专栏名称: 独霸上海的妖怪
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独霸上海的妖怪  · 公众号  ·  · 2020-03-04 21:36


”看美剧学英文“专栏第十三期来了。 这期推荐给大家一部几乎家喻户晓的经典美剧:Modern Family ,中文名为《摩登家庭》,目前已更新至最终季第11季,豆瓣评分高达9.5分。

这是一部又搞笑又温馨的情景喜剧,有时候让你捧腹大笑,有时候又让你感到无比温暖,十分迷人,连 奥巴马在采访中都曾表示"For the girls and me, Modern Family, that's our favourite show."

这部剧陪伴了我整个大学时代。它在无数个灰暗时刻带给我欢乐,同时也让我体悟到许多在童年缺失的「爱的教育」,教会我如何做儿女,未来如何成为合格的父母,如何处理亲密关系, 如何看待LGBT人群,如何理解少数族裔......等等学校教育鲜少涉及的内容。




从2017年起,我开始把这些追剧笔记陆陆续续电子化,每天都会在微博@Lexie的英语窝上分享《摩登家庭》里的5个地道表达,欢迎大家跟我一起追剧,一起日积月累地道表达。 接下来的一段时间,我也会将微博上的碎片知识整理成文发布在公众号上,一周一更,与大家一同分享。

今天我们来学习美剧Mordern Family 第11季第1-2集的十个高频语言点。 大家注意用心体会,通过朗读、背诵例句、主动造句等方式学习和不断巩固,直至能运用自如。


have sth written all over it

A has B written all over it 是一个很形象的表达,字面上的意思是“A上写的全是B”,表示“A明显有B的性质,A显然受到B的影响” (to show clearly the quality mentioned or the influence of the person mentioned) ,我们可以这个表达来描述某人或某物的特征,比如:
◇It was a performance with star quality written all over it . 这次演出显然明星气派十足。

我们来尝试造个句: 这首歌俨然是周杰伦的手笔。
◇This song has Jay Chou written all over it .

再扩展一个类似的表达 be written all over the face ,表示情绪“写在脸上” (If an emotion is written all over someone's face, it is clear what they are feeling) 比如”他满脸愧疚“,我们可以说 Guilt was written all over her face .

再比如“他对她的感觉完全写在了他脸上”,我们可以说 His feelings for her were written all over his face.

have sth against sth

have sth against sb/sth 表示“因 … 而讨厌某人/某事”,相当于dislike sb/sth, disapprove of sb/sth,比如:
What do you have against Ruth? She's always been good to you. 你为什么不喜欢鲁思? 她一直对你很好。

我们可以把 What do you have against sb/sth? 这个句型背下来,表达“你对...有什么意见”?


我们也可以把句型 I don't have anything against sth 背下来,表示“我对...没有任何意见”。

近义表达还有 have a problem with sth ,也可表示“对...有意见”。

rise above sth

rise above sth 表示“摆脱,战胜,克服”困难或问题 (to not be affected or limited by problems, insults, etc) ,比如:
◇She had the courage and determination to rise above her physical disability. 她有战胜自身残疾的勇气和决心。

rise above sth 还可表示“不受…影响,不为…所动” (to be wise enough or morally good enough not to do sth wrong or not to think the same as other people) ,比如:
◇ I try to rise above prejudice. 我尽力摆脱偏见。

rise above sth 与我们熟悉的 be over sb 有异曲同工之妙,剧中Manny完整的一句话是: I need to prove to myself that I'm over her , that I can rise above it and be professional.

pile on

pile sth on sb pile作名词是“摞,堆”的意思,想象老板把一堆文件放在你面前的样子,动词短语pile sth on sb便表示 “给…增加工作,使负担加重”( to give sb a lot of sth to do, carry, etc.) ,比如:
◇He felt his boss was piling too much work on him. 他觉得上司派给他的工作太多。


suck-up 为名词,指“马屁精”,来自于动词短语 suck up to sb ,表示“拍马屁,奉承,巴结” ( to try to please sb in authority by praising them too much, helping them, etc, in order to gain some advantage for yourself)

类似的表达还有名词 toady , 以及动词短语 toady up to sb ,比如《经济学人》一篇关于华为的文章有这样一句话:
◇Many Americans and other friends of Britain will be appalled by its decision and fear that the country is being naiveand toadying up to China. 许多美国人和英国的其他盟友会为这个决定感到震惊,担心英国太过天真, 是在讨好中国。

asskissing 也可表示”拍马屁“这一行为。动词短语为 kiss sb's ass

assert oneself

assert oneself 表示“坚持自己的主张,积极表达自己的意见” (to behave in a confident and determined way so that other people pay attention to your opinions) 。比如:
◇I really must assert myself more in meetings. 我在会议上确实必须立场更坚定一些。

tone down

tone down tone作名词是“语气,口气,腔调”的意思,动词短语tone down 字面义是“把口气放下来”,即“使...缓和,更温和“ (to make a speech, an opinion, etc. less extreme or offensiveto make a speech, an opinion, etc. less extreme or offensive) ,比如:
◇The language of the article will have to be toned down for the mass-market. 这篇文章的措辞必须缓和一下以适合大众市场。


pedestrian [pəˈdestriən] 作名词表示”行人“,作形容词本义是”行人的“,也可表示”缺乏想象的,乏味的“ (without any imagination or excitement; dull) 近义表达还有unimaginative, dull, banal, boring。比如:
◇I drove home contemplating my own more pedestrian lifestyle. 我开车回家,一路上思考着自己更为乏味的生活方式。

be hard on sb

be hard on sb/sth 是口语里的高频表达, 表示”严厉对待,严格批评“某人 (to treat or criticize sb in a very severe or strict way) 。比如:
◇Don't be too hard o n him—he's very young. 别对他太苛刻了 —— 他还很小呢。
比如有人说你爱豆不好,你可以回复说:Don't be too hard on him/her!

类似的表达还有 be harsh on sb :

kick in

kick in 表示“开始生效,起作用” (If something kicks in, it begins to take effect) 比如:
◇Reforms will kick in later this year. 改革将于今年下半年开始见效。
◇When you're confronted with the problem, emotions kick in , fear kicks in, and you don't always do the rational and thought-out approach. 当面临这个问题时,人会变得情绪激动、恐惧不安,你不一定总能采取理性且慎重的方法。

kick in 还可表示“捐献,捐助” (to give your share of money or help) 。比如:
◇Everyone agreed to kick in 50 cents for a present for the teacher.Everyone agreed to kick in 50 cents for a present for the teacher. 大家都同意每人缴付5角钱给老师买一件礼物。

◇American liberals, worried that Trump’s rise threatened the country’s fundational Enlightment ideals, kicked in a significant flow of funds that has stabilised the nonprofit’s balance sheet. 由于担心特朗普的崛起威胁美国基本的启蒙理念,美国的自由派人士投入大笔资金稳定了这个非营利性组织的收支。

