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农学 | 2区SCI期刊专刊信息3条

Call4Papers  · 公众号  · 科研  · 2021-03-17 09:29



Deep-Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography

Special Issue on An Ocean Perspective on CMIP6 Climate Model Evaluations

全文截稿: 2021-05-15

影响因子: 2.697


• 大类 : 地球科学 - 2区

• 小类 : 海洋学 - 2区


The Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP) provides enormous datasets mainly produced by climate models for climate variability and change research. The latest (sixth) phase of CMIP (CMIP6) outputs has been published on the Earth System Grid Federation (ESGF). Therefore, it is necessary and urgent to evaluate the performances of CMIP6, how the CMIP6 has made progress compared with previous generation models, and the climate change in the future. This special issue will solicit topics in climate variability and change evaluations of CMIP6 model simulations that emphases on ocean component.

Submissions in, but not limited to, the following research areas, are invited:

· The evaluation and analysis of the ocean (including sea-ice) simulation (mean state, variability, and extreme events) of CMIP6 models.

· The progress of the ocean (including sea-ice) simulation (mean state, variability, and extreme events) of CMIP6 models compared with previous generation models.

· The past, current, and future climate of the ocean (including sea-ice) simulated by the CMIP6 models.”


Environmental Science & Policy

Call for papers of Special Issue on Transdisciplinary Sustainability Research ?? Linking research processes and outputs to societal effects

全文截稿: 2021-07-31

影响因子: 4.767


• 大类 : 环境科学与生态学 - 2区

• 小类 : 环境科学 - 2区


Globally, expanding coastal populations and economic activities have resulted in coastal zones becoming global hotspots of commercial, residential, industrial and transport infrastructure. The livelihoods of millions of people are nowadays intimately linked to coastal environments, and societal reliance on coastal resources and ecosystem services is ever increasing. However, coastal environments are intrinsically dynamic which, when compounded by human-induced environmental changes and pressures, creates unprecedented challenges for coastal areas worldwide.

Around the coast of Africa, there has been significant progress in analyzing the dynamics of coastal environments, investigating habitats and species, as well as assessing and managing human uses of the coast. Despite this, the rising pressures from climate change, population growth, urbanization, pollution and over-exploitation of resources, have expanded the type and magnitude of coastal hazards experienced along the African coastline. Chronic and emerging coastal issues, such as coastal erosion, habitat fragmentation and species decline, extreme events and sea level rise, loss of resilient coastal ecosystems or increased exposure and vulnerability of coastal communities, are major barriers to sustainable socio, economic and environmental development in African coastal zones. Many of which remain under-reported in the scientific literature.

Thus, to advance the understanding and management of coastal hazards in Africa, this Special Issue of Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science (ECSS) aims to showcase the exciting, high-quality and innovative research on coastal hazards focused on the African coast. We welcome contributions that fit ECSS scope and explore coastal, estuarine and marine hazards with a regional focus on Africa and that demonstrate novelty and content that is internationally relevant. All submissions will be subject to the rigorous peer-review and editorial processes undertaken at ECSS.

ECSS is an international multidisciplinary peer-reviewed journal focussed on the study of the oceanography of estuaries, coastal zones and continental shelf seas. If features original research papers, review papers and short communications in a wide range of disciplines that investigate coastal and marine processes. Its coverage spans zoology, botany, geology, sedimentology, physical oceanography and more. Full details on the ECSS scope, publications options and submission guidelines can be found here.


Food Bioscience

Special issue on Recent development of lactic acid bacteria and their metabolites on food quality, food safety and human health

全文截稿: 2021-09-01

影响因子: 3.067
