目前课题组已开发了一系列代谢调控的新策略,创制了多条新颖的生物合成途径,并工程化改造了多种微生物用于疾病诊断和益生菌治疗;近五年在Biosensor and Bioelectronics、Cell Reports Methods、Natural Product Reports、ACS Synthetic Biology等国际知名期刊发表36篇(其中:通讯作者34篇,中科院分区TOP期刊20篇),撰写两个Elsevier章节,申请发明专利20项并获批6项,荣获2022年厦门大学“田昭武学科交叉奖”一等奖;近五年主持包括国家自然科学基金面上项目、企业委托合作项目等6项,累计到位经费约500万元。
1. Anqi Chen*, Jifeng Yuan*. Fermentation utilizing engineered microbes: revolutionizing the production of commercial products from plant-derived bioactive compounds. Elsevier, Book Chapter, 2024, 153-201
2. Bixia Fu#, Cheng Cheng#, Jianqian Fan, Jifeng Yuan*. Designing and engineering synthetic microbiota to utilize plant lignin-based biomass for the synthesis of bioactive compounds. Elsevier, Book Chapter, 2024, 89-124
3. Haofeng Chen, Shan Jiang, Kaixuan Xu, Ziyu Ding, Jiangkai Wang, Mingfeng Cao*, Jifeng Yuan*. Design of thermo-responsive genetic controls with minimal heat-shock response. ACS Synthetic Biology, 2024, Under review
4. Peiling Wu, Ding Luo, Yuezhou Wang, Xiaoxu Shang, Binju Wang, Xianming Deng, Jifeng Yuan*. A two-step enzymatic cascade for synthesis of diverse Ephedra-type alkaloids. Green Chemistry, 2024, Submitted
5. Wenhao Xia, Yongbin Chen, Fengxing Yu, Xiaoyu Wei, Zhen Chen, Jifeng Yuan, Mingfeng Cao*, Ning He*. Cell-free expression system: from basic research to engineering application. Biotechnology Advances, 2024, Under review