专栏名称: 北京城市实验室BCL
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北京城市实验室BCL  · 公众号  ·  · 2019-09-07 10:10


2019年9月3日下午,由清华大学恒隆房地产研究中心与清华大学建筑学院联合举办的 “智慧城市-城市规划信息化及城市空气质量提升” 主题研讨会在清华大学建筑学院王泽生会议厅成功举行。

本次交流会由清华大学建筑学院龙瀛主持,邀请了澳大利亚新南威尔士大学城市未来研究中心Christopher Pettit教授、CUPUM主席做了主题演讲,四十余位清华大学师生参加了会议。 Pettit教授介绍了城市信息收集及模型建立的方法,并且阐述了城市信息化对于未来城市发展的重要性。 信息的收集,分析和表达是智慧城市的基石,在城市可持续发展,城市弹性,住宅发展,高效公共服务,公众娱乐,公共健康服务和城市竞争力等多个方面有着重大的意义。 会议为清华学生提供了与知名学者沟通交流的机会,并对智慧城市的发展研究起到了积极的推动作用。


City Analytics & Smart Cities-

Informing urban planning

and air quality improvements

Prof.Christopher J Pettit

Chris Pettit is the inaugural professor of Urban Science and Associate Director of the City Futures Research Centre, UNSW Sydney. Prof Pettit recently (2018) established the Master of City Analytics Program at UNSW, the first of its kinds in Australia and one of only a handful of courses in the world which is focused on  upskilling the next generation of practitioners and policy-makers with the ability to work with data-driven approaches for understanding the inherent complexity of the city.


Prof Pettit also recently (2018) established the  City Analytics Lab (CAL), a dedicated space designed to support collaborative city planning and user-centred design


In the last few years he been an investigator on a number of ARC, CRC and Industry projects including Chief Investigator on the Rapid Analytics Interactive Scenario Explorer Toolkit and more recently – “Value Australia – Sharpening our land and property decisions with Artificial Intelligence”.

Prof Pettit’s expertise is in the convergence of the fields of city planning and digital technologies including Geographical Information Sciences (GIS). He has given numerous keynote addresses at conferences around the world and has published more than 200 peer reviewed papers. For the last 25 years, he has been undertaking research and development in the use of digital planning tools to support the envisioning of future city scenarios. His research expertise also spans into applications, development and the evaluation of geographical visualization tools including, advanced spatial decision support systems and city dashboards. He is currently Chair of the Board of Directors of CUPUM (Computers in Urban Planning and Urban Management) and on the International Advisory Board for the “Geo for all” initiative.

