专栏名称: 果汁焗酱油
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51好读  ›  专栏  ›  果汁焗酱油


果汁焗酱油  · 公众号  ·  · 2020-02-12 11:11



俗话说:万事开头难,然后中间难,最后结尾难。专利对君来说是越来越难了,就拿专利族来说,花样挺多还真让君有点晕。说起来“ 专利族 ”的意思,真是好理解到不行:

“具有共同优先权 的、 内容基本相同 一组 专利。

以为这就完了吗? Of course not!

专利族还得分: 简单专利族、复杂专利族、扩展专利族、国内专利族、仿专利族 等。这些不明觉厉的“族”,专利界官方是怎么解释的?

WIPO《工业产权信息和文献手册》 2013年6月版(最新)第8.1.1节是这样说的 (好开心,这个手册竟然有果汁局编译的中文版)

❶ 简单专利族 · Simple Patent Family
“Simple patent family” means a patent family relating to the same invention, each member of which has for the basis of its “priority right” exactly the same originating application or applications.

❷ 复杂专利族 · Complex Patent Family
“Complex patent family” means a patent family relating to the same invention or to several inventions sharing a common aspect, each member of which has for the basis of its “priority right” at least one originating application in common with the other members of the family.

❸ 扩展专利族 · Extended Patent Family
“Extended patent family” means a patent family relating to one or more inventions, each member of which has for the basis of its “priority right” at least one originating application in common with at least one other member of the family.

❹ 本国专利族 · National Patent Family
“National patent family” means a patent family relating to one or more inventions, the members of which are published by the same office and at least two of which are distinct from each other (i.e., not merely a different procedural publication stage for the same originating application – see domestic patent family), and having for their basis of “priority right” at least one originating application in common with the other members of the family. The relationship of at least two of the published patent documents in this type of patent family is a result of additions, continuations, continuations-in-part, or divisions of the original subject of invention covered by an originating application.
《手册》中文版:本国专利族是指关于一个或多个发明的一组同族专利中,每个专利族成员均由同一工业产权局公布,并且至少有两个是相互不同的 (即,不仅仅是同一原始申请在不同公布阶段的专利文献——参见内部专利族) ,它们的优先权基础是具有一件原始申请与族中其他成员相同。这种类型专利族中至少两个公布的专利文献关系是由同一原始申请的覆盖原始发明主题的增补、后续、部分后续、分案等产生的结果。

❺ 内部专利族 · D omestic patent family
“Domestic patent family” means a patent family consisting solely of a single office’s different procedural publications for the same originating applications(s).

❻ 仿专利族 · Artificial Patent Family
Artificial Patent Family (intellectual or non-conventional patent family) – means a patent family consisting of a collection of equivalent patent documents (i.e., documents relating to the same invention) published by different offices and at least some of which do not share a common originating application or applications (or where data relating to such a common originating application is not disclosed). The members of this type of family are determined only after intellectual investigation to have essentially the same disclosed content.
《手册》中文版:仿专利族 (也叫智能专利族或非常规专利族) 指的是专利族由不同局公布的等同专利文献 (即相同发明的文献) 的集合,其中至少一些专利不享有相同的原始申请 (在数据上没有披露为共同原始申请) 。这些类型的族成员具有基本相同的内容披露 (仅在智力调查后确认)
兄弟姐妹们,这么清流的定义, 看懂了吗 ?记住了吗?
兄弟姐妹们, 这么清流的定义, 能记多久啊?
兄弟姐妹们, 这么清流的定义, 你们整个人还好吗

反正!酱油君看完,脑袋都肿了!歪破啊歪破,为什么要这样为难你的同行? 轻松一下,给大家讲个故事:





简单同族: 大根和二根是简单同族,他俩是同父同母。
