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电费为什么这么贵​? | 文字稿

人文经济课堂  · 公众号  ·  · 2021-02-03 12:03


Why Are Utilities So Expensive?



Why does your electricity bill keep going up when the cost of producing electricity keeps going down?


Since 2010, the price of natural gas has fallen 43% and coal prices have dropped 11%. And yet, the price of electricity for residential users in the U.S. has risen 13% over that time. Why?

自 2010 年,天然气价格下降了43%,煤炭价格下降了 11%。然而,美国居民的用电价格在这期间上升了 13%。为什么?

Because almost all the money Americans should have saved (and we’re talking serious money) went to subsidize renewable energy. Wind and solar, it turns out, are more expensive than advertised.


Perhaps if renewable energy was what made our air cleaner, or what caused the dramatic reductions in CO2 over the last decade, you could say it was worth it. But our air was already becoming dramatically cleaner long before wind and solar were identified as “environmentally critical.” Emissions of harmful pollutants have decreased 77% in the US since 1970. And that had nothing to do with wind and solar. It was almost entirely due to the switch from coal to natural gas.

如果说可再生能源让我们的空气更清洁,或者让过去十年二氧化碳大幅降低,你可以说这是值得的。但我们的空气已经变得非常清洁了,早在风能和太阳能被认为「对环境至关重要」以前。在美国,有害污染物排放自 1970 年减少了 77%,而这与风能和太阳能没有丝毫关系,这几乎完全是由于从煤炭转向天气然。

So if we’re getting no cost savings from wind and solar, and minimal benefits in terms of cleaner air or reductions in CO2, why are we so obsessed with it?


The question becomes even sharper if we take a close look at your electricity bill. It consists of three main parts. Part One: Generation Cost. Part Two: Transmission Cost. Part Three: Taxes and Fees.


Part One: Generation Cost


The cost of generating and reliably maintaining electricity comprises about 50% of your power bill.  ln order to keep the lights on, the demand for and supply of electricity must be satisfied at all times.

生产并可靠地维持电力的成本构成你电费的约 50%。为了维持电力供应,电力的需求和供应在任何时候都必须得到满足。

Fossil-fueled electricity is inexpensive, and the fuel can be stored or sourced on site—the electricity is there when you need it. In contrast, wind and solar generate electricity based on the mood of Mother Nature. This is known as the intermittency problem.


Here’s what it means in practical terms: For every wind and solar farm you build, you need a fossil fuel facility nearby to supply electricity on demand. This is what filmmaker Michael Moore and his team found out, much to their shock, when researching green energy for their documentary, Planet of the Humans. All that wasted money is reflected in your electricity bill.


Part Two: Transmission Cost


The cost to transmit electricity is determined by the distance between the power plant and your home or business. This is one of the reasons fossil fuel and nuclear plants are ideally suited to power our large, dense cities and industries. They require little land space and can be situated near or within population centers, so they need relatively few transmission lines. But wind and solar resources require large tracts of land and are therefore usually placed in remote locations.


That remoteness requires expensive new infrastructure. Texas, for example, has already spent over $7 billion in new transmission lines to bring distant wind power to cities in the east and south. And billions more will be required. Texans are already seeing those costs in their energy bills. But Texas is not unique. It’s happening everywhere.

这一偏远问题要求昂贵的新基础设施。以德州为例,已花费超过 70 亿在新的传输线路上,以将遥远的风能送往东部和南部城市,还将需要额外数十亿。德州人民已经在他们的电费单上看到这些成本了。但德州并非特例,到处都是这样。

Part Three: Taxes and Fees


Most taxes are plainly stated on your power bill. State taxes, city and county taxes, plus a bewildering assortment of fees—those are bad enough. But what you won’t see on your electricity bill are the federal and, in many places, state taxes that you pay to subsidize wind and solar generation.


Federal subsidies alone for the wind and solar industries totaled more than $70 billion from 2010 to 2019. Most state governments kick in their own incentives. The subsidies for wind and solar are in a class by themselves, and have been for decades. We are not incentivizing new technology, but are artificially supporting an industry. Take away the subsidies and, very likely, that industry does not exist.
