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唧唧堂  · 公众号  ·  · 2020-11-13 22:57


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解析作者 | 唧唧堂管理学研究小组: MORGAN_DORY
审校 | 唧唧堂管理学研究小组: Eric J
推送编辑 | 悠悠



Conventionally, identity centrality has been conceived of as a stable and transsituational construct, with situational variability in identity centrality treated as being of little informational value. In contrast to past research, we develop a theoretical model arguing that a portion of within-person variability in identity centrality is systematic and meaningful. Drawing on identity control theory, we examine the within-person relationship flowing from perceived role progress to state identity centrality, which is conventionally viewed as reverse causal at the between-person level. We further explain the intermittent effect of an intense positive emotion-passion for the role-and investigate the contingent effect of in-role effort. The results from 2 repeated-measures studies showed that a significant proportion of total variance in identity centrality occurred at the within-person level and perceived role progress influenced state identity centrality by engendering passion for the role contingent on in-role effort. We discuss the theoretical and practical implications of our findings for management and organizations to inspire new intellectual debate and novel viewpoints to advance the microfoundation of identity theory.

参考文献:Tripathi, N., Zhu, J. L., Jacob, G. H., Frese, M., & Gielnik, M. M. (2020). Intraindividual Variability in Identity Centrality: Examining the Dynamics of Perceived Role Progress and State Identity Centrality. Journal of Applied Psychology, 105(8), 889-906. doi:10.1037/apl0000465



The coronavirus disease that emerged in 2019 (COVID-19) spotlights the need for effective leadership in a crisis. Leadership research in applied psychology suggests that women tend to be preferred over men as leaders during uncertain times. We contribute to this literature by examining, in the context of COVID-19, whether states with women governors had fewer deaths than states with men governors, and why. We tested this research question with publicly available data on COVID-19 deaths in the United States as of May 5, 2020 and found that states with women governors had fewer COVID-19 deaths compared to states with men governors. Governor sex also interacted with early stay-at-home orders; states with women governors who issued these orders early had fewer deaths compared to states with men governors who did the same. To provide insight into psychological mechanisms of this relationship, we conducted a qualitative analysis of governor briefings that took place between April 1, 2020 and May 5, 2020 (251 briefings, 38 governors, 1.2 million words). Compared to men, women governors expressed more empathy and confidence in their briefings. Practical implications are discussed.

参考文献:Sergent, K., & Stajkovic, A. D. (2020). Women's Leadership Is Associated With Fewer Deaths During the COVID-19 Crisis: Quantitative and Qualitative Analyses of United States Governors. Journal of Applied Psychology, 105(8), 771-783. doi:10.1037/apl0000577

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最近的理论和实证证据表明,情境判断测试(SDI)比之前所认为的更与情境无关,这引发了一场争论,关于情境描述在S.M中的作用。为了促进这场辩论,并加深我们对SJTs工作原理的理解,本文从概念上将SJT绩效嵌入到情境建构模型中,并研究了情境描述对SJT分数的构造饱和度和预测效度以及对申请人认知的影响。在两项研究(N = 1,092和578)以及不同的Sri的研究中,人格和认知能力是同等重要的决定SJT表现的因素,无论是否呈现情境描述。删除情境描述对SJT分数的标准相关的有效性的影响因标准的广度而异。对于预测全球工作绩效标准(角色内绩效和组织公民行为),SJT有效性没有受到显着影响,而对于预测更具体的标准(人际适应性、团队合作效率)则降低了其有效性。最后,省略SJTs中的情况描述对申请人认知的影响可以忽略不计或很小。最后,我们讨论了本文对SJT理论、研究和设计的启示。

Recent theorizing and empirical evidence suggesting that Situational Judgment Tests (SDI's) are more context-independent than previously thought has sparked a debate about the role of situation descriptions in S.M. To contribute to this debate and add to our understanding of how SJTs work, this article conceptually embeds SJT performance in a situation construal model and examines the effects of situation descriptions on the construct saturation and predictive validity of SJT scores, as well as on applicant perceptions. Across two studies (N = 1,092 and 578) and different Sri's, personality and cognitive ability were equally important determinants of SJT performance regardless of whether situation descriptions were presented or omitted. The effects of removing situation descriptions on the criterion-related validity of SJT scores differed depending on the breadth of the criteria. For predicting global job performance criteria (in-role performance and organizational citizenship behavior), SJT validity was not significantly affected, whereas it decreased for predicting more specific criteria (interpersonal adaptability, efficacy for teamwork). Finally, the effects of omitting situation descriptions in SJTs on applicant perceptions were either negligible or small. Implications for SJT theory, research, and design are discussed.

参考文献:Schapers, P., Mussel, P., Lievens, F., Konig, C. J., Freudenstein, J. P., & Krumm, S. (2020). The Role of Situations in Situational Judgment Tests: Effects on Construct Saturation, Predictive Validity, and Applicant Perceptions. Journal of Applied Psychology, 105(8), 800-818. doi:10.1037/apl0000457



Situational judgment tests (SJTs) have emerged as a staple of assessment methodologies for organizational practitioners and researchers. Despite their prevalence, many questions regarding how to interpret respondent choices or how variations in item construction and instruction influence the nature of observed responses remain. Existing conceptual and empirical efforts to explore these questions have largely been rooted in reflexive psychometric measurement models that describe participant responses as indicative of (usually multiple) latent constructs. However, some have suggested that a key to better understanding SJT responses lies in unpacking the judgment and decision-making processes employed by respondents and the psychological and contextual factors that shape how those processes play out. To this end, the present article advances an integrative and generalizable process-oriented theory of SJT responding. The framework, labeled situated reasoning and judgment (SiRJ), proposes that respondents engage in a series of conditional reasoning, similarity, and preference accumulation judgments when deciding how to evaluate and respond to an SJT item. To evaluate the theory's plausibility and utility, the SiRJ framework is translated into a formal computational model and results from a simulation study are analyzed using neural network and Bayesian survival analytic techniques that demonstrate its capability to replicate existing and new empirical effects, suggest insights into SJT interpretation and development, and stimulate new directions for future research. An interactive web application that allows users to explore the computational model developed for SiRJ (https://grandjam.shinyapps.io/sirj) as well as all reported data and the full model/simulation code (https://osf.io/uwdfm/) are also provided.

参考文献:Grand, J. A. (2020). A General Response Process Theory for Situational Judgment Tests. Journal of Applied Psychology, 105(8), 819-862. doi:10.1037/apl0000468

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Research on emotional labor-the process through which employees enact emotion regulation (i.e., surface and deep acting) to alter their emotional displays-has predominately focused on service-based exchanges between employees and customers where emotions are commoditized for wage. Yet, recent research has begun to focus on the outcomes of employees engaging in emotion regulation, and surface acting in particular, with coworkers. Given that coworker interactions are qualitatively distinct from those with customers, we build on the emotional labor and emotion regulation literatures to understand why such acts of emotion regulation occur in coworker-based exchanges, and whether there are well-being and social capital costs and/or benefits for doing so. Across 3 complementary studies spanning over 2,500 full-time employees, we adopt a person-centered approach and demonstrate that four distinct profiles of emotion regulation emerge in coworker exchanges: deep actors, nonactors. low actors, and regulators. Further, our results suggest that certain employees are driven to regulate their emotions with coworkers for prosocial reasons (deep actors), whereas others are more driven by impression management motives (regulators). Our results also suggest that while nonactors and deep actors similarly incur well-being benefits (i.e., lower emotional exhaustion and felt inauthenticity), deep actors alone experience social capital gains in the form of higher receipt of help from coworkers, as well as increased goal progress and trust in their coworkers. Combined, our research delineates the motives that drive emotion regulation with coworkers and identifies when such regulatory efforts yield social capital gains for employees.

参考文献:Gabriel, A. S., Koopman, J., Rosen, C. C., Arnold, J. D., & Hochwarter, W. A. (2020). Are Coworkers Getting Into the Act? An Examination of Emotion Regulation in Coworker Exchanges. Journal of Applied Psychology, 105(8), 907-929. doi:10.1037/apl0000473



A sizable body of research has established work-family conflict and its nomological network. Despite decades of research, we have yet to form a precise understanding of what happens when a conflict arises. The current research addresses this question using a growth modeling, episodic approach. We use stressor-strain and allostatic load theories to examine changes in daily patterns of psychological (fatigue, negative affect) and physiological (heart rate, blood pressure) strains that occur during and after a work-family conflict episode. We found some evidence for acute changes in psychological strain during and after work-to-family conflict episodes. Daily family-to-work conflict was associated with mixed reactions. State fatigue and heart rate decreased at the time of a family-to-work conflict, although state negative affect increased at the time of family-to-work conflict, and state fatigue increased more rapidly throughout the day after the second time family-to-work conflict was experienced. Additionally, we found evidence that state negative affect increases throughout the day as work-to-family conflict episodes accumulate. Daily family-to-work conflict accumulation was also associated with decreased fatigue, increased state negative affect, and increased systolic blood pressure. Lagged analyses showed some evidence that negative mood predicts work-family conflict occurrence within the next few hours. Implications for the theoretical relationship between work-family conflict and strain are discussed.

参考文献:French, K. A., & Allen, T. D. (2020). Episodic Work-Family Conflict and Strain: A Dynamic Perspective. Journal of Applied Psychology, 105(8), 863-888. doi:10.1037/apl0000470

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7、 说谎者!说谎者!(当赌注更高时):了解如何在人员选择中使用夸大技术来衡量伪造

夸大问卷(OCQs)捕捉了夸大行为,或者夸大一个人对给定话题的了解,这被认为是一种潜在指示,描述在工作申请中影响自我评估的虚假行为。然而,关于OCQs在这方面的有效性的经验证据并不一致。我们利用期望理论来调和这些不一致,并确定在什么情况下过度夸大行为最能表明虚假。我们建议,评估环境必须与高价值的结果相关联,并且OCQ的内容必须与目标工作的感知知识需求相匹配,这样,夸大该内容的知识将有助于获得工作机会。我们通过三个研究来检验这些命题。首先,对519名消防员职位的申请人进行抽样调查。我们证明了在与工作相关的OCQ上夸大与虚假和自我表现的其他指标呈正相关。接下来,我们通过重复测量实验(N = 252)证明,与被指示诚实回答的情况相比,在模拟的人员选择环境中,参与者在与工作相关的OCQ上比在与工作无关的OCQ上夸大了更多的知识。最后,在一个新的重复测量人员选择范式(N = 259)中,我们观察到在选择评估中比在研究评估中有更多的夸大行为,并且我们观察到这种求职夸大行为预测了选择后的偏差行为。总之,结果表明,当OCQ包含与工作相关(而不是与工作无关)的内容时,夸大其词的行为最能说明在工作申请评估中造假。
