Mr Mark Lee
asked the Minister for Defence whether the Ministry will consider adjusting the compensation framework for National Servicemen, particularly those who are primary homemakers, by providing the option for their Make-Up Pay to be calculated based on their spouse’s income in cases where their spouse must take unpaid leave to manage household and caregiving duties while the NSman attends Operationally Ready National Service activities.
Dr Ng Eng Hen
: Under the present system, the Singapore Armed Forces pays for the declared income of Operationally Ready National Servicemen (NSmen) during their In-Camp Training and other NS duties. In September 2022, a base NS pay was set at $1,600 per month for all NSmen, regardless of employment status, that is, those who are not employed or are homemakers will receive some financial support for their period of duty.
This system of compensation has served us well and should be maintained without extending it to include the income of the spouse. The family structures of NSmen vary and MINDEF recognises that other family members may have to shoulder more family responsibilities when NSmen are on duty.
These efforts are recognised through NSmen tax relief, which wives and parents of NSmen are eligible for, as well as NS Home awards, which provides financial benefits to NSmen families for their housing, medical and education needs.
Financial support aside, NSmen are typically notified of their call-ups up to six months in advance so that suitable arrangements can be planned early for work, household or caregiving responsibilities. If circumstances of urgent or compassionate nature require NSmen to miss a portion of their NS duties, NSmen can also apply for compassionate leave or time-off.