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唧唧堂  · 公众号  ·  · 2021-04-02 23:48


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解析作者 | 唧唧堂管理学写作小组: 小白菜
审校 | 唧唧堂管理学写作小组: Eric.J, 明月奴
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Our 2010 Journal of International Business Studies article,“Unraveling the Effects of Cultural Diversity in Teams: A Meta-analysis of Research on Multicultural Work Groups,” attempted to take stock of existing research on cultural diversity in teams, to reconcile conflicting perspectives and past results, and provide a better understanding of the mechanisms and boundary conditions under which diversity affects team outcomes. To guide our analysis, we developed a theoretical framework outlining how cultural diversity leads to both process gains and losses in teams, and specifying the contextual conditions under which diversity contributes to effective team outcomes. We tested our hypotheses in a meta-analysis of research on cultural diversity in teams, encompassing 108 primary studies with a combined sample size of 10,632 work groups. The results suggested that cultural diversity does not have a direct impact on team performance but rather that the effect is indirect, mediated by process variables such as creativity, cohesion, and conflict; and is moderated by contextual influences such as team tenure, the complexity of the task, and whether the team is co-located or geographically dispersed. Unexpected findings raised important questions about the dynamics of diverse teams and underscored the need for further examination. In this Retrospective, we reflect on progress made in research on culturally diverse teams over the last decade, highlight remaining gaps and open questions, and propose an agenda for future research.

参考文献:Stahl, G.K., Maznevski, M.L. Unraveling the effects of cultural diversity in teams: A retrospective of research on multicultural work groups and an agenda for future research. J Int Bus Stud 52, 4–22 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1057/s41267-020-00389-9.


元分析总结了某领域的研究基础,因此具有很大的影响力。尽管有其价值,一项出色的元分析标准在过去的十年中却发生了改变。从相关文章的识别到编码,调节分析和结果报告,现在元分析的每个步骤都更加形式化。十年前的榜样可以在今天过时。以Stahl等人备受奖赏的元分析为例 (揭示团队中文化多样性的影响:对多元文化工作组研究的元分析。《国际商务研究杂志》,41(4):690–709,2010年),我们采用了多学科方法(例如管理,心理学,健康科学),以总结现代元分析的解剖结构(即基本组成部分),重点在于:(1)数据收集(即文献搜索和筛选,编码),(2)数据准备(即,多种效应大小的处理,异常值的识别和管理,发布偏差),(3)数据分析(即平均效应大小,效应大小的异质性,调节搜索)和(4)报告(即透明度和可重复性)未来的研究方向。此外,我们还提供了指南和决策树,用于确定何时应该更新基础分析和被引用率很高的元分析。根据最新的证据,我们总结了期刊编辑和审稿人的期望,作者应提供的内容以及读者(即其他研究人员,从业人员和政策制定者)应考虑的关于元分析的回顾。

Meta-analyses summarize a field’s research base and are therefore highly influential. Despite their value, the standards for an excellent meta-analysis, one that is potentially award-winning, have changed in the last decade. Each step of a meta-analysis is now more formalized, from the identification of relevant articles to coding, moderator analysis, and reporting of results. What was exemplary a decade ago can be somewhat dated today. Using the award-winning meta-analysis by Stahl et al. (Unraveling the effects of cultural diversity in teams: A meta-analysis of research on multicultural work groups. Journal of International Business Studies, 41(4):690–709, 2010) as an exemplar, we adopted a multi-disciplinary approach (e.g., management, psychology, health sciences) to summarize the anatomy (i.e., fundamental components) of a modern meta-analysis, focusing on: (1) data collection (i.e., literature search and screening, coding), (2) data preparation (i.e., treatment of multiple effect sizes, outlier identification and management, publication bias), (3) data analysis (i.e., average effect sizes, heterogeneity of effect sizes, moderator search), and (4) reporting (i.e., transparency and reproducibility, future research directions). In addition, we provide guidelines and a decision-making tree for when even foundational and highly cited meta-analyses should be updated. Based on the latest evidence, we summarize what journal editors and reviewers should expect, authors should provide, and readers (i.e., other researchers, practitioners, and policymakers) should consider about meta-analytic reviews.

参考文献:Steel, P., Beugelsdijk, S. & Aguinis, H. The anatomy of an award-winning meta-analysis: Recommendations for authors, reviewers, and readers of meta-analytic reviews. J Int Bus Stud 52, 23–44 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1057/s41267-020-00385-z


十年前,Stahl等人(J Int Bus Stud 41:690–709,2010)对文化多样性和团队绩效的文献进行了元分析,旨在增进我们对“文化多样性影响团队过程的机制和背景条件”的理解(p. 691)。最新的研究仍与文章有关文化多样性的“双刃剑”的结论相呼应,指的是过程损失与收益之间的权衡。在这篇评论中,我们根据对这把双刃剑的理解,评估了过去十年的进展。我们认为,就增加新见解而言,IB作为一个领域,在理解团队内部的多样性方面取得了实质性进展,在输入过程-输出逻辑方面取得了适度的进展,在文化多样性定义方面取得的进展最小。我们建议在下一个十年中超越双刃剑的隐喻,包括将重点从文化多样性本身转移到其管理方式,从简单性转变为展现复杂性,将多样性类别扩展到文化之外,将机制扩展到知识或信息之外。

Ten years ago, Stahl et al. (J Int Bus Stud 41:690–709, 2010) performed a meta-analysis of the literature on cultural diversity and team performance, aiming to improve our understanding of “the mechanisms and contextual conditions under which cultural diversity affects team processes” (p. 691). State-of-the-art studies still echo the article’s conclusion about the ‘double-edged sword’ of cultural diversity, referring to the trade-off between process losses and gains. In this commentary, we assess progress within the past decade on our understanding of this double-edged sword. We argue that in terms of adding new insights, IB, as a field, has made substantial progress with respect to understanding diversity within teams, moderate progress with respect to input-process-output logic, and minimal progress with respect to definitions of cultural diversity. Our recommendations for moving beyond the double-edged sword metaphor in the next decade include shifting focus from cultural diversity per se to how it is managed, moving away from simplicity towards unfolding complexity, and expanding diversity categories beyond culture, and mechanisms beyond knowledge or information.

参考文献:Minbaeva, D., Fitzsimmons, S. & Brewster, C. Beyond the double-edged sword of cultural diversity in teams: Progress, critique, and next steps. J Int Bus Stud 52, 45–55 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1057/s41267-020-00390-2

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Complex project work often is carried out by groups spanning national and cultural boundaries. This work is vulnerable to poorly understood coordination breakdowns that can lead to project delay and failure. We conceptualize coordination breakdowns to be driven by differences in cognitive and behavioral scripts for coordination of the task. We propose that script differences emerge from cultural and institutional influences on role structures, temporal structures, and cues. This conceptualization integrates theory concerning cultural differences and institutions to understand coordination breakdowns. We also propose that coordination scripts draw on overarching sociocultural templates for coordination, and we provide examples from four cultures. The concepts of coordination scripts and cultural coordination templates open new avenues of research and benefit global project coordination and mitigation of risk.

参考文献:Cramton, C.D., Köhler, T. & Levitt, R.E. Using scripts to address cultural and institutional challenges of global project coordination. J Int Bus Stud 52, 56–77 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1057/s41267-020-00337-7


外派人员的东道国语言能力,被主要地假定对外国子公司中的东道国国民(HCN)雇员-作为外组成员-的外派社会分类具有负面线性的影响。不同于此假设, 我们使用社会认同理论(SIT)和基于SIT的社会语言学来假设, 由于身份威胁, 外派人员的东道国语言能力与HCN的外派外组分类具有U形曲线关系: 首先, 外组分类随着外派人员的语言能力的提高而降低, 但是从某个点开始, 分类会增加, 因为“太好”的语言能力违反了HCN与外派人士之间明显的组群间的界限。由于它们在社会分类中的关键作用, 我们还研究了HCN分配主义和不确定性规避是否调节了所建议的曲线关系。从日本956家外国子公司的1,166名HCN员工收集的数据得出的结果为不确定性规避的主要曲线关系和调节曲线关系提供了支持。因此, 我们的研究表明, 语言能力与外派人员社会分类的关系比以前的国际商务研究所讨论的要复杂得多。我们通过对外派人员适应东道国总是会产生有益影响的普遍假设表示怀疑, 从而对文献做出了贡献。我们的研究特别提醒人们注意以下的普遍假设: 东道国语言水平的提高会自动导致与外国子公司中的HCN建立更好的关系。

Expatriate host country language proficiency is predominately assumed to have a negative linear relationship with expatriate social categorization – as outgroup members – by host country national (HCN) employees in foreign subsidiaries. Departing from this assumption, we use social identity theory (SIT) and SIT-based sociolinguistics to hypothesize that expatriate host country language proficiency, due to identity threat, has a curvilinear U-shaped relationship with HCNs’ expatriate outgroup categorization: at first, outgroup categorization decreases with increasing expatriates’ language proficiency, but, from a certain point onwards, it increases because “too good” language proficiency violates salient intergroup boundaries between HCNs and expatriates. Due to their key roles in social categorization, we also examine whether HCN allocentrism and uncertainty avoidance moderate the proposed curvilinear relationship. Results from data collected from 1166 HCN employees in 956 foreign subsidiaries in Japan provide support for the main curvilinear relationship and the moderating curvilinear relationship of uncertainty avoidance. Our results suggest that the language-proficient expatriate social categorization relationship is more complex than previous international business research has evoked. Our study contributes to the international business literature by casting doubt on the widely held assumption that expatriate adaptation towards the host country always carries beneficial effects. Our study cautions, in particular, against the common assumption that higher proficiency in the host country language will automatically lead to better relationships with HCNs in foreign subsidiaries.

参考文献:Peltokorpi, V., Pudelko, M. When more is not better: A curvilinear relationship between foreign language proficiency and social categorization. J Int Bus Stud 52, 78–104 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1057/s41267-020-00316-y


各国消费者在产品类别上的支出是否随着时间的推移,变得越来越相似?如果是的话, 消费趋同的前因后果是什么?这些问题是学者和管理者都感兴趣的。为了研究它们, 我们提出了一个新颖的实证框架, 其中包括:(i)消费趋同的新量表(预算分配缺口): 和(ii)将消费趋同与趋同的前因后果联系起来的计量经济学模型。我们的实证分析(使用了1990至2017年间来自71个国家的21个产品类别的数据)表明, 总体而言, 消费型态在各国之间趋于一致。然而, 随着时间的推移, 消费趋同的速度一直在下降。我们还表明, 消费趋同受到几个以前未曾研究过的前因的影响, 包括技术进步, 内向贸易开放性和种族多样性。对管理者和决策者有直接兴趣的发现是, 消费趋同程度越高, 市场集中度就越高。这些发现为学者、管理者和政策制定者在全球营销策略与审计、全球需求预测、国际市场细分和渗透, 以及全球竞争提供了重要启示。

Are consumers across countries becoming more similar over time in terms of their spending across product categories? If so, what are the antecedents and consequences of convergence in consumption? These questions are of interest to scholars and managers alike. To examine them, we propose a novel empirical framework that encompasses: (1) a new measure of consumption convergence (budget allocation gap), and (2) an econometric model that links consumption convergence to its antecedents and consequences of convergence. Our empirical analyses – using data from 71 countries in 21 product categories between 1990 and 2017 – suggest that, overall, consumption patterns have been converging across countries. Yet, the speed of consumption convergence has been decelerating over time. We also show that consumption convergence is influenced by several previously unexplored antecedents, including technological advances, inward trade openness, and ethnic diversity. Of direct interest to managers and policymakers is the finding that the higher the level of consumption convergence, the higher the market concentration. These findings offer key implications for scholars, managers, and policymakers regarding global marketing strategy and audit, global demand forecasting, international market segmentation and penetration, and global competition.

参考文献:Ozturk, A., Cavusgil, S.T. & Ozturk, O.C. Consumption convergence across countries: measurement, antecedents, and consequences. J Int Bus Stud 52, 105–120 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1057/s41267-020-00334-w

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国际商务研究广泛探讨了法律制度中的跨国差异如何影响公司的财务实践。基于这些文献以及有关资本结构和产品市场互动的文献, 我们研究了法律制度的一个重要维度 — 债权人权利 — 对高杠杆公司产品市场绩效的影响。使用1989–2016年的来自60个国家的37,422家公司的样本, 我们发现强大的债权人保护会给较少杠杆的公司带来好处, 但由于客户、竞争对手和员工的不利反应的增加而对高杠杆公司产生不利影响。债权人权利对高杠杆成本的不利影响对在有发达债务市场和银行系统的国家中的公司更为明显, 而对在股票市场发达且信息不对称性较低的国家中的公司则几乎没有影响。我们的研究为国际商务文献提供了新洞见, 并通过发现基于资本结构和产品市场相互作用的潜在成本, 为有关债权人保护作用的辩论做出了贡献。

An extensive body of international business research examines how cross-country variations in legal institutions influence corporate finance practices. Building on this literature, as well as the literature on capital structure and product market interactions, we investigate the effect of an important dimension of legal institutions – creditor rights – on the product market performance of highly leveraged firms. Using a sample of 37,422 firms from 60 countries over the 1989–2016 period, we find that strong creditor protection benefits less leveraged firms, but adversely affects highly leveraged firms by increasing the adverse responses of customers, competitors, and employees. The adverse effect of creditor rights on the costs of high leverage is more pronounced for firms in countries with developed debt markets and banking systems, but mostly insignificant for firms in countries with developed equity markets and low information asymmetry. Our study offers new insights into the international business literature and contributes to the debate on the role of creditor protection by uncovering a potential cost based on capital structure and product market interactions.
