Mr Saktiandi Supaat
asked the Minister for Digital Development and Information (a) whether current regulation of social media companies includes an ability to review the behind-the-scenes algorithms that such companies employ to push content to users; and (b) if not, whether the Ministry will consider that in the next round of strengthening regulations to mitigate the risks of harmful social media content to Singapore users.
Mrs Josephine Teo
: Singapore's approach to online content regulations is outcome-based. We focus on ways to minimise exposure of harmful online content to Singapore users, regardless of how the content is generated or how the exposure comes about. We continue to monitor regulations elsewhere, including Europe and the United States, that seek to mandate transparency over the algorithms used by social media platforms. We note that these regulatory approaches are still in the early stages of development and there is no consensus on their effectiveness in ensuring online safety.
Under the Code of Practice for Online Safety for social media services, designated social media services have to ensure that their users have access to tools on their platforms to manage their own safety, such as tools to restrict visibility of harmful content and unwanted interactions. The Code also requires platforms to ensure that children must not be targeted to receive content that is detrimental to their physical and mental well-being, and put in place more restrictive account settings. The Code does not prescribe how the designated social media services are to implement these measures.
To enhance online safety, the Code also mandates that designated social media services submit annual accountability reports to the Infocomm Media Development Authority (IMDA). These reports must contain information about measures that they have put in place to combat harmful content and improve users' safety. IMDA is currently reviewing the first annual online safety reports and will subsequently publish the findings.
We will continue to study the evolving online landscape and review if additional regulations for social media services are needed as part of our ongoing efforts to enhance online safety in Singapore.