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高校人才网  · 公众号  · 求职  · 2017-03-13 12:05


College Masters / Associate Masters / Resident Fellows of the Residential Colleges

The University of Macau (UMacau) is the flagship public  university in Macao, which gives it a unique advantage when pursuing the goal  of becoming a world-class university with regional characteristics. English is  its working language. In recent years, the university has made great progress  in various areas, gaining increasing international recognition for its  teaching, research, and community service. To better support higher education  development in Macao and to meet society’s ever-increasing demand for high-quality  professionals, the university relocated in August 2014 to a new campus of  approximately 1.09 square kilometres. With a state-of-the-art campus, the   implementation of Asia’s largest residential college system, the establishment  of new faculties and well-equipped laboratories, the increasing numbers of  students and faculty members recruited from around the world, UMacau possesses  great potential and provides exciting new possibilities for professional  development. The   Residential College (RC) system will ultimately comprise of 12   cross-disciplinary liberal arts communities which are designed to integrate  students’ learning and living. Living together in one of the colleges, academic  staff and students will have close interaction towards the realization of an  all-round education. To staff this rapidly expanding system, we are seeking  applications for the positions of College  Master , Associate Master and Resident Fellow . Successful  candidates are expected to assume their positions as soon as mutually  practicable.

A. College Master (Ref. No.: RC/CM/03/2017)

The College Master of a  Residential College shapes and leads each individual college to achieve its  mission as a lively academic and social community which addresses whole person   development. The Master is also responsible for the overall college   administration and supervision of all staff, besides formulating rules and  regulations of the college in line with university policies and procedures.  He/she is normally a senior scholar of his/her specialization and may maintain  teaching and research activities as appropriate. Where appropriate, the  appointees may be considered for concurrent affiliation with academic units.  The initial appointment is up to three years and is subject to renewal.

B. Associate Master (Ref. No.: RC/AM/03/2017)

Reporting to the College  Master, the Associate Master will deputize for him or her and oversee student  life in the college. He/she provides student counseling and ensures student   discipline, as well as organizing different developmental programmes in the  college. Maintaining an appropriate level of teaching and academic research  output is encouraged but not required. Where appropriate, the appointees may be  considered for concurrent affiliation with academic units. Teaching in an  innovative RC General Education program will also be a possibility. The initial  appointment is up to three years and is subject to renewal.

Requirements for positions A & B

1.An earned doctorate degree from a reputable  university is preferred;

2.Faculty member status with balanced exposure to  teaching, research and service or a committed educator with substantial student  service experience, candidates with substantial social experience is highly  preferable for College Master;

3.Experience in student life, development or  welfare in a university setting is preferred;

4.Administrative experience in a higher education  institution is preferred.

C. Resident Fellow (Ref. No.: RC/RF/03/2017)

The Resident Fellow will  assist the Associate Master in the planning and delivery of general education  and community programmes in the college. They will facilitate tutorials,  seminars and other meaningful experiential learning opportunities/activities  for college members on a regular basis, encouraging wide-ranging   student-centered interdisciplinary activities. The initial appointment is up to  two years and is subject to renewal.

Requirements for position C

1.Master’s or doctorate degree, the latter being  an advantage (PhD candidates in the final stages of their study are encouraged  to apply);

2.Some experience working full-time or part-time  in a higher educational setting;

3.Experience in a university residential life  programme is an advantage;

4.Proficiency in both English and Chinese  (Cantonese or Mandarin) is an advantage;

5.Refined communicative and interpersonal skills.

Position and Remuneration

Remuneration  offered will be competitive and commensurate with the successful applicants’  academic qualification, current position and professional experience. The  current local maximum income tax rate is 12% but is effectively around 5% - 7%  after various discretionary exemptions. Appointments are normally expected to  be on a full-time basis in a college. Residence in college is mandatory, so   apartment accommodation will be provided rent free for College Master,   Associate Master and Resident Fellow.

To  find out more about the Residential Colleges, interested candidates may refer  to the following link for information: http://www.umac.mo/rc

Application Procedure

Applicants should visit http://www.umac.mo/vacancy for more details, and apply ONLINE at Jobs@UM ( https://isw.umac.mo/recruitment ).  Review of applications will commence immediately and continue until the  positions are filled. Applicants may consider their applications not successful  if they were not invited for an interview within 3 months of application.

Human Resources Section, Office of Administration
University  of Macau, Av. da Universidade, Taipa, Macau, China
Website: https://isw.umac.mo/recruitment ; Email:
[email protected]
Tel:  +853 8822 8406; Fax: +853 8822 2412

The effective position and salary index are  subject to the Personnel Statute of the University of Macau in force. The  University of Macau reserves the right not to appoint a candidate. Applicants  with less qualification and experience can be offered lower positions under  special circumstances.
