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自然科学博物馆研究  · 公众号  ·  · 2019-11-22 11:59


2019 磐石 国际科技馆能力建设高级工作坊 在京开班

Opening of Panshi 2019 International Training Workshop on Capacity Building for Professionals of Science Centers and Museums in Beijing

11 19 日上午, 2019 磐石 国际科技馆能力建设高级工作坊在中国科技馆正式开班。
The morning of November 19 witnessed the official opening of Panshi 2019 International Training Workshop on Capacity Building for Professionals of Science Centers and Museums.

为促进世界各国科技馆事业共同繁荣以及从业人员专业发展,以搭建深度交流与合作平台为出发点,中国科技馆、中国科技馆发展基金会、国际博协科技博物馆专业委员会联合举办“ 2019 磐石 国际科技馆能力建设高级工作坊”(以下简称“工作坊”),并得到了中国博物馆协会和中国自然科学博物馆学会的大力支持。国内外知名科技博物馆的 7 名专家教师和 39 位中外学员齐聚一堂,共促科技馆能力建设提升,共商国际馆间合作大计。
In order to promote the common prosperity of science centers and museums around the world and the professional development of practitioners, and to build a platform for in-depth exchanges and cooperation, CSTM (China Science and Technology Museum), Foundation for the Development of Science and Technology Museums in China, and ICOM-CIMUSET (International Council of Museums - The International Committee for Museums and Collections of Science and Technology) jointly held "Panshi 2019 International Training Workshop on Capacity Building for Professionals of Science Centers and Museums" (hereinafter referred to as the "Workshop"), which received strong supports from the Chinese Museums Association and CANSM (Chinese Association of Natural Science Museums).Seven expert teachers and thirty-nine students from well-known science centers and museums at home and abroad gathered to promote the capacity building of science & technology museums and discussed the overall plan of international cooperation.

中国科协党组成员、中国科技馆馆长殷皓,国际博协科技博物馆专业委员会( ICOM - CIMUSET )副主席朱丽叶•拉乌尔•杜瓦尔,工作坊协调人克劳德•福贝尔,以及来自澳大利亚、法国、美国和中国的教师和全体中外学员出席开班仪式。仪式由中国科技馆副馆长欧建成主持。殷皓宣布工作坊正式开班。
Yin Hao, CAST Party Group Member & Curator of CSTM, Juliette Raoul-Duval, Vice-President of ICOM-CIMUSET, and Claude Faubert, Workshop Coordinator, as well as teachers from Australia, France and the United States with all the students attended the opening ceremony. The ceremony was presided over by Ou Jiancheng, Deputy Curator of CSTM, and Yin Hao announced the official opening of this workshop.

工作坊以“面向未来的 STEM 教育:科技馆教育项目开发”为主题,涵盖科技馆 STEM 教育活动开发逻辑、科学博物馆讲解员作用的重新定义、 STEM 教育的家庭及社区参与、面向青少年及大众的 STEM 教育等诸多方面,为提升科技馆从业人员专业能力、增进同行交流合作搭建平台。工作坊的 39 名学员中,国际学员 15 , 中国学员 24 名。国际学员来自 15 个国家的 15 家科普场馆,以发展中国家为主,包括澳大利亚、孟加拉国、巴西、智利、埃及、印度、印度尼西亚、伊朗、马来西亚、尼泊尔、菲律宾、韩国、俄罗斯、斯洛文尼亚和斯里兰卡。中国学员来自国内 15 个省、区、市的 20 家科普场馆及企业。
Themed on "The Future of STEM: Developing Learning Programs in Science Centers and Museums", the Workshop covered the development logic of STEM education activities in science centers and museums, the redefinition of the role of science museum interpretators, the family and community participation in STEM education, STEM education for teenagers and the general public and many other aspects, aiming to enhance the professional capability of practitioners in science centers and museums and build a platform for further peer exchanges and cooperation. Among 39 students in the Workshop, there were15 international students and 24 Chinese students. International students came from 15 popular science venues in 15 countries, mainly from developing countries, including Australia, Bangladesh, Brazil, Chile, Egypt, India, Indonesia, Iran, Malaysia, Nepal, Philippines, South Korea, Russia, Slovenia and Sri Lanka. Chinese students came from 20 popular science venues and enterprises in 15 provinces, autonomous regions and cities.

工作坊采用专家授课、案例分析、开放性讨论、项目制学习、科技馆实践等多种形式,鼓励学员借此机会充分交流思想、提升自我,为各自所在场馆的能力建设作出更大贡献。工作坊将持续至 11 25 日。
Through the use of expert lectures, case studies, open discussions, project-based learning, science museum practice and other forms, the Workshop encouraged students to take this opportunity to fully exchange ideas, improve themselves, and make greater contributions to the capacity-building for their own venues. The Workshop is scheduled to last until November 25.
国际博协科技博物馆专业委员会( ICOM-CIMUSET )副主席朱丽叶•拉乌尔•杜瓦尔女士向工作坊的国内外学员致欢迎辞。
