Opinion on the healthcare industry and its costs?
We looked at healthcare costs, which were exploding a few years ago. Workman's Comp costs have risen dramatically, and are huge for us. $6,000-$7,000 per employee. That's in inflationary part of the US economy and we and our employees can't control it.
我们看过医疗行业的成本问题,几年前它们的成本非常高。Workman's Comp公司的成本急剧上升,对于我们来说成本很高,每名员工的薪水是6000-6000美金。美国经济这时候在经历通货膨胀,我们和员工都无法控制。
Health costs will keep growing and we don't have any answers. But Charlie runs a hospital, so maybe he'll have some insights.
[CM: The quality of the medical care delivered, including the pharmaceutical industry, has improved a lot. I don't think it's crazy for a rich country like the US to spend 15% of on healthcare, and if it rose to 16-17%, it's not a big worry.
But if other countries spend 7-8% [of GDP on healthcare] and have good systems, are we getting a good deal?
Source: BRK Annual Meeting 2003 Tilson Notes
Time: 2003
[Re: The Pharmaceutical Industry]
That industry is in a state of flux right now. It’s historically earned very good returns on invested capital, but it could well be that the world will unfold differently in the future than in the past. I’m not sure I can give you a good answer on that.
Source: BRK Annual Meeting 2003 Tilson Notes
Time: 2003
[CM: A lot of people have made a lot of money selling health insurance. I’ve seen it at Chairman of a central-city hospital [the Good Samaritan Hospital in Los Angeles]. You’re right that there have been a lot of bad ethics. A lot of good ethics, too.
Generally, [investing in the healthcare area] goes into the “too hard” pile – unless Warren’s been keeping something from me.]
No, we’ve never done anything in healthcare.
Source: BRK Annual Meeting 2006 Tilson Notes
Time: 2006
[Re: fixing the U.S. Healthcare System]
Munger: It’s too tough. We can’t solve that one. We try to look for easy problems. We don’t try tough things. Sometimes life hands you a very tough problem you have to wrestle with – not financial problems for us, but personal ones.
If we were looking at a private-sector solution, we’d look for low distribution costs. You don’t want a lot of revenue soaked up in frictional costs, but I don’t know how to do that. If we’re paying 15% of GDP [for healthcare], you’d think someone would figure it out. Maybe this will come up in the upcoming presidential campaign.
Source: BRK Annual Meeting 2007 Tilson Notes
Time: 2007
[Re: Pharma? How do you value the pipeline of drug companies?]
WB: Unlike many businesses, when we invest in pharma, we don’t know the answer on the pipeline, and it’ll be a different pipeline 5 years from now anyway. We don’t know whether Pfizer or Merck, etc, have a better chance, or which of those will come out with a blockbuster. But we do feel we have a group of companies bought at a fair price that, overall, will do well and should offer chances for decent profits. These companies are doing very important things. I could not tell you the potential in the pipeline. A group approach makes sense. It is not the way we would go at banks. If you buy pharma at a reasonable multiple, you will probably do okay 5-10 years from now.
Source: BRK Annual Meeting 2008 Boodell Notes
Time: 2008
Berkshire has invested in several insurance companies, would you go into the health insurance business?
No. Health insurance is so ingrained into national policy that it is a tough business. I’m not really that excited about it from a business perspective. I don’t want to write policies with high loan loss ratios. That being said, I would buy the stock of an undervalued healthcare insurer.
Source: Q&A with 6 Business Schools
Time: Feb 2009
What do you think of the telecoms industry?
I don't have the faintest idea how to evaluate what telecom companies will look like down the road. I only understand a little of what they do. I suppose if you gave me some information, I could regurgitate it back to you but in terms of understanding their economic characteristics down the road, I don't know. Charlie, what do you know about the telecom business?
[CM: Less than you do.]
I know people will be drinking Coke, using Gillette blades and eating Snickers bars in 10-20 years and have rough idea of how much profit they'll be making. But I don't know anything about telecom.
It doesn't bother me. Somebody will make money on cocoa beans, but not me. I don't worry about what I don't know -- I worry about being sure about what I do know.
[CM: Berkshire in its history has made money betting on sure things.]
We might buy some junk bonds in that business [telecom], and we have, but we expect losses in junk bonds -- though we expect a decent result -- because we're dealing with institutions that have demonstrated problems. In some cases -- not at all with Level 3 -- there are management issues. We expect to have significant losses, and we haven't seen our biggest loss yet, believe me. It's like being an insurer of substandard risks -- you'll have more accidents, but can charge a premium.
我们可能会在通信行业里买入一些垃圾债券,我们确实也买了一些。虽然我希望收益良好,但我们确实面临着损失,因为这个行业确实出现了一些问题。有些公司面临着管理问题——不仅仅是Level 3面临这样的问题(美国一家通信公司)。我们预计将来会面临严重损失,虽然目前还没有,但是肯定会的。就好像是为次标准风险承保一样——你会面临着更多的事故,但是可以溢价收费。
We don't buy businesses in which 15 will be train wrecks and 85 will work out OK.