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Aedas新作 | 广州南沙IFC:灵山之翼,定义湾区新城门户

ZaomeDesign  · 公众号  · 设计  · 2025-03-12 09:30


为广州南沙明珠湾区的启动区,灵山岛尖承载着南沙未来发展的重要使命,是区域内的金融与商务核心。南沙IFC项目位于岛尖东端,与南沙区政府隔江相望,远眺珠江入海口, 地理位置得天独厚, 成为展示南沙形象的重要窗口。
Aedas院士、全球设计董事韦业启(Ken Wai)及设计团队以“灵山之翼”为构想,在此打造了一座地标性高端商务综合体,塑造南沙的全新天际线, 定义新城的门户形象 这里既是珠江水系的重要节点,也是粤港澳大湾区交通枢纽。未来,“灵山之翼”将作为三江汇流处的视觉焦点和湾区发展的助推器,为广州南沙迈向国际化城市注入全新动力。
Led by Aedas Global Design Principal Ken Wai, the Nansha IFC is a landmark high-end commercial complex located in Lingshan Island, offering panoramic views of the Pearl River and redefining Nansha's skyline while driving development in the Greater Bay Area.
Nansha IFC located at the tip of Lingshan Island
灵山岛尖三面环水,坐拥蕉门水道、洪奇沥水道和珠江出海口交汇的壮丽景观。 蕉门水道自广州市区蜿蜒而下,是南沙的绿色生态走廊; 洪奇沥水道则流经灵山岛尖的西侧,是重要航运与生态保护水道; 珠江出海口(狮子洋)连接伶仃洋,展现出通江达海的恢弘气势。 三江交汇的自然格局,使灵山岛成为一个自然与城市共生的绝佳区域。
Surrounded by water on three sides, Nansha IFC enjoys stunning views of the Jiaomen Waterway, Hongqili Waterway, and the Pearl River.
The design concept, ‘Wings of Lingshan,’ responds to the distinctive landscape of mountains and rivers of Lingshan Island. A scenic landscape is created for the complex with a harmony of nature and urban development.
Lingshan Island surrounded by water
‘Wings of Lingshan’
双塔通过 空中连廊连接,构筑“门户”形象
The towers are connected by an elevated sky bridge to form an open gateway
两座220米和135米高的办公塔楼共同构筑“展翅飞翔”的建筑意象,象征南沙锐意进取、开放包容的城市精神。 双塔建筑通过离地百米的空中连廊连接,形成开放的“门户”形象,远看宛如展翅高飞的雄鹰,与灵山岛尖的自然环境相互呼应。
Two office towers, standing at 220m and 135m tall respectively, create an architectural image of spreading wings, symbolising Nansha's spirit of ambition and inclusivity. The twin towers are connected by an elevated sky bridge, forming an open gateway that resembles a soaring eagle from a distance, harmonising with the natural landscape of Lingshan Island.
高低双塔形成 “展翅飞翔”的建筑意象
A striking architectural image of spreading wings
Nansha's spirit of ambition and inclusivity
The sky bridge located over 100 meters high
跨度超过60米的 空中连廊位于100多米的高度,通过精密的液压提升与高空对接技术实现轻盈连接。连廊的设计不仅优化了功能和流线, 270度的观景空间更是建筑的点睛之笔,为区域提供了一个绿色、开放的城市会客厅。
The sky bridge, located over 100 meters high and spanning more than 60 meters, optimises functionality and creates a streamlined appearance. It forms a 270-degree viewing area that offers green and open spaces for the community.
A sky bridge connecting two towers
A fluid visual effect
270-degree viewing area overlooking the Pearl River
The tower’s façade features low-radiation glass that slopes inward at about 10%, reducing light pollution while creating a fluid visual effect. The lines on the façade are inspired by the rhythm of wat er waves, echoing the surrounding natural waterways.
Façade features low-radiation glass
