专栏名称: Kallanish国际钢铁资讯
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Kallanish国际钢铁资讯  · 公众号  ·  · 2020-03-20 09:40


Kallanish (开阑商务信息咨询)获悉,本周东南亚螺纹钢交易比盘条交易更为活跃。防控新冠肺炎疫情扩散的措施导致地区购买意向低迷,特别是在封锁措施将持续到 4 13 日的马尼拉。

Rebar trading in Southeast Asia thisweek has been more active than for wire rod, Kallanish notes.Measures to contain the Covid-19 pandemic have muted regional buying sentiment,especially in Manila where a lockdown is enforced until 13 April.

新加坡方面,贸易人士称,最近一位贸易商向一些买家售出 5 月船期的中国螺纹钢,价格为 435-443 美元 / cfr 新加坡理重。一位贸易商认为该成交价太低,表示:“我猜测这是直径 10-32mm 的螺纹钢。”他补充说,中国对直径 10-40mm 螺纹钢的报价一般在 445-450 美元 / cfr ,所以该交易可能是贸易商处理的库存货物。

In Singapore, a trader recentlysold Chinese rebar for May shipment to several buyers at $435-443/tonne cfrSingapore theoretical weight, trading sources report. “I suspect it was for10-32mm diameter material,” says a trader who deems the transaction price toolow. The Chinese are generally offering 10-40mm diameter rebar at $445-450/tcfr, so the deal could have been the disposal of a trader’s position cargo, headds.


A regional importer says he was alsoapproached by the trader. “China has lots of inventory to offload. Althoughpeople are already back to work, logistics are still pretty bad,” he observes.

本周达成两宗 5 万吨的螺纹钢交易, 5 月船期,来自两家土耳其钢厂。其中一宗价格为 445 美元 / cfr 新加坡理重,另一宗约为 460 美元 / cfr 香港实重。贸易人士称,后者相当于 425-427 美元 / fob 实重。

Two 50,000t May-shipment cargoes ofrebar from two Turkish mills were concluded this week. One sold at $445/tcfr Singapore theoretical weight and the other at around $460/t cfr Hong Kongactual weight. The latter cargo translates to $425-427/t fob actualweight, trading sources say.

香港市场人士称,一位贸易商以约 460 美元 / cfr 的价格订购了土耳其螺纹钢,以交付远月合同。据称,这位贸易商是为了取代被一家中东钢厂取消的合同而达成该交易,但截至发稿前未能证实。

A trader booked the Turkish rebar ataround $460/t cfr to cover a forward contract, Hong Kong sources says. Thetrader involved is reported to have done the order to replace a pendingcontract which was cancelled by a Middle Eastern mill, but this could not beconfirmed before deadline.

俄罗斯螺纹钢报价为 445 美元 / cfr 香港实重。一位贸易商听说,上周五达成 1 万吨交易,但另一位消息人士不确定是否达成任何交易。

Russian rebar is offered at $445/t cfrHong Kong actual weight. A trader hears that 10,000t was booked last Friday butanother source says he is unsure of any conclusion.

周四 Kallanish BS4449 500B 10-40mm 螺纹钢每周估价降至 440-445 美元 / cfr 新加坡理重,较前一周下降 2.5 美元。

On Thursday, Kallanishlowered its weekly BS4449 500B 10-40mm diameter rebar price to $440-445/tcfr Singapore theoretical weight, down $2.5 on-week.

同时,马尼拉盘条进口市场保持安静。中国贸易人士称,中国 6.5mm 盘条报价为 465-470 美元 / cfr 。一位中国贸易商说,“多数买家关注的重点是疫情、食品和健康”,而不是钢材。马来西亚盘条上周报价为 460 美元 / cfr 马尼拉,本周已经消失。目前马来西亚正在实施为期两周的封锁。

Meanwhile, the wire rod import marketwas silent in Manila. Chinese 6.5mm diameter wire rod is offered at $465-470/tcfr, Chinese trading sources say. "Most buyers are focused on the virus,food and healthcare,” and not on steel, a Chinese trader says.Malaysian wire rod, offered last week at $460/t cfr Manila, is unavailablethis week. Malaysia is currently in a two-week lockdown.

Kallanish SAE 1008 6.5mm 网用盘条估价为 460 美元 / cfr 马尼拉。

Kallanish maintained its SAE 10086.5mm diameter mesh-grade wire rod assessment at $460/t cfr Manila.
