不禁让人想起在1989年琳达•格林豪斯就因参加主张堕胎合法化的游行而陷入麻烦。同样地,巴奎特出现在史蒂夫·班农上月出席的金融时报大会上也并不让人愉快。“在“觉醒”的青年一派看来,这些事
琳达·格林豪斯(Linda Greenhouse):资深法政记者,在《纽约时报》从事过30年联邦最高法院新闻报道(1978-2008)。1998年获普利策奖,是美国最杰出的法律记者之一。来源:维基百科
['stʌmək] to be able to accept something, especially something unpleasant 承受,容忍,忍耐
gross out
to make someone wish they had not seen or been told about something because it is so unpleasant 使恶心,使作呕
The most fractious
along these lines has been the recent uproar over the Times’s op-ed section, specifically as it relates to a pair of new additions—conservative pundits Bret Stephens and Bari Weiss—who each possess certain contentious views. Stephens, for his part, is a
never-Trumper who wants to see the Second Amendment repealed, but he also has expressed skepticism about climate science. Weiss, herself a millennial, is a robust
for campus free speech, which puts her at odds with some swaths of the left, and she’s also challenged aspects of the #MeToo movement.
[kən'vʌlʃ(ə)n] a great change that affects a country动乱,骚动
['fɜːv(ə)nt] believing or feeling something very strongly and sincerely 热情的;炽热的;热烈的;强烈的
[kruːˈseɪdə] A crusader for a cause is someone who does a lot in support of it. (支持某项事业的) 斗士
In an episode that riled emotions perhaps more than any other, Weiss fired off a tweet during the Olympics that applauded California-born figure skater Mirai Nagasu, while also incorrectly characterizing her as an “immigrant.” (Nagasu’s parents are first-generation Japanese immigrants.) Weiss deleted the tweet and acknowledged the mis-statement, and later said she felt "awful" about it. But the damage was done. Part of the backlash, as evidenced by an internal chat-room transcript that was leaked to HuffPost, was that Weiss’s tweet
a pattern of “microaggressions,” per the transcript, that “cut the deepest. and this is DAILY.” But the incident also betrayed
discomfort with the age-old rules governing the behavior of Opinion writers versus members of the newsroom. Both sides exist in the same space on social media, and each in its own way represents the Times, regardless of how readers engage with the Times in the Twitter-fied media landscape of 2018, where distinctions between the two sides are not as readily apparent. “We make all these assumptions that people understand the difference between the Opinion section and the newsroom,” said an under-30 Times employee from the new guard. A Times reporter could conceivably get into hot water for tweeting something that seems to endorse gun control or Black Lives Matter, and yet “Opinion writers,” this employee said, “get to represent the Times in a way that isn’t right.”
可能最令人愤怒的一个场景是在奥林匹克竞赛期间,韦斯发表了一条赞扬加利福尼亚出生的滑冰选手Mirai nagasu的推特,但错误地将这位选手说成“移民”(Nagasu的父母是第一代日本移民)。韦斯随后删掉微博,称认识到其言论不当,并对此感到抱歉,但破坏已经酿成。HuffPost报道的纽约时报内部聊天内容是对强烈抵制此事的有力佐证,韦斯的推特内容实际上是“微冒犯”的一种
黑人的命也是命(Black Lives Matter):是美国近年因为一连串警察针对性执法过当而造成平民死亡的事件所卷动出来的运动,起源于2013年枪杀黑人青年马丁的佛罗里达白人警察无罪释放,激起了大规模民众抗议。来源:维基百科及有关新闻报道
[ɪg'zemplɪfaɪ] If a person or thing exemplifies something such as a situation, quality, or class of things, they are a typical example of it. 是…的典范
['pælpəb(ə)l] a feeling that is palpable is so strong that other people notice it and can feel it around them 明显的,显而易见的
Another example? “The biggest thing people are talking about lately is the way the Times humanizes white men who commit violence versus men of color,” my source continued. (The Times recently confronted this issue via its Reader Center.) “There’s definitely a feeling,” the source added, “that the people most concerned about these sorts of things are people in more junior positions, as opposed to people who are in positions of power.”
上述事件发生背景是3月21日美国奥斯汀地区的爆炸袭击事件。纽约时报因在最初的报道中对犯罪者Mark Conditt的谴责一笔带过,并试图为其解释开脱而饱受批评,其后在纽约时报网站的读者专栏中做了就这一事件的相关回应。
As with most hot-button topics these days, all roads seem to lead back to the real-estate mogul and
reality-television fixture who now resides at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. “I would agree that the question of a generational divide is made more complicated by the fact that it’s happening during the presidency of Donald Trump,” said Times managing editor Joe Kahn in an interview. “If this had been the first term of Hillary Clinton, or a less divisive, less polarizing figure for many members of our own staff, some of the issues that have arisen might not have taken on quite the level of importance or urgency or alarm that they have.” At the same time, said Kahn, the Times “has made it really clear that we consider it crucial to our future that we not become an opposition-news organization. We do not see ourselves, and we do not wish to be seen, as partisan media. That means that the news and opinion divide, and things like social-media guidelines and some of our traditional restrictions on political activity by employees, may feel
to some people at this point in our evolution.”
真人秀的固定出场嘉宾——特朗普。纽约时报执行编辑Joe Kahn在接受采访时表示“因为身处特朗普时代,我们所面对的代际分裂问题变得更为复杂,如果现在是希拉里•克林顿的第一任任期,或者是一个在我们许多职员看来一个不那么分裂、极端的人物担任总统,那么可能现在我们所面对的一些议题就不会显得如何重要、迫切。”同时Kahn表示,纽约时报“也清楚表明,我们认为不让纽约时报变成反对党派的新闻机构对自身未来发展至关重要。我们并不认为,也不希望纽约时报被看作为有党派倾向的媒体,而这意味着新闻和观点专栏会呈分裂之势,并且对正身处在报纸转型期中心的部分职员,他们会觉得一些社交媒体的指导方针以及一些对于职员政治活动的传统约束
宾夕法尼亚大道1600号:宾夕法尼亚大道(Pennsylvania Avenue)是华盛顿哥伦比亚特区的一条街道,联结白宫和美国国会大厦,是所谓的“美国大街”(America's Main Street)。1600号是美国总统官邸所在。
['ɜːstwaɪl] former or in the past 以前的;过去的
['kʌmbəs(ə)m] a process or system that is cumbersome is slow and difficult〔过程或系统〕耗时的,累赘的
To Kahn’s point, the country is in the midst of a unique and restive moment—not least of all for the ever-ubiquitous millennial population—characterized by empowerment and anger and, yes, “wokeness.” Against this backdrop, the Times is arguably changing more rapidly and radically than any other period in its 167-year history, including the
earlier this year of its first digital-native publisher, 37-year-old A.G. Sulzberger. Put simply, the Times is working through a complex and fraught makeover in order to become a place that can survive—even if there were no print edition in another 5 or 10 or 20 years. “I have been here a long time,” one veteran editor told me. “The tensions you’re referring to are not just generational. We are all trying to figure out what the Times is in the digital era.”
[ə'senʃ(ə)n] when someone moves to a more important or higher position or job formal〔地位或职位的〕上升,升高
Inside the newsroom and departments that work closely with it, many legacy jobs have been eliminated over the past few years to make room for an entirely new class of employees. These newcomers include Web-trends reporters and community editors and social-media strategists; product people and visualization specialists and audience-engagement
; engineers and audio experts and data scientists and various other positions that didn’t used to exist. The Times also has been hiring more writers and editors from outside its traditional talent channels. (“Other relatively similar newspaper companies,” in Kahn’s words, “that did relatively similar things.”) That means the paper is now crawling with journalists who came from some of the same upstart digital publications the Times now counts as competitors. The result is an increasingly diverse and varied organization that suddenly encompasses lots of people who didn’t come up in old-school journalism environments like the Times, or people who are at least more inclined to challenge some of the newspaper’s entrenched customs in an era where it increasingly feels like the world has been turned on its head and the old rules no longer apply.
[guru] someone who knows a lot about a particular subject, and gives advice to other people informal 专家,权威
“We’re eager to have people like that on board, because they bring a set of skills that we need,” said Kahn. “But it does present us with a challenge of needing to have a broader discussion about what the values of our workplace are, and also to do a better job of communicating the journalistic values that The New York Times has traditionally had to a new generation of people who may not have learned them from their previous places of work or schooling.” Kahn said there is “a little bit of a disconnect between some of the things that, journalistically, as an institution, we feel compelled to do”—reporting without fear or favor, and giving voice to many different sides and perspectives and all of that—“and our workplace values.” (Equitable race, gender, and sexual-identity representation; diversity of world views and experience; protection from harassment, etc.)
One of the younger, newer Times employees I spoke with boiled down the conflict as follows, with the obvious
that there are, of course, “woke” people in the old guard and traditionalists in the younger set. “The olds,” my source said, “feel like the youngs are insufficiently respectful of long-standing journalistic norms, or don’t get that things are the way they are for a reason. The youngs feel like the olds are insufficiently willing to acknowledge the ways in which the world and media landscape have changed, and that our standards and mores should evolve to reflect that.” (Several Times sources emphasized that this dynamic has been around for decades. As Gay Talese once wrote of the 1950s-era Times: “There were philosophical differences dividing older Timesmen who feared that the paper was losing touch with its tradition and younger men who felt trapped by tradition.”)