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三明治  · 公众号  ·  · 2025-02-28 13:18


2月份的 工作坊 中,当我们把国际最流行的英文创意写作介绍给12-16岁的中国孩子时,他们一开始也不知道这和以往他们进行的英文写作有什么区别。



We were sitting in a circle, finally deciding our English festival show. We kept on trying to have a meeting about it, but there was always some trouble going on.

I sat up straight and cleared my throat: “What ideas do you guys have for our English Festival?” One of my classmates, Eva, yawned and suggested: “Maybe we could set up a band and have a English chorus.” “Sure, that will be a great way to show our class’s English.”Agreed Anna, stretching out her arms in all different directions. “How about the others?” I said, already becoming a little cross. Why didn’t they care?


The backpack stayed silent all the time too. Just absorbing the corner of the sky outside the bus window, and nothing else. He couldn’t quite understand what there was to look at, it was the same route from the wynnewood apartment to the school every day. So instead, he cast a glance inside the bus. Noisy kids, and quiet kids, muddy footprints and a piece of a broken-up Rubik’s cube. And then, he found something, or to be precise, someone just like him. In fact, purple, with poly the pony big in the front, there was an identical backpack like him, just across the aisle.



My favorite food is lollipops even though I know it is not actually a real food, but more of a snack or candy kind-of-thing. Since I was in kindergarten, every time I was sick or unhappy, Mother would change her identity into a "magician", and somehow "out of thin air" she would pull out a lollipop. I fell for it every time she plays the trick, and little by little, it became a special thing between me and my mother.

I have always liked the shape of lollipops. I loved how it looked like a microphone and, actually, many things depending the way you look at it. Like many kindergarten girls, I liked to pretend it as lipstick, as a toothbrush, or a pen with a piece of candy on the other end; or holding on to it as a mic and moving my body pretending I'm a star. I've also enjoyed putting it in different directions in my mouth, making my mouth look like a puffer fish.

Til now, every time I feel down, I ask my mother for a lollipop.


I am a street lamp, opening my eyes as night falls. I stand by the roadside, illuminating the way home for passersby. I've seen the lively of the night and the quiet of the empty streets. I've heard the footsteps of late-night travelers and the whispers of the wind. I witness the passage of time, from dusk to dawn, always on guard. I keep company with stars and the moon, guarding the city's nights. Though I stand alone, my light brings comfort. I am a street lamp, the city's night guardian.

写着写着,一个问题不可避免地显现出来, 创意写作所追求的人性的真实(truthful), 无论在虚构还是非虚构作品中,写作者的自我(self)都会呈现,而且需要通过写作不断去逼近。 人性里的真实,无论高光的渺小的,骄傲的难堪的,大目标还是小心思,都非常值得书写,也是书写中很重要的真实。有太过的"标化"写作已经阉割了孩子写作的真实感,成为一种标准的文书,就像一个个空洞的模板。而创意写作不是,它在让孩子意识到真实的自我,继而艺术地想象这个自我如何呈现上,让2月寒假工作坊初尝创意写作的孩子们欲罢不能。

所以,今年 春季学期(3月8日-6月14日) ,三明治联合故事星球Storyland继续推出12-16岁孩子Global Creative Writing工作坊,本系列一共12周,每周一次,将让 孩子有更长的周期,更沉浸的感受去体会创意写作中的自我表达,并创作出两篇作品。



Global Young Adult Creative

Writing Workshop









Julia Hollingsworth




Tutor: Julia Hollingsworth

Julia holds a Masters in Creative Writing: Nonfiction from the University of East Anglia and a Bachelor of Arts in English from Abilene Christian University. Additionally, she completed a Certificate and a Diploma course in Creative Writing from the Institute of Ongoing Education at Cambridge University. In 2019, she received an award from the Texas Association of Creative Writing for best undergraduate essay.

Julia has been working in the education sector since 2019. She has worked as an English teacher for primary students where she taught reading, writing, and grammar, and as a reading and writing tutor for secondary students. In 2024, she completed a course in Teaching English as a Foreign Language to better assist international students and to expand her teaching capacities.

Julia is currently working on a memoir about untangling her identity from the fundamentalist, evangelical Christian community she was raised in. Her work largely focuses on family ties and the conflicts within close relationships. She enjoys character driven narratives that utilize dialogue and scene setting as tools to pull the plot forward. She is especially drawn to any writing that blends fiction and nonfiction. Some of her favorites include In The Dream House by Carmen Maria Machado, Kick the Latch by Kathryn Scanlan and the Bluest Eye by Toni Morrison.




全球化中英文写作平台"三明治"创始人。2002年毕业于人大新闻学院,2010年毕业于伦敦大学学院(UCL)国际公共政策硕士,2024年以优等学位毕业于UEA创意非虚构写作硕士项目。英文文学杂志Bluebell Magazine创办人。2024年受邀在英国曼彻斯特的esea contemporary博物馆开设中英文创意写作工作坊。








工作坊平台: 腾讯会议

阅读能力要求: 5.0+

写作要求: 大量的课堂写作练习+ 独立完成两篇1500单词左右的创意写作作品。工作坊参与者将被要求将写作分享给同伴,也对同伴的写作进行点评。这是国际创意写作非常重要的"workshopping"方法。





Crafting the Personal Essay 👇

Objectives of the Course:

In each session students will be given practical tools to explore the craft of nonfiction. Themes to be explored are writing from a personal perspective, including dialogue, scene setting, and background context that highlights the writers work against other nonfiction.

Each week they will be asked to come prepared with their writing to discuss with classmates and the tutor, and at the end will be sent direct feedback.

Students will be expected to maintain a high level of independence when it comes to reading and writing outside of class sessions.

Students will submit two personal essays over the course.

First Deadline: Wednesday, April 30th

Tutor will respond with feedback by Friday May 2nd

Second Deadline: Wednesday, June 18th

Tutor will respond with feedback by Friday June 20h

Course Outline (by week):


  1. March 8 - The Personal Essay

  2. March 15 - Fiction vs. Nonfiction

  3. March 22 - Recreating Scenes and Dialogue

  4. March 29 -  Structure

  5. April 12 - Creating a Scene/ Exploring Setting

  6. April 19 - Inserting Voice/ The Pivot/ Climax

  7. April 26 - How to Conclude

  8. May 10 - Incorporating Family History

  9. May 17 - Nature Writing

  10. May 24 - Editing and Revising

  11. June 7 - Poetry and Personification

  12. June 14 - Final Class

2月寒假工作坊孩子们在5天工作坊后是如何看待Creative Writing和这个工作坊的:


I haven’t been able to take part in a creative writing class for a long time, not since after starting middle school. What really struck me here is the point of knowing your “self” and bringing out your personal voice out which is something I had been lacking in all the years of doing formal, boring official writing. The details needed to be presented in my work and turning a piece into more vivid scenes with dialogues instead of just me and my thoughts in it is sth I will take with me. This class also made me realize how many aspects in life can be and should be recorded throughout the day. Pieces of life that you see but cannot share are all valuable stuff that could be concluded in creating your own story.
