专栏名称: 一只特立独行的猫仔
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1号NB 举重入门教程全集(含抓/挺/高翻/常见错误 持续更新)xs

一只特立独行的猫仔  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-04-04 17:19


小编 ❥(^_-):gtwj67

1号NB 举重入门教程全集(含抓/挺/高翻/常见错误 持续更新)xs

❤: gtwj67


小编 ❥(^_-):gtwj67



P.S. — I write my curse, but I adore you! I hear it in my heart. One string is left, and it vibrates. Better tear my heart in two! I shall kill myself, but first of all that cur. I shall tear three thousand from him and fling it to you. Though I’ve been a scoundrel to you, I am not a thief! You can expect three thousand. The cur keeps it under his mattress, in pink ribbon. I am not a thief, but I’ll murder my thief. Katya, don’t look disdainful. Dmitri is not a thief! but a murderer! He has murdered his father and ruined himself to hold his ground, rather than endure your pride. And he doesn’t love you.
