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This
is
Minute
English
from
Learning
English
.
com
.
这里是
bbclearningenglish
.
com
英语六分钟节目。
Jennifer
:
Hello
and
a
very
warm
and
friendly
welcome
to
the
first
Minute
English
of
2013.
My
name
is
Jennifer
and
with
me
in
the
studio
for
today's
programme
is
Callum
.
Happy
New
Year
!
大家好!欢迎收听2013年第一期
英语六分钟。我是詹妮佛,今天和我一起主持节目的是卡勒姆。卡勒姆,新年快乐!
Callum
:
Hi
Jen
–
happy
New
Year
!
你好,詹妮,新年快乐!
Jennifer
:
Have
you
made
any
New
Year's
resolutions
this
year
?
resolution
is
something
that
you
decide
you
are
going
to
do
for
that
year
–
my
resolution
is
that
I'm
going
to
get
fit
and
go
to
the
gym
at
least
twice
a
week
.
卡勒姆,你制订了什么新年计划?所谓
resolution
(计划,决议)就是你决定在新的一年里要做的事情。我的新年计划是我要锻炼健身,而且每周至少去两次健身房。
Callum
:
Well
,
don't
really
believe
in
making
resolutions
,
as
can
never
stick
to
them
,
but
for
the
sake
of
the
programme
,
I'll
say
that
my
resolution
is
to
eat
less
junk
food
and
to
be
a
bit
healthier
in
general
.
我真的不太相信新年计划,因为我从来都坚持不下来。不过为了节目需要,我也做个新年计划:少吃垃圾食品,让自己更健康一些。
Jennifer
:
That's
not
a
bad
idea
.
But
what
would
you
think
about
becoming
kinder
in
2013?
想法不错。不过,你觉得让自己在2013年变得更善良这个计划怎样?
Callum
:
Don't
you
think
I'm
kind
enough
already
?
难道你觉得我不够善良?
Jennifer
:
do
think
you're
quite
a
kind
person
,
but
maybe
you
could
try
harder
?
我觉得你是一个非常善良的人。但或许你可以再善良一点。
Callum
:
Now
,
hang
on
a
second
!
稍等一下!
Jennifer
:
Before
you
get
cross
,
listen
to
today's
story
–
it's
all
about
a
study
in
America
,
which
has
shown
that
performing
a
kind
act
every
day
can
have
lots
of
benefits
for
you
in
your
work
life
and
your
social
life
.
在你发脾气之前,我们还是先听听今天的故事吧。该故事和美国的一项研究有关,研究显示,每天做点善事可以给你的工作生活和社会生活带来很多好处。
Callum
:
That
sounds
interesting
…
听起来还挺有趣的。
Jennifer
:
but
before
we
get
to
the
story
,
I've
got
a
question
for
you
to
answer
.
We've
talked
already
about
New
Year's
resolutions
,
so
what
is
the
most
commonly
broken
resolution
–
what's
the
thing
that
people
start
out
doing
,
but
then
don't
continue
?
Is
it
:
a
)
stopping
smoking
;
b
)
losing
weight
and
getting
fit
;
c
)
travelling
但在听故事之前,我要给你出一道题。刚刚我们讨论了新年计划,那么你知道最常被打破的新年计划是什么吗?也就是说人们开始打算做某事,但后来又放弃了?是戒烟,减肥并保持健康,还是旅行呢?
Callum
:
Well
,
I'm
going
to
go
with
b
)
think
losing
weight
and
getting
fit
;
think
that's
something
that's
very
difficult
for
people
to
actually
do
.
我选
b
,减肥并保持健康。我觉得人们真的很难做到这一点。
Jennifer
:
We'll
find
out
if
you're
right
at
the
end
of
the
programme
.
Now
,
let's
take
a
closer
look
at
today's
story
.
It's
about
a
study
done
on
schoolchildren
in
America
.
They
were
asked
to
carry
out
three
random
acts
of
kindness
each
week
.
好的,在节目的最后,我们再看你的回答是否正确。现在我们继续探讨今天的故事吧。这个故事和对美国小学生的研究有关。小学生被要求每周随机做三次善举。
Callum
:
If
something
is
random
,
it
means
it's
unplanned
.
So
,
a
random
act
of
kindness
means
that
you
do
something
for
someone
that
you
haven't
planned
to
do
,
just
to
be
nice
.
random
是指未经计划就去做某事。所以,随机善举指的是你并没有计划去为某人做某事,而仅仅是出于好意才去做的。
Jennifer
:
It's
a
lovely
idea
.
But
what
could
a
random
act
of
kindness
be
?
Listen
to
this
first
part
of
a
report
from
correspondent
Victoria
Gill
.
See
if
you
can
identify
some
of
the
random
acts
of
kindness
she
mentions
.
这个主意不错。但什么样的行为才叫随机善举呢?我们来听听
记者维多利亚·吉尔的第一部分报告,看看你能否听出她所提到的几种随机善举。
This
team
of
psychologists
instructed
classrooms
of
nine
to
eleven
-
year
-
old
students
to
carry
out
three
random
acts
of
kindness
per
week
.
These
could
be
anything
from
giving
a
stressed
parent
a
hug
to
offering
to
share
lunch
with
a
friend
.
心里专家们指导九到十一岁的小学生每周完成三次随机善举。善举的范围很广:他们可以给焦虑的父母一个拥抱,也可以和朋友共享午餐。
Jennifer
:
What
random
acts
of
kindness
did
she
mention
?
卡勒姆,她都提到了哪些随机善举?
Callum
:
The
first
example
given
was
giving
a
stressed
parent
a
hug
.
If
you're
stressed
,
you're
worried
and
under
pressure
.
第一个例子是给焦虑的父母一个拥抱。
stressed
是指你觉得焦虑不安,有压力。
Jennifer
:
So
that's
a
random
act
of
kindness
that
makes
you
feel
good
and
doesn't
cost
anything
to
do
.
What
other
examples
were
given
?
所以这种善举可以让人感觉良好,而且不需要任何成本。维多利亚·吉尔还举了什么例子?
Callum
:
Offering
to
share
lunch
with
a
friend
.
Would
you
be
prepared
to
share
your
lunch
with
me
?
和朋友共享午餐。对了,你愿意和我共享午餐吗?
Jennifer
:
No
!
You
said
you
wanted
to
lose
weight
for
your
New
Year's
resolution
,
so
keep
your
hands
off
my
lunch
!
Seriously
,
though
,
children
between
the
ages
of
nine
and
eleven
took
part
in
this
kindness
study
,
so
what
effects
did
being
kind
have
on
the
children
?
Listen
to
the
second
part
of
Victoria
Gill's
report
:
what
positive
effects
did
the
study
have
?
不!你刚刚还说自己的新年计划是减肥呢,所以别打我午餐的主意!不过说认真的,九到十一岁的学生参加了此项善举研究,那么为人善良对学生有什么影响呢?接下来我们听听维多利亚·吉尔第二部分的报告,看看此项研究有哪些积极影响。
At
the
end
of
the
four
weeks
,
these
kind
acts
had
boosted
the
children's
wellbeing
,
but
they'd
also
shifted
the
dynamics
of
the
whole
classroom
.
The
short
period
of
enforced
kindness
made
children
significantly
more
popular
with
their
peers
;
something
the
researchers
measured
by
asking
every
child
to
nominate
classmates
that
they
would
most
like
to
spend
time
with
.
四周后,这些善良行为不仅提升了学生的幸福感,还改变了整个教室的气氛。除此之外,短期的善意之举还使学生在同龄人中更受欢迎了。研究人员要求每名儿童指出其最想与之在一起的学生,通过这种做法他们得出了上述结论。
Jennifer
:
We
heard
that
the
acts
boosted
the
children's
wellbeing
–
that
means
it
made
them
feel
better
about
themselves
.
It
also
changed
the
dynamics
of
the
classroom
.
Can
you
explain
the
word
'dynamics'
,
Callum
?
我们听到,善良的行为提升了学生的幸福感,也就是说这让他们的自我感觉更加良好。善举还改变了教室里的气氛。卡勒姆,你能解释一下
dynamics
这个词吗?
Callum
:
The
word
'dynamics'
here
refers
to
the
feel
–
the
atmosphere
-
of
the
classroom
;
the
things
that
are
important
to
the
people
in
it
and
the
way
people
act
.
So
,
being
kinder
has
changed
the
general
feeling
in
the
classroom
,
and
made
it
better
.
dynamics
在这句话里是气氛、感觉的意思,即对教室中的人及其举止都很重要的东西。所以为人善良改变了整个教室的气氛,让气氛更和谐了。
Jennifer
:
Another
positive
effect
was
that
children
became
more
popular
with
their
classmates
–
so
people
will
like
you
more
if
you
are
kind
to
them
!
Let's
hear
the
final
part
of
the
report
and
see
if
you
can
identify
an
adjective
which
describes
a
kind