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格隆汇  · 公众号  · 财经  · 2016-12-23 19:53





Companies and industries that are out of favor tend to attract our interest.  While we focus on franchise businesses with large moats and good management at a reasonable price, investing in cyclical companies has a certain appeal.  After all, it seems straightforward enough that abrupt swings in market psychology will create bargains, even huge, screaming bargains.  If you can enter the market at the “point of maximum financial opportunity,” big money can be made.

一些冷门的公司和行业有的时候反而能吸引我们的注意力。虽然我们主要以合理的价格投资拥有较深护城河以及优质管理层的连锁经营企业,但是因为某些原因,我们也会投资周期性行业。很显然,市场情绪的突然动荡很容易带来便宜“货”,有的甚至便宜得惊人。如果你能在“财务机会最高点” 进入市场,就能赚大钱。


Source:  Big Fat Purse

This general principle led us to take a look at a particularly cyclical industry, oil.  The recent drop in the price of oil and the concomitant drop in the value of oil and oil-related companies caught our attention.  We thought it was highly likely that the market was incorrectly extrapolating current oil prices far into the future and under-rating the likelihood of a return to high prices.  This over-pessimism should lead to bargains in oil stocks.


In fact, as Howard Marks pointed out in a 2014 memo, the oil market tends to be self-correcting:


A decline in the price of gasoline induces people to drive more, increasing the demand for oil.


A decline in the price of oil negatively impacts the economics of drilling, reducing additions to supply.


A decline in the price of oil causes producers to cut production and leave oil in the ground to be sold later at higher prices.


Marks concluded:  “In all these ways, lower prices either increase the demand for oil or reduce the supply, causing the price of oil to rise (all else being equal).  In other words, lower oil prices – in and of themselves – eventually make for higher oil prices.”  Therefore, the current dip in oil prices and the corresponding dip in oil company valuations should be merely temporary.


Next, we decided to specifically focus on midstream master limited partnerships (MLPs). As midstream MLPs generally hold mature assets that require modest maintenance capital and generated stable cash flow, we saw MLPs as bond-like substitutes with high yields and very modest growth expectations.   Such companies seemed attractive at the right price.


Boy, were we naïve!  Walking into the cesspool that is the MLP sector was an eye-opening experience.


The Oil & Gas Value Chain


“Midstream” MLPs represent the largest single segment of the MLP universe. As the name suggests, midstream companies sit between upstream companies which actually extract the oil or natural gas and downstream companies which distribute the commodity.  Midstream companies operate pipelines, storage facilities, and/or processing plants. These are predominately fixed-infrastructure assets designed to handle specific commodities and to provide transportation services in a specific direction. They charge toll-like fees to the producers for throughput on their infrastructure.


With the advent of large scale horizontal drilling roughly 8 years ago and the surge in hydrocarbons flowing out of Alberta, the Bakken, DJ Basin, Marcellus, Permian, Eagle Ford, et al, the US experienced a huge build out of energy infrastructure.  Much of this build out took place via MLPs.



Attractive Features of Midstream MLPs


Our look at Midstream MLPs focused specifically on companies providing oil storage services.  The MLPs that derive 90% to 100% of their revenue from oil storage fees are;


1.Arc Logistics (ARCX)

2.PBF Logistics (PBFX)


4.West Point Terminals (WPT)

These companies have many of the characteristics we look for:


Stable and Predictable Cash Flows – A number of mechanisms provide a substantial degree of security around future cash flows:

稳定、可预测的现金流 —— 特定的运行机制为未来可持续的现金流提供了保障。

Limited Commodity Price Exposure – Although the MLPs operate in a highly cyclical industry, they are relatively insulated from the cycles because they do not take ownership of the oil at the terminals.

有限的商品价格风险— 虽然这些MLPs公司处在高度周期性企业,但是它们几乎是跟周期绝缘的,因为并不在终端拥有石油产品。

Volume Security – Many oil storage contracts contain minimum volume commitments (MVCs)


Long Term contracts – Typically contracts have two 5-year renewal terms and inflation-based cost escalators.


Customer Stickiness – Customers tend to stick around for a long time. The top ten customers for one storage MLP, World Point Terminals (WPT) have been with them for average of 9+ years


High barriers to entry, including:


Limited locations that possess the requisite characteristics necessary to support an oil storage business, such as proximity to pipelines, refineries, processing plants, waterway, demand markets and export hubs;


the extended length of time and risk involved in permitting and developing new projects and placing them into service, which can extend over a multi-year period depending on the type of facility, location, permitting and environmental issues and other factors;


the magnitude and uncertainty of capital costs, length of the permitting and development cycle and scheduling uncertainties associated with terminal development projects present significant project financing challenges, which could be exacerbated by any tightening of the global credit markets; andthe specialized expertise required to acquire, develop and operate storage facilities, which makes it difficult to hire and retain qualified management and operational teams.


Easy to Understand – Even we can understand owning a big tank and being paid to store someone’s oil in it.


Conventional wisdom suggests midstream MLPs are generally the most stable assets within the MLP landscape.


General Organization Structure of MLPs


Unfortunately, the conventional wisdom is wrong.  Wall Street took these straightforward boring businesses and put them in highly engineered structures.  See below:



The key MLP stakeholders are:


The “Sponsor.” The entity that forms or creates the MLP.


The general partner (GP).  Operates and manages the MLP.


The Limited partners (LP).  Simply provide capital


To further confuse things, the Sponsor frequently also acts as the GP and owns LP interests.


Sponsors are typically in the oil and gas field.  They transfer certain assets (for example, pipelines or storage tanks) from the pre-existing business to the MLP.  They then sell LP units to investors through an IPO.


The GP usually owns a 2% minority stake, essentially all the voting rights, and Incentive Distribution Rights (IDRs). IDRs warrant the GP to receive an incrementally larger share of the distributions paid to unitholders as the distribution grows. It is common for IDRs to split distributions 50/50 between the LP and GP at the highest level of the distribution schedule (or “tier”), a condition known as “high splits.”


Once in place, Sponsors will transfer further assets to the MLP via transactions known as “dropdowns.”  The Sponsor drops assets down to the MLP and takes back more equity in the MLP and/or debt.



The Power of Bad Incentives


MLPs are designed to attract retail investors with large and growing dividends while making sure the Sponsor maintains control over the vehicle and keeps their downside protected.


This design as well as MLP marketing creates four important forces:


1.MLPs must distribute all available cash


2.MLPs are presumed to maintain stable growth


3.MLPS rely on funding from external sources


4.GPs have high upside potential but little downside exposure


When these forces combine, the end result is a highly combustible substance.

1.MLPs Must Distribute All Available Cash


MLPs are contractually required to distribute “all available cash.”  In practice, available cash is essentially operating cash flow less cash interest expense and less maintenance capital expenditures.  This sounds great on the surface.  After all, many shareholders would be better off if CEOs effectively had all discretion over capital allocation taken away from them.


The high percentage of cash flow distributed leads to high yields.  As of May 25, 2016, the Alerian MLP Index (AMZ) reported a yield of 7.45%.  This yield is far higher than other asset classes as you can see below:

大比重分配现金流带来了高收益。比如,在2016年5月25日,Alerian MLP Index (AMZ)披露了7.45%的收益率。这个收益率远远高于以下的资产:


However, this high yield does not come without a price.  The coverage ratio, i.e., the ratio of available cash to distributions paid, of midstream MLPs is just over 1.09x. This means for every dollar paid in distributions, there is a little more than one dollar of available cash to make the distribution. Contrast this with the more familiar dividend payout ratio – the ratio of dividends paid to reported earnings, typically associated with corporations. The aggregate payout ratio of S&P 500 companies is a bit over 32%. For MLPs, the comparable metric to the dividend payout ratio is the inverse of the coverage ratio. On that basis, one can see MLPs on average pay out nearly 92% of their cash flow in distributions. That leaves no ability to fund growth out of cash flow from operations.  This high payout ratio raises a host of other issues discussed below.


2.MLPs Are Presumed to Maintain Stable Growth


Below is a typical slide from an MLP investor presentation showing hockey stick distribution growth.



Source:  PBFX Investor Presenation


The pressure for an MLP to maintain a stable and growing DCF is much more intense than that of a normal company to maintain steady earnings.



The question then becomes, how do you fund this type of growth when almost no cash is retained?


3.MLPS Rely on Funding from External Sources


Any capital to the MLP business must come from external sources.  This is not a good position to be in.  “The ability to make accretive capital investments is largely dependent on others – a risky position that most competitive, strategic-thinking entities would rather not be in.”  For one thing, should the capital markets largely dry up or become more expensive to access, the sources and rates of MLP distribution growth could be greatly reduced.  For another, if the MLP comes to rely on debt, they can find themselves in a very awkward position should business turn down.  If the MLP relies on equity infusions, minority owners suffer dramatic dilution.

MLP企业的资本都必须是来自外部资源,而这绝对不是个有利情况。“(这时候)累积资本投资的能力很大程度上取决于他人——这种风险境地是任何一个有竞争性、有策略的企业都不想置身其中的。” 一个原因是一旦资本市场大面积干涸,或者变得昂贵难以进入, MLP企业分红增长的来源和速度都会被大大削减。另一个原因是如果MLP企业过度依赖于负债,它们可能就会置身于面临破产的尴尬境地。如果MLP依赖于注资,那么少数股东的权益将被大幅度稀释。

4.GPs have high upside potential but little downside exposure


IDRs entitle the GP to receive increasing percentages of the incremental as the MLP raises distributions to limited partners.  Initially, the general partner receives only 0-2% of the partnership’s cash flow. However, as certain pre-determined distribution levels are met, the GP receives an incremental 15%, then 25%, and up to 50% of incremental cash flow. The purpose of the IDRs is to give the GP some “skin in the game” and incentivize the general partner to raise the quarterly cash distribution to reach higher tiers, which benefits the LP unitholders, as well.


Below is a typical IDR profit split arrangement:



Source:  VTTI 10-K & Punchcard Calculations

There are significant flaws in this theory.  The key issue is that the GP gets the lion’s share of upside potential without commensurate downside exposure.  A general partner commonly owns a 2% stake in an MLP it manages. In a static scenario (i.e., one in which the distribution is not growing), the GP receives 2% of distributions, equal to its ownership stake. At worst, the GP’s 2% stake could become worthless. On the other hand, IDRs allow the GP to take home an increasing share of incremental distributions, while LPs receive a declining share.




 投稿给格隆汇。投稿邮箱:[email protected]



