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中国日报双语新闻  · 公众号  · 国际  · 2017-01-25 12:45



“I miss Chang'an at day and night. I miss the scene when linnaeus twitters alongside the brandreth of the gold well.” The man portrayed by the renowned poet Li Bai during the Tang Dynasty (618-907) is in love with Chang'an, the ancient Chinese capital, as it is gentle, touching and special.


“Chang'an is crisscrossed by roads and lanes with streams of horses and vehicles.” In this sentence, Lu Zhaolin, another famous poet in Tang Dynasty, sees the city as diverse and promising.


Chang'an was the name for Xi'an in ancient times. Both Chang'an and Xi'an mean "prosperous society and stable life".

西安古城墙 (The city wall and moat in Xi'an, Shaanxi province)


Intellectuals and poets have endowed Xi'an with romance and historical appeal since ancient times. In most people's eyes, the city is always related to history and significant cultural moments.

秦俑一号坑全景(Panorama view of the No 1 hit of Terracotta Warriors and Horses in Xi'an


We know about its key position as the capital for 13 dynasties in ancient China, the glory of the Silk Road, the miracle of the Terracotta Warriors and Horses, and the historic sites of the Wild Goose Pagoda. But it's a pity that we’re not familiar with Xi’an’s modernity.

西安高新路十字路口(Crossroads at Gaoxin Street in Xi'an)

不一样的西安有着不一样的关键词:研发总部(headquarters of research institutes)、风险投资(risk investment)、电子信息(information technology)、生物医药(bio-medicine)、先进制造(advanced manufacturing)、集成电路(integrated circuit)、光伏技术(photovoltaic)  、3D打印(3D printing)......而这些关键词都与一个地方分不开,那就是西安高新区(Xi’an Hi-tech Industrial Development Zone, one of China’s top national-level industrial zones)。

西安高新区参加中西部贸易投资洽谈会 (Xi’an Hi-tech Industrial Development Zone takes part in the Investment and Trade Forum for Cooperation between East and West China.)

这个开发区的资历很老,而且发展非常迅猛,综合指标位于全国56个国家级高新区前列。成立于1991年,它一个代表西安与西部高新科技产业前沿的领地(territory for latest high-tech industries in Xi'an and western China ),以其众多的“第一”成为陕西和西安最强劲的经济增长极(the strongest driving force for economic growth in Xi'an and Shaanxi province)和对外开放的窗口(a window for opening-up)。

它是全球财富500强企业(Fortune Global 500 enterprises)的聚集地和科技创新(technological innovation)的一片沃土。目前,高新区已聚集了包括美国应用材料(Applied Materials)、美光(Micron technology)、高通(Qualcomm Inc)、法国施耐德( Schneider Electric )、IBM、德国西门子(Siemens AG)、英荷壳牌(Shell)、台湾友立资讯(Ulead Systems)等国外知名企业投资设立的研发总部。全区有经认定的高新技术企业(high-tech enterprises)1320家,累计转化科技成果(technological achievements)近8200项,其中93%以上拥有自主知识产权(intellectual property rights)。

再让我们看一看她闪亮经济数据(economic data):2016年高新区预计全年实现营业收入(revenue)13600亿元(1.36 trillion yuan),生产总值同比增长百分之11(a year-on-year increase of 11 percent)。

应用材料西安研发中心实验室(A worker checks facilities at a lab of the R&D center at Applied Materials in Xi'an

高新区艾润物联董事长王林祥在2016美国拉斯维加斯PIE展会上(Wang Linxiang (right), CEO of iRain, explains his idea of intelligent parking to visitors at the 2016 PIE Exhibition in Las Vegas.)

它有四大主导产业,分别是电子信息 (information technology)、先进制造(advanced manufacturing)、生物医药(biomedicine)和现代服务业(modern services)。2015年产业营业收入达到8650亿元,近五年年均增长30 percent (year-on-year growth of 30 percent)。




技术行业最具代表的就是一期投资70亿美元的西安三星闪存芯片(flash memory chip)项目了。从项目签约到开工建设,从主厂房建设到形成高新综保区(Comprehensive boned area)西安国际社区(Xi'an international community)等一系列生产生活配套,开启了中韩半导体合作的一个新篇章(a new chapter for cooperation in semiconductors between China and South Korea)。

2014年7月24日,三星集团两个研发中心落户西安高新区(Two research centers of Samsung Electronics have based operations in the zone in 2014.

之后,西安又相继引进了三星半导体封装测试(Samsung semiconductor assembly and test)、三星SDI动力电池等项目(Samsung power battery),三星集团旗下有6家公司在区内投资7个项目,同时吸引了美国空气化工、日本住友等配套企业110家。目前,三星项目二期还在积极谈判当中。


Auto Manufacturing

比亚迪以自主品牌轿车生产为主,具有吸纳上海、深圳等地汽车产业技术(technologies of automobile industry)和资本优势(advantages in assets)。 

比亚迪西安生产线(A production line of carmaker BYD

西安高新区正在运行的比亚迪纯电动公交车(BYD's electric bus is on road in the zone.


Biological Medicine

生物医药在陕西40个行业的产值排名中居第四位,行业基础雄厚,有杨森、步长、利君、金花、皓天、力邦、嘉禾、大唐等300多家较有规模的知名制药企业(renowned pharmaceutical companies),拥有国家级生物医药孵化器 (incubator for biological medicines),初步形成了以中药现代化(modernization of Chinese medicines)、化学药和新药研发(R&D of western and new medicines)、生物技术(biotechnology)为主的产业集群(cluster of industries)。

陕西艾尔肤组织工程有限公司的员工在人工皮肤生产线上工作。李一博 新华社摄(A worker at Shaanxi Eyre Skin Tissue Engineering's production line in Xi'an.  Li Yibo / Xinhua

我国组织工程人工皮肤产品(artificial skin products of China's tissue engineering)产业化基地(industrial base)在陕西西安竣工投产,这使我国成为继美国之后掌握该项世界前沿技术(state-of-the-art technology)的国家之一。人工皮肤技术是一项通过提取人体细胞( human cells)进行培育,产生高度近似人类皮肤的技术,可用于人类皮肤的移植(transplant of human skin)、治疗和改善,并对治疗糖尿病足(diabetic foot)等长期难愈性溃疡具有良好疗效。 


Financial Services

高新区汇聚汇丰银行、渣打银行、人民银行、证监会、保监会、华夏人寿、北京银行、重庆银行、长安银行等80多家区域性金融机构(financial institutions)总部和近400家风险投资机构(risk investment institutions)、300多家中介服务机构(agent intermediary services)。


顾客在中国银行办理业务(A customer transacts businesses at Bank of China's Xi'an branch.


3D Printing

陕西西安非凡士机器人科技有限公司的一名工作人员在展示利用3D打印机(3D printer)制作的骨骼模型(human skeleton)。这家公司目前已取得22项专利(patents)。


这家公司成立于2011年9月,由留美博士牵头组织的创新研发团队(innovative research team),创业初期只有4名员工,注册资本200万。创业6年来,在国家小微企业政策(favorable polices for small and medium-sized enterprises)的扶持下,他们依托西安高新产业园区的优势条件,积极投入到3D打印机的研发、销售和服务事业当中(research, marketing and services of 3D printer)。


Software Industries

西安软件产业已经形成独特优势(unique advantages),拥有2000多家软件和信息技术服务企业,年产值(annual output value) 1800多亿元。西安软件产业90%以上的企业和产值集中在西安高新区的西安软件园(Xi'an Software Park)。2016年以来,西安软件园吸引了美国高科技投资型孵化器PNP和谷歌Google、AdWords体验中心进。 

西安软件园(Xi'an Software Park

西安软件园近年建立了完善的服务体系(systems of services),持续加大创新扶持力度(speed up innovation),共建立11个产业联盟(industrial alliances)、20个公共技术服务平台(service platform for technologies) 、1个专业IT人才服务平台(service platform for professionals)和1个未来学习中心(future study center),目前拥有企业1880家,吸引就业15万人。

国家电子商务示范基地(The demonstration base for national e-commerce businesses in Xi'an


西安长乐门(Chang'le Gate of Xi'an


The zone’s robust growth represents Xi'an’s fast development pace. The city, on a fertile soil of long-established culture and history, is on the way to innovating its technological civilization. The city’s modernity is as dignified, prosperous and eternal as its past.


It is reminiscent of the carvings on the stone of the Big Wild Goose Pagoda Square: “Xi'an, in Northwest China, has always been an important place since ancient times. It could make heroes bow to the moon where historic sites remain through wind and frost.”